a man through and through
a man through and through
I didn't realize how important it was for me to fit in and identify
with men who felt exactly as you describe in your material. I am
dumfounded and can't seem to add or subtract anything from your web site(s). Maybe I need to carry a hard copy with me in case I'm asked that question by the right guy or girl.
My brother, my cousin, my friends all frotted with me from an early age up until the current time. I later discovered that I enjoy sex and
romantic love with women, and will most likely get married at some point. Yet with guys, there is something really crucial and rewarding as well. Sexual love with men is different from women. I don't need to penetrate or be penetrated. I like it face to face, heart to heart, cock to cock - nothing like it. I'm a man through and through. I'll never be anyone's bitch and I would never want him to be mine. So sign me up. Get me on the list. I'm never looking back.
Re: a man through and through
Thnx Chaz
"I'll never be anyone's bitch and I would never want him to be mine."
Or as Andy once said on this board apropos anal: "Why would a man do
that to somebody he loves?"
Adds Chaz:
"with guys, there is something really crucial and rewarding as well.
Sexual love with men is different from women. I don't need to penetrate
or be penetrated. I like it face to face, heart to heart, cock to cock - nothing like it."
Nothing like it.
Thnx Chaz.
Great post!
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