We ARE Warriors -- two posts by Robert Loring
[These two posts from Robert Loring were originally part of the message thread started by Joel on our Personal Stories board titled we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls.
The whole thread is well worth reading.
But I wanted to give these two posts from Robert a separate place on the board both because I want them to be seen and because I hope that guys will then look at the entire thread.]
[First post]
Role models are extremely important and especially to young minds. Since the dawn of the human race boys have learned to become men by WATCHING other men! There is no more powerful a teacher than that of personal EXAMPLE and this IS what young minds pick up on and learn from.
Sadly, most gay role models today are feminized role models. They are males trying to be females and that brings about confusion in young minds. There are also the role models of men who hate gay males and make it very known. Such role models only serve to further the confusion of a boy who feels homosexual feelings towards other boys. The
BFD indoctrinates young minds and many grow up thinking that in order to be gay you must be a fem and you must submit to anal penetration. Most never know that there is another way, the way of Frot and the way of the Warrior.
I see the feminization of boys all over our society. I believe it to be disempowering and I believe it to only add to sexual confusion that most young people experience for a time anyway. There are some elements in our society who seek to disempower males by feminizing them and that, in my opinion, is wrong. These elements teach them to be ashamed of themselves, ashamed of their natural masculinity, ashamed of their gender and aggression, and ashamed of their masculine male body hair. THAT does a number on young people and the result is some freakish neutral gender identification.
We ARE warriors living in an era that does not want warriors because warriors are seen as a threat to the movement to disempower masculine males at any age. Yet, I think all of us here understand that the warrior is a BIG part of us. We have always felt it since the day of our first memories. Warriorship is literally in our blood and psyche and it always has been. The world may be able to take the warrior out of the midst of the fellowship of warriors BUT the world will never be able to take the warrior out of the warrior!!
I find most movies and sitcoms dealing with gay men absolutely disgusting because of the stereotyping. They portray gay men as stupid whores that are brainless and whose lives only rally around sexual conquest. Hollywood does not seem to know that there are MASCULINE gay men, WARRIORS, who refuse to surrender to the BFD and who refuse to surrender their natural masculinity! They seem not to realize that there are those of us who are intelligent, who have brains and actually USE them to think with. But, alas, Hollywood is rooted in fantasy and pays little attention to the REAL world. Yet, they promote the agenda of the BFD and stand GUILTY of having led many young minds down the road to whoredom and AIDS!
Some ask if there is any hope today. YES there is and WE ARE that HOPE! And we will spread that hope one by one! Since I first came to this group a few years ago it has grown this group is doing something RIGHT. I have watched, I have posted, I have emailed, and I have read all the postings herein. I have come to the conclusion that no MAN, no WARRIOR, comes here by accident! We have all been led here and more are being led here with each passing day. Why? Because there are a growing number of gay men who value their manhood and masculinity. They are sick and tired of the BFD and its ruthless demands that they surrender who and what they are in order to "fit in and be gay."
We ARE the role models for young gay minds and for older gay men who are or have been mislead into believing that to be gay is NOT to be a man! Here they discover that to be gay IS to be a MAN! And they learn that by the personal example and postings herein.
[Second post]
In thinking more in depth about this subject I'd like to point out that not only do children learn by watching but so do many adults. I've taught in colleges and seen this over and over again. There is no better way to teach than by personal example whether you are teaching children or adults. People learn more by watching than from rote.
Children and young adults today are lost. You can see it in their
faces and in their eyes, the windows to their souls. They need positive role models badly! I'm not talking about the gangster or thug role models either. In my opinion those role models are negative role models and they are unhealthy role models psychologically and spiritually. Children, young adults, and for that matter ALL people today need POSITIVE ROLE MODELS.
The role model of the Warrior is a positive role model I believe. The Warrior role model teaches by example. The true Warrior is balanced mentally and spiritually. He balances strength with compassion, forgiveness with justice, and manhood with masculinity. The Warrior is a living example that there is a time and place for everything under the sun, as Ecclesiastes puts it. A time for war and a time for peace; a time to be a Warrior and a time to pursue peace with others.
The positive role model of the Warrior PROMOTES MASCULINITY! The
Warrior is UN-ashamed of his manhood! In fact, he is proud of his MANHOOD and does NOT seek to hide it or glaze it over with being "politically correct." The Warrior is a Man first and foremost. A man who is strong in combat but also strong in wisdom. He can be strong and aggressive but he can also be extremely compassionate and gentle.
I see in our society a movement to make boys gender neutral. It's
nothing new as it has been going on for awhile now. It is an attempt by society to make "boys...like girls." I see shame in young males. Shame over their masculinity. Shame over their growing up and becoming a man. Shame of their innate streak of aggressiveness. Shame over their body hair. Shame over having natural feelings for other boys.
Strip a male of his masculinity and you destroy the male psychologically, spiritually, and even physically. What does a stripped male have left? Nothing! Nothing except CONFUSION about himself! Strip a male of his natural pride in being or becoming a man and you send him down into the abyss of SELF REJECTION and SELF CONDEMNATION. In my opinion sending a male or anyone down the road of self rejection is just about the worst thing you could ever do to another human being. That road is a road walked through a literal psychospiritual HELL. For those of you who have walked that road I need not tell you how hellish that road is.
I see another trend in modern society. That is, the promotion of the BFD stereotype. You know the one, the effeminized, balless male,
sissified, more concerned about his flowered shirt than his masculinity. The one trying to mimic a woman even though he's a MAN. It amazes me that a society which is so homophobic is actually helping to promote the gay male stereotype and children and young adults ARE learning from this stereotype! Those young adults who are gay or struggling with their sexuality are seeing this role model and saying to themselves, "Ok, I'm gay so this is the way I must act." There is NO Warrior model presented in the media unless you want to see the ruthless killer who is portrayed as a "warrior." Sorry, but ruthless killers ARE NOT Warriors America!! They are psychotics and sociopaths and in days gone by they would have been shunned by their fellow warriors because they had no honor.
As modern day Warriors on this site we each have a responsibility to BE LIVING positive role models. That is, in my opinion, one of our
obligations IF we are going to call ourselves warriors and truly be HONORABLE modern warriors. We must role model a different way for those young people who are gay and help them to break out of the stereotypical sissy routine so promoted by the BFD and media today. We must teach them by our own living example that loving another man can be noble, honorable, good, healthy, and positive. We must teach them by our own living example that it is OK to love another man but NOT in the way that is supported by the BFD!
Anyone can call themselves a "warrior." But, it is those of us who
live the Warrior values and morals and who are walking living examples
that are the true WARRIORS today! We know our obligations and we don't
shun our obligations as Warriors. We know that we must speak out against the BFD and stop them on their road of destruction and human slaughter. We don't only talk or think about being Warriors because we LIVE IT every day, every moment, one day at a time. We know others are watching us and learning from us through our own MASCULINE example.
The world NEEDS more LIVING EXAMPLES my brothers. YOU are that living example like it or not!!
re: We ARE Warriors
Thank you Robert.
Let's talk about role models for a moment, and how they've functioned in traditional cultures.
I live rurally.
One day last year I happened to come upon one of my neighbors and his son during hunting season -- deer hunting.
The son was perhaps eight or nine years old.
He was wearing a very large knife.
It wasn't as big as he was but it sure looked it.
That kid was very happy.
He was beaming with pride -- masculine pride -- at being there with his father and taking part in this male ritual.
I'm sure many people would have been horrified both by the kid's presence and by the knife he was wearing.
But the knife was both a symbol of masculinity and a statement of trust by his father.
And I've never seen a happier kid.
Now, here we see a child helping a warrior don his greaves:
That's a warrior role model.
Sadly, most gay role models today are feminized role models. They are males trying to be females and that brings about confusion in young minds. There are also the role models of men who hate gay males and make it very known. Such role models only serve to further the confusion of a boy who feels homosexual feelings towards other boys. The BFD indoctrinates young minds and many grow up thinking that in order to be gay you must be a fem and you must submit to anal penetration. Most never know that there is another way, the way of Frot and the way of the Warrior.
As Robert points out, there are two role models, both destructive:
Robert concludes:
The BFD indoctrinates young minds and many grow up thinking that in order to be gay you must be a fem and you must submit to anal penetration. Most never know that there is another way, the way of Frot and the way of the Warrior.
That's correct.
In the Frot Movement, we present that other way.
We reject
And we embrace
Frot aka Phallic Bonding: the ultimate physical expression of Heroic Love and the Warrior Bond
What is masculinity?
In The Greatest Gift, Bill Schuler talks about his manhood as being the greatest gift God has given him after his Salvation:
"I already see where I am coming back to my old self because of the confidence I have about my manhood. This is the greatest gift God has given after life and, someday, immortality and eternal life through Jesus Christ."
Manhood -- his male sexuality -- says my friend, "is the greatest gift God has given after life and, someday, immortality and eternal life through Jesus Christ."
I know that many of us would agree:
Our manhood -- our male sexuality -- when joined in passionate love for another man, is the greatest gift God has given us after life itself.
He's right.
Masculinity is a God-given gift.
Our male genitals are a gift.
Our ability to experience genital pleasure as men is a gift.
And our ability to bond phallically with another man is a gift -- a great gift.
How do we define Masculinity?
Greg Milliken looked at some definitions in his post titled Reflexive Thinking:
1. Of or relating to men or boys; male.
2. Having qualities appropriate to a man.
3. Suggestive or characteristic of a man; mannish.
And Mannish
1. Of, characteristic of, or natural to a man.
2. Resembling, imitative of, or suggestive of a man rather than a woman
Masculinity is "natural to a man." What could be of more benefit to someone than doing what is absolutely natural to him? How can you argue that someone following his own nature is wrong or bad? You can't, and the analists can't. That's why their entire culture is based on the reflexive idea that anal knows best, if it didn't, nothing would make sense. In fact, nothing does in the analist world.
Let's expand on that.
What does being a man mean?
It means having certain qualities.
Qualities which are natural and appropriate to a man.
Being passive isn't one of them.
Getting fucked up the butt isn't one of them.
Men have a strong fighting spirit, they're active, independent, courageous, free, and proud.
Proud to be men, proud of their manhood.
Manhood is phallic.
That's another quality appropriate to a man: his sexuality is expressed phallically.
Through phallic thrusting.
Not anally.
Getting penetrated has never been appropriate to a man and never will be.
Because it's not natural for a man to be penetrated.
That's the truth.
In the The Man2Man Alliance, we're working to create an m2m world in which Masculinity is prized, Fidelity is honored, and sex is Phallic, an expression of equality and love between men.
Analism is a culture of disease, death, and lies.
Most especially lies about what it means to be a man.
Ours is a culture of health, life, and truth.
Truth about sex, truth about health, and truth about men and men who love men.
Greg Milliken:
There is no physical, real basis for any kind of bonding during pain sex. In fact, the message that is being transmitted during pain sex is, "Your pain is to be endured so that I may experience pleasure." That is reality.
With frot the message is, "We are equal. My pleasure depends on your pleasure and vice versa. Together we can achieve greatness."
Greg is right.
Here's what some other warriors said about Masculinity in the message thread titled Thoughts from a HOMOSEX Warrior:
Some adjectives that come quickly to my mind.
Strong, trusting, honest, loyal, fearsome, wise, hardworking, dedicated, tender, noble, lovable, monogamous, sexual, sensual........ and on and on.
Re: Thoughts from a HOMOSEX Warrior
Re: Thoughts from a HOMOSEX Warrior
Hey Guys, I couldn't agree more with HOMOSEX Warrior, about what makes a man masculine. But for me everything he describes is about masculinity -- an integrated person of body soul and spirit. And to me "male" is the physical bodily characteristics of men -- wonderful, beautiful, erotic, powerful -- but ultimately of little value without the soul, spirit, courage, generousity, and integrity that makes a man and man's life a creative gift to others and the world we live in.
So shine on fellow frot lovers. Let's celebrate our masculinity and blow it out into the world with pride!
Re: Thoughts from a HOMOSEX Warrior
thanks Tom
i want to repeat here what Warrior Don F said in men who like to have sex with men:
Re: men who like to have sex with men
As always, Bill has a masterful skill with words that succinctly and accurately sum up how we all feel.
I can't think of anything that describes true homosex better, or indicates clearly how buddies can experience that SHARED masculinity through genital/genital coupling.
When penis and testicles are joined, it is a quintessentially MALE intercourse, with sexual "communion" felt by both partners directly through their cocks, and being stimulated by totally masculine contact. No feminization, no penetration, only true male/male SHARED excitement. Better still, partners achieve a natural, fully male union when they climax as MEN, offering up their semen as tribute to each other's masculinity. A unique combo of strength and tenderness at the same time.
Nothing more beautifully can describe how "we love our maleness, and that of our partners."
We may continue trying to find key words to focus how we think of ourselves, but Bill has said it in a way guys can relate to so well.
And most "gay" guys are just regular-guys seeking union with other regular-guy types, not the femme/butch stereotypes we've all seen in bars, etc.
Lets continue to define ourselves as males, so everyone knows where we stand.
Don says:
"We love our maleness and that of our partners."
"We offer up our semen as tribute to each other's masculinity. A unique combo of strength and tenderness at the same time."
"Lets continue to define ourselves as males, so everyone knows where we stand."
Thanks Don, David, Tom, and Greg.
You guys are the reason:
Here are more of Don's thoughts from His + Mine = OURS:
The point being that simply being "anti" something (such as anti-anal) out there in the trenches of misery and self loathing that often characterize "gay" (non-sequitur) society is not enough. Here on this forum, we proudly proclaim our maleness and the beauty of sharing those fundamental masculine feelings with another through genital mating.
We are PRO cock-to-cock.....defiantly challenging the he/she culture by advocating the true homosexual union of male anatomy. Not as a substitute for penetration, but in fact the REAL THING.....the main event enabling male union in the most direct and intimate experience by joining cocks and balls and sharing the culmination of masculinity together as equals.
Those of us who KNOW what it's like need to put our feelings into words that can inspire those "real guys" out there who may have only an unfulfilled need and no idea how to share it. Yeah. When you feel your buddy cum with you it's special 'cause you're joining honestly as males.
It's a quintessential masculine experience that needs to be trumpeted for the beauty of it.
and in Ways of Making Love
When buddies mate through their genitals, they share a masculine intimacy which can properly be considered intercourse. And, as Cockster said, not a preliminary or fleeting foreplay, but in fact the main event where sexual communion leads to climax.
At GayHealth and other sites, we tried to break through the notion that frottage is not much more than a preliminary tease before something else begins. We have been categorized as a fetish, as juvenile, as "vanilla" etc.
Only when we proudly define male/male intercourse as genital/genital sex do outsiders seem to understand that what we are talking about is true masculine mating.
Incredible that something so instinctive and natural should need such complex definitions and re-phrasing, but that's how it seems.
re: We ARE Warriors
Let's come back to what Robert said.
One of his themes is that the betrayal of self is without question the worst betrayal of all.
I agree.
That's what I believe lies behind the promiscuity and barebacking and drug use -- and, as Robert points out, effeminacy -- in the gay male community, and I talk about that in a separate post on our Personal Stories board titled It's the anal.
Because anal betrays masculinity and for a man to betray his masculinity is for a man to betray his self.
As Robert says,
Strip a male of his masculinity and you destroy the male psychologically, spiritually, and even physically. What does a stripped male have left? Nothing! Nothing except CONFUSION about himself! Strip a male of his natural pride in being or becoming a man and you send him down into the abyss of SELF REJECTION and SELF CONDEMNATION. In my opinion sending a male or anyone down the road of self rejection is just about the worst thing you could ever do to another human being. That road is a road walked through a literal psychospiritual HELL. For those of you who have walked that road I need not tell you how hellish that road is.
That road of self rejection, of repudiation of self, is indeed a hellish road, and as I describe in "It's the anal," you can see how hellish it is when you read reports on those gay male communities which have been devastated by anal penetration and methamphetamine use.
We offer the men in those communities, and particularly young gay men, an alternative.
As Robert says
We must teach [young people who are gay] by our own living example that loving another man can be noble, honorable, good, healthy, and positive.
Noble, honorable, good, healthy -- what wonderful attributes of the love of one man for another would Robert have us convey to our fellows.
Whether we're able to reach them, however, is up to you.
It's always been up to you.
Robert is calling upon you to act as role models.
Which is right.
I know that many of you feel far from being able to do that -- at present.
But the first step in that process is to support the site.
Because supporting the site and our work will make it possible for more and more of you to openly be who you actually are.
I know that sometimes when you look at the size and strength of the forces arrayed against us -- the analist left and the religious right -- what we're attempting seems hopeless.
But I was part of the original generation of Gay Lib, and believe me, what we were attempting then seemed at least equally hopeless if not more so.
Yet we now live in a world in which openly gay people are increasingly integrated into society; in which they can, in some places, actually marry; in which gays throughout the UK and Europe serve openly in the military; and in which huge multinational corporations routinely offer nondiscrimination packages to their gay employees.
To name just a few advances.
I could not have imagined any of that in 1972.
We've come an enormous distance.
Yes, we have farther to go, but that doesn't mean we can't get there.
Look at our opposition:
Analism is based on a lie and has produced a community riddled with disease and psychological distress.
It cannot stand.
The "religious right" has grossly and grotesquely distorted the teachings of Christ and the Christian Faith in a crude and increasingly transparent attempt to seize political power.
That too cannot stand.
What we are putting forth in Heroic Homosex and The Man2Man Alliance, by contrast, are truths which are biologically rooted, grounded in reality, and both psychologically and spiritually sound.
We don't distort and we don't lie.
We don't have to.
We describe anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy as they are; and in so doing show them to be social evils.
and we describe Frot, Fidelity, and Masculinity as they are; and show them to be good for both the individual and society.
For example, we demonstrate that the intense genital pleasure and power of Frot flow directly from our male biology and anatomy, making Frot an *instinctive* expression of masculinity.
Remember what Don Frazer says about that:
I want to have sex with a buddy's MALE anatomy mated to mine.
Just being anti-anal is not enough----we need to emphasize the sensory feedback loop achieved through anatomical coupling, stimulating each other's genitals naturally so both buddies feel the same sensations at the same time. THAT is sexual intimacy.
And, it's an intimacy that leads guys to full and complete UNION, without BARRIERS between them so the natural male flow from their bodies is free and openly shared, unabridged by rubbers or any artificial containment.
It is a confirmation of masculinity.
In the Alliance we celebrate male sexuality as a pure, honest and instinctive expression between buds who can be GUYS together.
"Male sexuality as a pure, honest, and instinctive expression between buds."
That's what we offer, and there's nothing more powerful than that.
Similarly, we put forward Fidelity and call it bliss because it speaks to our innate socio-biological need to BOND as men.
And, of course, we honor our intrinsic need to be Masculine -- once again, to be Men.
Against those biological realities, which are, after all, the result of divine action;
analism, which betrays creation;
and the religious right, which betrays Christ;
-- cannot stand.
You know the truth of your life.
Be confident of it.
And help us reach others with that truth.
Inaction is repudiation.
Of the Alliance, and of yourself.
Action is affirmation.
Every time you act, you'll affirm your life and affirm your manhood, and you'll grow stronger.
The opposite is true as well.
When Frot is mocked, Masculinity degraded, and Fidelity dishonored, yet you stay silent -- you make yourself weaker.
When you know a cause needs your help and you turn your back -- you make yourself weaker.
When you pass up the opportunity to train in favor of going to the gym or a bar or sitting at home -- you make yourself weaker.
So it's in your power to grow as a Warrior;
or shrink as a man.
The analists and the religious right are a problem.
But until you metaphorically take up arms against them, you're part of the problem too.
Cockrub WARRIORS Rule.
Frot MEN Rock.
Donate guys.
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In Phallic Masculine Heroic I cite Parzival as an example of a hero.
Parzival is a fictional character brought to life by the medieval poet Wolfram von Eschenbach.
Not the Parsifal of Richard Wagner's opera, which is quite different.
Parzival, according to the great mythographer Joseph Campbell, is
the forthright, simple, uncorrupted, noble son of nature, without guile, strong in the purity of the yearning of his heart;
[and] gifted with the paired virtues of courage and compassion, to which was added loyalty.
His creator, Wolfram von Eschenbach, was a 13th century knight -- a warrior, not a cleric; and his epic Parzival is important not only because it's great literature, but because, as Joseph Campbell says, it's "the earliest definition of the secular mythology that is today the guiding spiritual force of the European West."
What does that have to do with us?
A lot.
Because Parzival is a story of the quest for the Grail, the symbol of a life spiritually fulfilled. But the way it's attained in Wolfram's telling, to continue quoting Campbell, is
not by renouncing the world, but by participation with every ounce of one's force in the century's order of life in the way dictated by one's own uncorrupted heart: what mystics call the Inner Voice.
...For there's no fixed law, no established knowledge of God, set up by prophet or priest, [and, I would add, no cultural tyranny, set up by analists or racists or anyone else,] that can stand against the revelation of a life lived with integrity in the spirit of its own brave truth.
[emphases mine]
This is what our struggle is about:
Following the dictates of one's own uncorrupted heart, and the revelation of lives lived with integrity in the spirit of their own brave truth.
That's what The Man2Man Alliance and Heroic Homosex are about:
Living your life with integrity, in the spirit of your own brave truth, not the lies of the buttfuck boyz; and participating with every ounce of your force in the life of your time in the way dictated by your own uncorrupted heart.
That means witnessing to the truth of your lives as Robert and Greg and so many others have done on our sites and among their own circle of friends and acquaintances.
Wolfram was a warrior, and his creation Parzival is a warrior, as are men like Robert and Greg and Jedi and David.
Because they participate in the life of their time by witnessing to their own brave truths.
There's no other way to be a warrior.
That's how it's done -- anything else is just phony male posturing.
Anyone can call themselves a "warrior." But, it is those of us who live the Warrior values and morals and who are walking living examples that are the true WARRIORS today! We know our obligations and we don't shun our obligations as Warriors. We know that we must speak out against the BFD and stop them on their road of destruction and human slaughter. We don't only talk or think about being Warriors because we LIVE IT every day, every moment, one day at a time. We know others are watching us and learning from us through our own MASCULINE example.
Robert's right.
We lead through our MASCULINE example -- through our MASCULINITY -- that which is NATURAL to a MAN.
We ARE Warriors.
NakedWrestler lives his own brave truth
re: We ARE Warriors
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Last week I did submission grappling buck naked with a "straight" dude. We tapped each other out, over and over for 2 hours. When it was over and we were both totally drenched in sweat and exhausted, we jacked each other off. We both got hard-ons while grappling but never turned the grappling into a sex thing.
Getting an erection while grappling is a totally natural male response to one on one combat--especially if you're naked. It is quite the awesome experience to feel the sexual energy from naked aggression with another aggressive male. It's what males did for most of our evolution and history. Yes the other guy's scent can turn me on, along with his cool body and genitals. But I'm also attracted to the aggression. Aggression is a male turn-on BECAUSE it is very male to be aggressive. Males are attracted to aggression and therefore they are attracted to aggressive males. Like dissolves in like.
I think this has played a role in our success as a species. If aggressive males did not hang out together and train together over time then they would not have been able to conquer their neighbors and become the dominant group that we are today. It does NOT mean that you cannot have children and procreate just because you shoot our load with another dude once in a while or fight naked and get a hard-on from it. On the contrary it means that this IS the best way to procreate. Both dudes about to fight, having raging hard-ons is not a sign of femininity or weakness; it's a sign of having a lot of male testosterone which is why males fight in the first place. That kind of turn-on should be channeled into the fight to dominate your male opponent. Time to think outside the gay box.
Pre-industrialized, pre-screwed-up Judeo-Christian society did NOT recognize, or even have a concept of, gay or straight. Just try to find a reference to it in any literature before the industrial revolution. I think that a lot of "research" is some stupid attempt to pigeonhole males into one group or another, like some marketing tool.
Fight sports are bringing men together (and will continue to) in real male bonding better and faster than the gay movement ever can hope to do. I've come to that conclusion after going to fight school for the last 6 months.
The standard ordinary man is able to admit that fight sports can actually make his dick hard by watching or participating in it, and actually enjoys fighting in the first place.
I don't think I fit into that "10%" that researchers are always talking about. I think that in reality only 10% of males are NOT turned on by guys in an an all-male setting.
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Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into Frot
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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
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