Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members...The base doctrine of the majority of voices usurps the place of the doctrine of the soul.
This part of the site tells you a bit about and has some excerpts from The Story of Bill and Brett, a book I'm writing about my life with my late lover, Brett Averill, whom I met in 1982 and who died of AIDS in 1995.
After Brett's death, I realized that part of our personal histories had died with him. So I decided to create a chronicle of our lives, one that, because he was a writer as well, would combine his words with my narrative, and in that way give his own thoughts additional life.
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Hyacinthine Love, my signature piece on the Man2Man Alliance and Ares Is Lord sites, is an excerpt from the book, and those of you who've read it have, perhaps, gotten a sense of the interplay between my ideas and Brett's.
And those who've read Hyacinthine Love know that cockrubbing was a very important part of our great love for each other.
In addition, I've now published a sequel and companion piece to Hyacinthine Love, titled Certainties, which goes beyond and expands upon the material in Hyacinthine Love, to further explore both the deeply romantic and mythic nature of our relationship.
So Certainties is important reading.
The Story of Bill and Brett continues to examine the themes of romance and myth, as well as the history of the turbulent times in which Brett and I lived, and, as gay activists, participated.
But although that history is important and will be of interest to a variety of readers, The Story of Bill and Brett is more than anything else an account of the deep and abiding love that developed between two men in an age that denigrated, derided, and sought to destroy such affections.
Combining my narrative with Brett's love letters, essays, articles, and journal entries, The Story of Bill and Brett is a unique factual record of a great romance, told by the two men who lived it.
What follows on this part of the site, then, are
Brief bios of Brett and myself
A description of Brett I wrote for the yahoo club "wrestling stories" called My Very Own Cockrub Warrior
Essays and articles written by Brett, including The Year of Living Desperately.
Some of Brett's lover letters to me, including Cupid's Cock
And some excerpts from the book itself, including Hadrian: A Memoir
And Brett Averill: A Remembrance in Pictures. On my late lover's 45th birthday in 2002, I remembered him in this addition to The Story of Bill and Brett.
I know that fans of Hyacinthine Love and Certainties will enjoy getting to know Brett better -- he was a terrific and very handsome guy, whose life and death had a profound influence on my decision to create Cockrub Warriors and found first The Man2Man Alliance and then Ares Is Lord.
Brett Averill and Bill Weintraub were gay activists and lovers. They met in 1982 and were together until Brett's death in 1995.
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was born in 1957. A journalist and writer, he was the editor of two of the most important gay newspapers in the nation: the New York Native (from 1981 to 1984) and San Francisco's Bay Area Reporter (in 1989). In addition, he was a nationally published author whose work appeared in The Village Voice, Harper's, the Advocate, GCN, Philadelphia Gay News, the Long Island Connection, and Mandate.
Brett died of AIDS in 1995.
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is the gay activist and author who coined the term Frot and who created the Frot Movement.
Bill was born in 1948. A Gay Liberationist, in 1975 he co-founded the Cambridge (MA) Gay Political Caucus; in 1976 served as gay liaison to the Committee to Elect Saundra Graham; in 1977 co-founded Boston Advocates for Human Rights (a support group for gays under attack by Anita Bryant in Dade County, Florida); from 1979 to 1984 was Metropolitan New York Tri-State Coordinator of Field Associates for Gay Rights National Lobby; and from 1983 to 1985 was a founding board member of the New York City Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project.
In 1982 Bill met and became the lover of gay journalist Brett Averill.
After Brett's AIDS diagnosis in 1988, Bill and Brett moved to San Francisco, where Bill was active in the "Yes on S" campaign to pass domestic partnership legislation; and studied Taoist Erotic Massage with Joe Kramer at Joe's Body Electric School.
Following Brett's death in 1995, Bill started writing his and his late lover's life histories.
It was during this process that Bill begin to address the question of sexual conformity in the gay male community and the role that conformity had played in the ongoing epidemic.
Bill published his first critique of what he called "the cultural tyranny of anal sex" in 1999, in a piece (Hyacinthine Love) in which he also extolled the virtues of penile-penile frottage.
Following very positive reader response to Hyacinthine Love, Bill coined the term Frot and decided to undertake a national campaign to legitimize and popularize Frot and weaken what he terms "the deathgrip of anal penetration on the lives of men who have sex with men."
Bill's work draws, among other sources, on Tom Kuhn's very influential book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, published in 1962, which introduced the concepts of dominant paradigm and paradigm shift.
Bill refers to the primacy of anal penetration among gay men today as a "dominant paradigm or culture of anal penetration" -- analism -- and has said that there will inevitably be a paradigm shift.
Similarly, Bill's analysis of the role of anal, promiscuity, and ideology in the causation of the HIV epidemic among "men who have sex with men" parallels that of Gabriel Rotello's classic 1997 study of AIDS epidemiology, Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men.
These are the articles Bill has published since 1999 on the question of Frot and anal, some of which are still online in their original settings.
Unfortunately, and over time, some of these on-line publishers, which were businesses, ceased operating.
If you can no longer find an article at its original link, you can find it at the second link listed -- on Bill's and sites:
Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution (Published November 6 2000 on GayToday)
Interview: Cockrub Warrior Bill Weintraub [with gay rights pioneer Jack Nichols] (Published December 4 2000 on GayToday)
Interview: Cockrub Warrior Bill Weintraub [with gay rights pioneer Jack Nichols]
Does Sex Have to be Anal to be Gay? (Published January 26 2002 on under the title "Is Gay Sex Trying Too Hard to be Straight?" -- no longer on 365gay site)
Do Gay Men Have to be Promiscuous? (Published February 16 2002 on -- no longer on their site)
Not All Gay Men Are Sodomites (Published July 7 2003 on GayToday)
Rethinking Gay Sex (Published in the Washington (DC) Blade on October 10 2003 -- the paper and its site no longer exist)
Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide of January of 2001;
Larry Kramer on in 2005
While Bill remains an activist true to the spirit of Gay Liberation and his beloved Brett Averill, his work has attracted an increasingly large audience of men who are bisexual and/or straight-identified.
Through this work, Bill met one of those men, Patrick; subsequently, Bill and Patrick were joined in a Rite of Warrior Union and now live together.
In recent years, it's become apparent to Bill that the gay-bi-straight labels are meaningless.
For that reason, Bill no longer identifies as "gay"; and Bill encourages all the men of the Alliance to abandon the labels of sexual orientation and instead identify simply as Men.
In concert with these men, Bill seeks to advance Gay Liberation's ultimate goal of freeing all men to be their authentic sexual selves.
Hey dudes
I wrote this brief description of Brett for teens in one of the yahoo clubs.
I think it's really important for gay teens to have a sense of the deeply loving potential in gay male relationships.
So I posted it for them, and I've posted it here as a small tribute to Brett himself.
It's written in the folksy style that my character in that club uses -- hope that doesn't grate too much.
Howdy, cockrub warrior dudes. It's ol Poppa Pelopidas here, and since I don't have a story ready for you just yet, I thought I'd do a little show and tell instead.
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Here's a picture of my lover, Brett. He was my very own cockrub warrior.
And he was an extraordinary person too. Brave, generous, caring, intelligent, and, as you can see, didn't lack in the looks department neither.
And he was very loving too.
Main thing about Brett was that he had in him a sort of sustained unself-interested generosity, an ability to give of himself, which most people just don't have.
Brett was an editor in the gay press when I met him, and in those days that was pretty lonely and low paid work. But he did it cause he wanted things to be better for gay people, and really for all people.
And I have to say he made a difference too.
Now as some of you already know, we met at a self-defense course for lesbians and gay men that I was promotin. And you dudes know that I still think it doesn't hurt to learn a little self-defense.
Anyway, I thought I'd put his picture, lookin noble and with his dick out, up here in the club for awhile.
I know he'd be pleased to find himself among so many manly and upstanding young dudes as there are in this club, and be pleased with the progress that gay people have made too.
And I thought his picture might be just a gentle reminder that if you stay true to your dreams, you may find your very own cockrub warrior too.
An Introduction to Frot and The Man2Man Alliance
Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution
© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2017 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.