are guys into
phallus-on-phallus sex
in FROT, two guys put their hard cocks together and rub and grind till they shoot
you can FROT in a bearhug
or lying down
or by grippin both cocks in your fist
FROT is super HOT and super INTENSE dude
so ck it out bro and find out why
New to Frot dude?
Click here to find out
Bi, Str8-curious dude?
Cummin up next is a complete list of our
Man2Man Alliance Frot Men Heroic Homosex Domains
But first a word about
You know dude, since the Supreme Court overturned the sodomy laws, there's been a lot of talk in the media about how gay sex = sodomy (that's anal sex dude).
You know what bro??
That's a lie.
Not all gay men do anal sex.
For example, I'm gay and I don't do anal sex.
And not all bi guys do anal sex.
For example, my lover's bi and he doesn't do anal.
You know, if you look at all the guys who have sex with other guys -- and that's a lotta guys dude -- most of em never go near anal.
They don't like the shit, they don't like the disease, and they don't wanna be nobody's bitch.
And they don't wanna make some other guy into their bitch neither.
Cause if they want coochie -- they're gonna go for a girl -- not another guy.
Those guys -- whether they call themselves gay, bi, or straight -- are lookin for cock.
And when they get it on with another guy, bro, they do it cock2cock.
That's what this site is about:
Cause bro
Wanna know more about the theory of frot dude?
Ck out these articles:
Does Sex Have to be Anal to be Gay?
Do Gay Men Have to be Promiscuous?
Is Unwanted Anal Penetration Date Rape?
Are Men Who Have Sex With Men Intergendered?
Gay, Bi, or Straight? Labels are Meaningless
Bug-chasing, Barebacking, and the Safer-Sex Establishment
Click here for a complete list and guide to our
FrotMen Man2ManAlliance HeroicHomosex
Or follow these links to our affiliated sites.
Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution
© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
© All material on this site is Copyright 2000 - 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
All material on this site, including written material, original art, and logos, is protected by copyright.
It may not be reproduced without written permission from Bill Weintraub.
For more information, please read our statement on intellectual property.
Joe and Kyle ... Frot Men Couple of the Month
Kyle and Joe ... Frot Men Couple of the Month
Kyle and Joe met during wrestling practice their sophomore year at Clovis High and have been together ever since.
Joe's father had been desperate to get him out of inner-city Fresno, where he was getting a rep as a street-fighter, and after much hard work was able to afford a modest home in the comparatively benign suburb of Clovis.
Where, he decided, Joe should go into wrestling as a way of dealing with his adolescent aggressive energies.
So that first day Joe showed up, Coach paired him with Kyle, who'd been wrestlin for the Spartans for a year.
They were to practice and wrestle together, and when Joe heard that, he looked Kyle squarely in the eye and said, "Think you can take a black boy?"
Kyle looked right back at him and said, "Think you can beat a white boy?"
Then they both laughed.
Somehow, from the beginning they knew they were going to be friends.
That same day, Kyle ran into Joe as school was letting out, and asked him if he'd like to come to his house and learn a few smooth moves.
Joe didn't have to be asked twice.
"Sure, bro," he said, "I'd like that."
So off they went to Kyle's folks' house in the burbs, where, conveniently, Kyle had a basement bedroom with lots of thick carpet ideal for wrestling practice.
It was a warm autumn day, and they started off in shorts and no shirts.
Within an half hour, Kyle had Joe pushed up hard against the bedroom wall, his head over Joe's shoulder and Joe's over his, while the two frantically dry-humped each other in their gym shorts.
Their teen dude dicks were rock hard and leakin, and the boys were gettin there fast.
But somethin was botherin Kyle.
He slowed the action as best he could and said into Joe's ear, "I promised Pastor that I wouldn't have sex till I got married."
"Yeah," answered Joe, "I told old Father McCormick that too, but after he was caught with the Gonzalez kid, I figured all bets were off."
The two hot studs stood there for a moment, breathin hard with their big dicks still jammed against each other through their shorts.
"Does that mean you think it's okay if we cum?" asked Kyle.
"Fuck yeah!" said Joe. "I think it's gonna be great!"
"Well, if we're gonna do it, let's do it right bro," Kyle said, "and lose these shorts."
"Awwwwww fuck yeah!!," Joe yelled, and within seconds the two young studs were havin their first experience of pure skin on skin bone on bone.
It was as though their bodies had been super-charged with super potent testosterone.
Which they had.
Every muscle got hard, every nerve came alive, their bodies tingled with a feeling of electric sex flowin through them, while their thick phalluses throbbed and pulsed and started to mate on their own.
"UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the boys moaned, while more pre-jizz leaked from their hard cockheads.
Now they began rubbing and grinding their hard teen tools in fierce earnest, and it felt as though everything which had happened to them before in their lives was just a preparation for this one cosmic moment.
His head still over Kyle's shoulder, his heart poundin along with his, Joe thought of how badly he wanted to feel Kyle's lips with his own.
He was worried about how Kyle would take it, but finally he couldn't resist, and pulled back his head far enough to let his lips brush lightly over his buddy's.
Kyle groaned deep, and, grabbin the back of Joe's head, jammed their lips together and pushed his tongue down his handsome friend's throat.
That was it.
Both boys moaned, and their bodies gripped each other even harder as their two massive teen mantools shot out wad after wad of creamy white jizz, their powerful jaculator muscles shooting the cum into the air and onto their pecs and abs before it flowed down to cover their cocks and balls.
The two handsome wrestlin warriors slowly slid down the wall and lay together embraced on the floor.
They didn't speak.
They just lay entwined with each other and let their sperm unite their bodies and souls.
After awhile they began kissing and feeling each other, lightly at first, and then with more and more passion as their warrior dicks hardened and they resumed their ecstatic Frot Man grind.
They felt completely bonded through their cocks, united as men by the mystic phallic power of their ferocious dicks, which fought and made love simultaneously.
They came two more times that day, and that was it -- somehow their lives had been completely altered by the experience, and from that time forward, they were inseparable.
Their grades were good and they both made the team, so their parents didn't mind and didn't ask, while their schoolmates were in awe of the two wrestling studs.
Two years later, after they'd discovered the Alliance and got in touch with me, I caught up with them for a day as they prepared to go off to college and ROTC.
I asked them if they thought their pledges of abstinence had impacted that first and seminal experience.
"Oh yeah!" said Kyle.
"Although we'll never know for sure, I think if we'd been fuckin around before that, the experience wouldn't have been the same, and we might have both moved on to other partners."
"Instead," said Joe, "we knew we were each other's first, that we'd kept ourselves pure till we could feel in our hearts that what we were doing was right."
"That really mattered. Because it meant we could completely let ourselves go, and be there for each other in way we'd never been before -- for anybody."
I asked if their love-making had changed since that day.
"No," answered Kyle, "we always make love face to face, heart to heart, and cock to cock."
"That's the only way we want to do it," added Joe.
"As men -- men who love each other."
Did they think their experience as fighters and wrestlers had affected them and they way they related to each other.
"Definitely man," said Joe, "we thought then and we think now of each other as warriors -- we are good dudes fightin the good fight -- and we're always there for each other."
"Plus, added Kyle, "we both started trainin in kenpo and jiu jitsu senior year, and we're gonna continue that at State -- that's one of the reasons we're goin where we're goin -- so we can continue growin as Frot Men and Warriors."
I asked if their being perceived as a mixed race couple and men who love men had ever gotten them in trouble.
"Naw," said Joe. "Nobody messes with us around here -- they know they'd have too much of a fight."
"And they know they'd lose."
"Plus a lot of the younger guys respect us," added Kyle. "They can see what we've got and they know they'd like it too."
What about women and marriage I asked.
"Yeah, we both know we'd like to have kids, and both know we wanna do it the old-fashioned way -- fatherin our own kids with women we love," said Kyle.
"We're not sure how that's gonna play out," continued Joe. "We just know that we love each other, and that we'll work it out."
"Yeah," added Kyle, "we've talked to the folks at bi-net about gender monogamy, and we know that's what we want."
"We think we'll find women who'll accept it too."
"Of course most women won't now, but that'll change -- groups like the Alliance and bi-net are helpin that change to happen."
I was struck by how self-assured and in love these young warriors were.
Do you have a message for young guys just comin up or for older dudes too?
"Yeah," they said. "Stay pure, stay true, stay true to yourself and your dream -- and you'll find the man who's right for you."
Then Kyle handed me a sheet of paper.
"This is how we make love man. Maybe you'll post it so other guys can know just how good it can be."
Dudes, we train every day.
Afterwards, our bodies pumped and our souls in love, we FROT. Skin on skin and bone on bone, we go at it with fervor and ferocity, the ferocity of men who love men.
Our thick dude dicks collide over and over again as we roll crazily around the floor, locked in an iron tight bearhug while our rock hard rods slam and jam.
Lips locked, tongues wrestling, we grip each other fiercely as our hard cocks grind and pound into each other, our heavy teen dude jizz-filled nut sacs crashing and slapping into each other, while spit spills from one mouth to the other and our hard bodies gleam with warrior sweat.
Long sessions of super hot cock-to-cock end explosively when us Frot Men and Cock Warriors shoot huge wads of creamy white hot Cockrub Warrior Frot Man jizz onto our pecs, abs, and hard cocks.
Then, with long lingering kisses we renew our pledge of eternal love, before falling asleep in each other's powerful and manly arms.
That's what it's like for us bros.
And that's what it can be like for you too -- if you're true to yourself and your dream.
So remember guys:
Cockrub Warriors Rule!
Frot Men Rock!
Kyle and Joe
Whaddya think guys?
Does that sound good to you?
I hope so dudes.
cum brothers eternal
© All material on this site is Copyright 2000 - 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
All material on this site, including written material, original art, and logos, is protected by copyright.
It may not be reproduced without written permission from Bill Weintraub.
For more information, please read our statement on intellectual property.
Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution
© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.