
A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal



A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


After discovering your website, I finally feel like a normal person. I've spent so many years confused, trying to figure out what I was. I definitely knew that I didn't want the stereotypes from the word "gay" to apply to me because that wasn't me. I've been so unhappy because I've had to keep this secret of who I was inside. I really only tolerated the whole anal thing in my fantasies because I didn't know of anything else. But I've always had this frot fantasy in the back of my mind. Just laying on my stomach in bed, thinking about being with a man, turns me on more than any anal porno movie.

I love fighting, wrestling, masculinity, and aggression, all in a civil, competitive way. I'm a huge fan of fighting movies, the ultimate fighting championships, and comic books. I flip through the sportspage all the time just to see glimpses of any level of wrestling. All my life I've had this affinity for a male companion. A brother, a best friend, a soulmate and an equal. I thought I was alone. I thought that I would never be happy or be intimate with a human being. I tried being with girls but every experience was empty.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you for this website. I've spent all day since 9:00 a.m. reading your website. I love the terms warrior and buddy to describe a male to male relationship. I remember being younger and wrestling with my friends. I would get erect but it was hardly sexual. It was just something in the moment of wrestling with someone who you considered a great buddy.

It feels so great to associate my identity with traits that don't disgust me. One more time. THANK YOU.



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


previously polakie11 - change of nickname for various reasons, but anyways:

all I really feel like saying is welcome.

so, welcome.


Robert Loring

Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Welcome Randy !!

I think for many of us discovering this website and that there are other men like us makes all of us feel normal and not so alone. I know what you mean about spending so many years confused and trying to figure out what I am as the stereotypical "gay" label does not fit me either nor any of us here for that matter.

I too spent many years unhappy because I could not tell people who I was inside. When I have had gay friends, which has been rarely, they have always commented to me how they do not think I'm gay because I like wrestling, agression, war movies, etc. I used to reject their comments and tell them I was gay but anymore I just agree with them and tell them they are right, I am not gay, I am a cockrub warrior into man to man frot. Of course most of them have no clue as to what this

I too dated girls and even went as far as getting married once (big mistake). These relationships always seemed empty to me and I did not feel free when I was involved in them. In gay relationships I felt the same emptiness and lack of freedom also. In fact, the only time I have felt free and fulfilled is when I have had relationships with other men into frot.

In relationships with men into frot I have also felt a brotherhood very strongly and this is ultimately what I have searched for because of the equality and the freedom to be who I am inside and my partner can be what he is inside freely also.

For myself, stumbling upon this site was a breath of fresh air and a sort of liberation. Discovering that you are not "weird" or "alone" is a great relief and inspiration. Discovering that you have another option besides the gay thing is an even BIGGER relief!!

CR Warriors are brothers and soul mates and we honor our masculinity instead of dishonoring it be submitting ourselves to the BFD of the gay community. We can love men and still be men. We can be manly and scrap the macho crap. We can just simply be ourselves and feel a sense of love, belongingness, and honor.

Again, I welcome you Randy and I am glad you found your way here among us.

Sir Robert



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal

Thanks for the welcome post. I definately found this website to be liberating. Growing up, I kept myself from getting close with anybody. I never talked to people; most of my family members were concerned about me. I went home this weekend cause my birthday was on the 16. I was a very different person and I owe it to this website. I was ashamed when I was with my family, but finding people like myself has, in a few days, changed my outlook on life. Instead of always feeling apart from people and lacking self confidence, I was happy with myself and I enjoyed the time with my family a lot more. Like you said, it just feels great knowing other men exist like myself.



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Man! I figured a site of this nature was to be found a hundred years in the future, after the fall of the tyranny of 'fags' over m2m relations. Instead I find it now; perhaps their tyranny is ending.

The title of this discussion is precisely what I have been looking for in a partner. I tried, but knew I would not find him in the 'gay' community, of which I was never a part.

Long ago I abandoned my study of classic m2m relations, such as those found in ancient Greece and among Spartan warriors, simply because no one else after c.1900 CE seemed to give a damn. I look forward to renewing these studies, beginning with the information presented here.

While I do not know if I will agree with all of it, I do know that it is a step in the right direction, and welcome what appears to be the re-claiming of healthy sexual relations between men.



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


an email from luke, author of Beatific on this board

What Randy says about that liberated feeling that comes with knowing other men share the same desire is true. I guess I haven't made the leap from the knowledge in my heart that what Stephen and I did was a normal, healthy, pure act and the love I felt was real and reconciling it to the lessons I learned in my head that it was wrong, wrong, wrong. Perhaps it's the years of reinforcement I got from my dad, myself and from society at large. But I don't want to lay blame. I want that affirmative knowledge to permeate my soul and I sometimes despair that it won't. But I think that's my problem, not yours.

I get tired of mourning something that today feels like a love I never had, that was dreamt in a world that never existed. Maybe it's something I'm working through and the desparate, disparate thoughts come from writing and reliving it. Maybe not. The knowledge that afflicts me is I know it was real, it was thoughtlessly taken and I was expected to just get over it. Well, it ain't happening. And it never will. I don't like living with that, but what other choice do I have?

Thanks for always listening.


Robert Loring

Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


First, Happy Birthday Randy!!

You have no reason to be ashamed and I hope your self confidence continues to grow. I have found that coming to this site often and just reading many of the posts helps self confidence alot as well as talking to some of the members.

Brutalboyy, I hope you do continue your studies. It's high time that the BFD of gay anal culture be taken down. Knowledge is power and through studies and sites like this we gain knowledge and power to fight the status quo which exsists in the gay/bi community.

We need to spread the message to other men that you do not have to surrender masculinity for femininity. Frot is an alternative way that does not demean a man or try to make him into something he is not. Frot is also a healthier way and safer way. I think many men are locked into the BFD of the gay community as "prisoners" and would get out if they realized there was another option such as frot.

All great world changing movements in human history have begun with small groups and they have spread their message one by one until it becomes a wildfire. Frot is a message of liberation, self confidence, and manhood. It is a message and way that is void of the shame so freely handed out by the BFD. Be proud to be CR Warriors and be proud of your masculinity!!

Sir Robert


Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Now over the last three days, I've found myself returning to this site, reading the stories and I enjoy looking at the accompanying images.

I decided to post a response to this post "A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal" because of how clearly it resonated with my own experience of myself.

This website has been in general, like a breath of fresh air, after years of inhaling stale air filled with the stench of plebiscites. We've seen where the voice of the majority has led us and now in keeping with Tocqueville's prophetic warning, we have to save ourselves from this new tyranny. The general sensibility I find here on this website seems to suggest a healthier orientation away from those who would parade about feigning superior morality, preferring instead a middle ground where the absolutes of male/female, right/wrong, good/evil are not distorted, blown out of proportion. Instead, they are placed where they should be, side by side so that their differences might complement rather than compete with one another.

Like Randy, I grew up realizing early on that I was different from most people. One of the most notable differences was that even when I was 8 years old, I would have a girlfriend (usually 2 0r 3 years older) whom I would enjoy spending time with. But they would always have a brother with whom I would find myself attracted to as well. As concerns the girls, naturally modesty had prevented us doing anything more than holding hands and as I got older, kissing. This didn't apply to my "friendship" with boys. Being more aggressive and playful not to mention getting to stay at each others' houses invited the kind of exploratory behavior natural to children. We delighted in this alot, learning about the ways our bodies brought pleasure to ourselves and to each other, but I also realized that there was a more emotional/spiritual/mental attenuated form of the same pleasure we experienced when we would wrestle or explore each others' bodies.

As it turned out, it seemed that my "relationships" with my guy friends always seemed to be more fulfilling than with any girl I might find myself attracted to. I'm 26 and over the last 12 years since I have been dating, little has changed except that I think about marriage more than I used to. Yet I feel that there is a part of me I do not want to leave behind. The sad fact is that over the years, I've found fewer guy friends capable of sharing in a friendship such as I've described. Until I found this website, I thought like others, that Greek love was yet another chapter torn from the annals of history leaving us ever more deeply impoverished and isolated from one other. If there are others out their sympathetic to my concerns and interested in reviving a love that has been for centuries unspoken, please respond. A world of relationships ABOUND!!



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Thanks for responding. I would have replied sooner but I haven't had the internet for a while. I really like what you said about the greek idea of love. I just finished reading plato's Symposium and was just amazed at the relationship between men in that society. If I could travel back in time, I would spend as much time as I could in greece. In the last few months I came out to my family and its been so hard to get them to understand my feelings. There's just to many stereotypes out there. I always encourage people to read anything written from ancient greece cause i really believe the relationships that men had back then are natural and what many guys feel today. They just don't feel enabled to act on their feelings. I'm glad you enjoyed my post. This website is great.


David McQuarrie

Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Hi Randy. I can relate with what you're saying. Coming out is not an esay process for most guys. I was fortunate in that my family was and is kewl with who I am and we've become closer because of it. I guess I want to say to you Randy, take your time and be patient. Your family may never truly "understand" who you are as a gay man. I often find that having your family and close friends simply accept you for who you are is a lot easier.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that thought for you to consider.

Take care Randy!

David McQuarrie


11-27-2003 8:08pm

Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal

Hello. I discovered your website about a month ago and I have to say, IT'S ABOUT TIME. I finally found a site where guys are interested in wrestling, frot rub, anything of the like without having to bend over or behave like a woman. My concern is there are other guys on this site who are heterosexual, but realize the necessity for guys to be intimate with guys. Intimacy and sex are not necessarily one in the same. I personally feel guys need other guys for support and to enhance their masculinity. This is true for heterosexual men. I myself am in my late twenties and, don't fall off your chair, am a virgin in every sense of the word. I chose this because, well, I didn't know how to express myself. I would like a friend, a buddy, a brother, who enjoys this as well as have his intimate relationship with his wife, girlfriend, what have you. Let me know what you guys think. Once again, thank you for your website.



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


Hey man, just wanted to say, i know exactly how you feel. Next year I will be beginning my College life, and I hope to find my true Male Soul Mate. Someone who I can rely on, somebody who I can share my feelings, and not have to live in a world of darkness by myslef; also I want to be able to do the same for that person. "Cymbrogi"- "Brothers of the Heart" that, describes it for me, the ultimate in a m2m friendship. Be there for one another, and through the rest of our lives, even when we may go our seperate ways and begin our lives as being the 'Family Man', as for myself I hope to someday get married to a wonderful woman and have a family. It's really kind of hard to explain, but I think that you all can understand! :) but all I can say for time being is... "BrotherHood Rocks!!!"

"Cymbrogi-Brothers of the Heart"



Re: A brother, a best friend, a soulmate, an equal


i recently sent bill an e-mail telling him i was very thankful for this site...he was right....and now i'm hopeful..and clear...i should be with a man, that i could consider my bro, my best friend, a soulmate, an equal, a pal, a play mate, i just realized that if would have wanted an effeminate guy, then i might as well be straight....but then again i'm a frot man and i'm still exploring it and it's really great...effeminacy always turned me off....gentleness is wonderful but i rather have it from a dude who can do so without being effeminate....


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