Can't handle it
Can't handle it
Can't handle it
Some insight into the battle we fight has recently occurred to me: some people just can't handle love.
I don't know what sparked this conclusion, it may have been the post where it was mentioned that war + love = harmony. The point is that some people just can't handle it.
I think these are the same effeminate men who are struggling to bring down masculinity and the true warrior ethos.
Love is a very strong emotion, and it takes a very strong man to master it and be able to not let it control him, or terrify him.
But when people are taught and believe that they are not even real men -- that they are pseudo-women or "bottoms" then they aren't prepared to deal with such a strong emotion.
After all, if you're not a man then you can't profess your love, and if you're not a true woman, then you can't nurture it.
What's left for you to do?
If the ancient Greeks believed that war and love equals harmony, then harmony is the link between war and love. That means that in order to love, you must also be willing to fight for there to be harmony.
But if you aren't willing to fight, then you can't have love, because love without war to balance it out creates discord.
And if you are willing to fight, but you refuse to love, then again there is discord because it is an unbalanced equation.
And when there is imbalance, the equation always tries to correct itself.
That is why the BFD is always trying to bring down masculinity.
When you replace love with meaningless, emotionless, feelingless sex, the equation is unbalanced. To correct that, they have to remove the other side of the equation: war; the natural male aggression and desire to fight.
Of course, when you remove both war and love you don't have harmony any more. You don't have anything, because you've removed it all. When you take war out, and you take love out, there's nothing left.
And that's what will happen if the BFD stays in power.
There will be nothing left.
So what are we going to do?
Are we going to go along with it?
Are we going to just quietly fade away into nothing as more and more people die?
Or are we going to fight?
Are we going to treat these men who want to destroy masculinity like heros and go to bed with them?
Or are we going to treat them like nothing?
Like the bottomless pits that they are?
After all, if what they want is emotionless, commitmentless promiscuity, then shouldn't we give that to them?
While at the same time we pursue what we want.
Life, love, success, fidelity; a constant building-up of our lives and happiness.
And let them be the ones who fade into nothing.
It's what they've asked for.
So it's what we should give them.
Someone once told me that he can't live up to an impossible standard when we were talking about schoolwork.
Which got me to thinking what an impossible standard was.
After all, if you want coffee in the morning on your way to work, doesn't someone have to run the starbucks?
Don't they have to pay their workers?
And don't they have to import the raw materials and cups and lids and stirs and all of it from somewhere?
Well who does that?
If there wasn't some man sitting in a room for long hours thinking about ways to sell more coffee, there wouldn't be any starbucks.
There would be no way to get coffee on your way to work.
And that is an impossible standard.
When you want something but you don't want to have to put forth the effort into getting it.
For this example, it's easy to see that money is the effort with which one pays for a cup of coffee.
But what about love?
Aren't emotion, commitment, and fidelity the currency by which you pay for love?
Without emotion, what's the point?
Without commitment, how do you know if he will be there tomorrow?
And without fidelity, how do you know your love -- your investment -- won't just disappear one day?
What happens when you plant a bunch of seeds but never get to harvest any grain?
Do you keep planting seeds?
You can't.
You will eventually plant them all.
And what happens when you try to love somebody and they don't want to pay for it?
Someday they are going to run out of credit.
Someday you are going to run out of love.
So why put yourself through that.
If they want to live in a barren desert where no seeds sprout, let them.
Move on to fertile soil instead, where you will be able to harvest what you sow.
Begin an exchange of the currency of love, and watch how quickly and highly it grows.
Or keep loving someone who will never love you back.
And wind up with nothing.
Can you handle it?
Or will you try to live by an impossible standard instead?
Greg Milliken
Re: Can't handle it
Excellent insights and thoughts Greg! I think for some men they can't handle love because they fear love. For others, they can't handle love because they feel UNWORTHY of love. These have listen to all the mental anti-male garbage and the garbage has won.
Still for other men I think it's a matter of a LACK of self love. Guilt...especially SELF wonders in defeating any human being male or female. Some elements in our society have taught for decades now that self love is "sinful" and "wrong." They've taught that self love is selfish and even "evil." BUT, self love is NOT wrong! It's NOT evil, selfish, or sinful!! In fact, it is NECESSARY because without self love we CANNOT love others. We simply CANNOT share something with others that we do not already possess ourselves.
Self love is often thrown in the barrel with egotism BUT their is a difference between egotistical self love and real self love. Real self love is NOT egotistical or selfish! It's NOT the kind of false love that only takes. It is true love which GIVES and that GIVING is balanced with taking.
Many men have been beaten down and feminized today and of that there is NO DOUBT. The natural brotherhood that is suppose to exist between MEN has been RIPPED APART and thrown into the garbage! Males have been taught that there NATURAL aggressiveness and competiveness is somehow wrong and sinful. Society has taken what is natural and turned it into unnatural. Society has taken the unnatural and twisted it into being "natural" even though IT IS NOT.
MALES have been made to feel guilty for anything and everything! They've been made to feel guilty simply for having been born a dude with a set of balls instead of a vagina between their legs. This LEARNED GUILT needs to be UNLEARNED! This learned guilt has lead to DEPRESSION and feelings of UNWORTHINESS not only of LOVE but of everything else. This learned guilt has caused alcoholism and drug addiction among males to skyrocket. It has contributed, too, to the growing male crime rate! Yet, everyone is surprised? When you beat ANY person down what do you expect??? Mr. Nice Guy and perfect Citizen? Beat someone down and what you eventually get is a person close to being a rabid dog boiling with ANGER and RESENTMENT!! Daaahh...............
Males need to once again take PRIDE in themselves! They need to once again be PROUD that they were born MALE! They need to once again feel WORTHY of LOVE and of SELF LOVE! They need to STAND UP and FIGHT BACK and STOP being little boys who act as if they were just spanked by big bad Mommy! That requires telling some concepts and elements and other people in our society to GO GET FUCKED!!
The FACT is that YOU ARE worthy of LOVE! And the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong about you being a MALE! Unload the fucking GUILT and BE A MAN...BE A WARRIOR because THAT is what is being CALLED FOR today and that call is going out to ALL males!
If males do not gain some measure of self love and start standing up and fighting back to correct the UNNATURAL and WRONG in our society then we as a society are going to lose EVERYTHING including not just our MASCULINITY but our COUNTRY! Today our nation is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and we are trying to fight in a PC ("politically correct" which really means "Political Corruption") womanly, nice guy manner. It is NOT working! It's NOT going to work either! Don't think for a moment that our enemies don't see through all of our beat down, self hating, guilt ridden, feminized males! They DO see right through them and they laugh and mock the American Male today! They perceive us as being WEAK and, sadly, in many males minds we ARE weak!! The guilt has got to go! All the PC garbage has got to go back to the SEWAR where it crawled out of! MEN have got to be MASCULINE MEN and WARRIORS again! Otherwise Osama is going to be knocking down our doors! This PC feminized, nice guy war is NOT working and it's not going to!!
Sir Robert
Re: Can't handle it
Thanks guys.
Excellent posts.
Greg, you wrote:
If the ancient Greeks believed that war and love equals harmony, then harmony is the link between war and love. That means that in order to love, you must also be willing to fight for there to be harmony.
But if you aren't willing to fight, then you can't have love, because love without war to balance it out creates discord.
And if you are willing to fight, but you refuse to love, then again there is discord because it is an unbalanced equation.
And when there is imbalance, the equation always tries to correct itself.
That is why the BFD is always trying to bring down masculinity.
When you replace love with meaningless, emotionless, feelingless sex, the equation is unbalanced. To correct that, they have to remove the other side of the equation: war; the natural male aggression and desire to fight.
Of course, when you remove both war and love you don't have harmony any more. You don't have anything, because you've removed it all. When you take war out, and you take love out, there's nothing left.
Greg and all, here's more on this aspect of the Greeks from the original sources.
Some people like this stuff, and some don't.
Clearly, I like it.
I find the Greeks to be very insightful; they're keen observers, they're open about homosex, and they understand and honor both masculinity and masculine aggression so long as it's controlled.
To have harmony, you need both war and love.
In Apollodorus, The Library of Greek Mythology, ca 100 AD, the god of war, Ares, and the goddess of love, Aphrodite (Mars and Venus in the Roman version) were wed, and their daughter was Harmonia -- Harmony.
Ares and Aphrodite gave Harmonia in marriage to the hero Cadmus, who founded Thebes by:
1. Killing a dragon said to be the offspring of Ares and;
2. On the advice of Athene, sowing its teeth in the earth;
3. From those sown teeth sprung up fully armed men, the Spartoi, or sown men;
4. These men immediately started to fight among themselves, and they killed each other until only five were left;
5. With these five surviving warriors, Cadmus founded Thebes around a citadel known as the Cadmeia.
So: the foundation myth of Thebes is a myth of male parthenogenesis -- males creating males from within themselves and without women.
Cadmus slays the dragon, which is male and both sacred to and the offspring of the male war god Ares, and impregnates the ground with its teeth; armed men, warriors, spring forth, fight, and help him found the warrior city of Thebes.
Thebes then is founded entirely by men, and by men who emerge from the earth after it's been sown by the war god's seed.
You can't get more male than that.
But -- once the city is founded, Cadmus marries Harmonia.
The Greeks then, at least in their thinking, are never exclusively homosexual.
Some Greek men probably were, and some Greek women.
But to the Greeks culturally, all people are what we would call bisexual.
Now, here's Plutarch's take on the relationship between Harmonia and the Sacred Band of Thebes.
Plutarch was writing approximately 450 years after the events he describes, but he had access to sources we no longer have, and his audience -- which was basically a Greek-speaking Roman elite -- also knew those sources.
So he's generally considered reliable:
It was not the disaster of Laius [Laius, a Theban king and direct descendant of Cadmus, was the father of Oedipus and thus disaster; he was also said by the Thebans to have been the first mortal to have loved another mortal man, a youth named Chrysippos, Pelops' charioteer], as the poets imagine, that first gave rise to this form of attachment amongst the Thebans; but their lawgivers, designing to soften whilst they were young their natural fierceness, brought, for example, the pipe into great esteem, both in serious and sportive occasions, and gave great encouragement to these friendships in the Palaestra, to temper the manners and characters of the youth. With a view to this they did well, again, to make Harmony, the daughter of Mars and Venus, their tutelar [guardian] deity; since, where force and courage is joined with gracefulness and winning behavior, a harmony ensues that combines all the elements of society in perfect consonance and order.
Two points:
Plutarch says that it was the Theban lawgivers who first introduced same-sex love to Thebes -- because they believed it was a social good; and, he adds,
Where force and courage, the attributes of war, are joined with gracefulness and winning behavior, the attributes of love, a harmony ensues which is good both for the individual and society.
Plutarch continues:
Gorgidas distributed this Sacred Band all through the front ranks of the infantry, and thus made their gallantry less conspicuous; not being united in one body, but mingled with so many others of inferior resolution, they had no fair opportunity of showing what they could do. But Pelopidas, having sufficiently tried their bravery at Tegyrae, where they had fought alone and around his own person, never afterward divided them, but, keeping them entire, and as one man, gave them the first duty in the greatest battles. For as horses run brisker in a chariot than singly, not that their joint force divides the air with greater ease, but because being matched one against the other emulation kindles and inflames their courage; thus he thought brave men, provoking one another to noble actions, would prove most serviceable, and most resolute, where all were united together.
Many men have been beaten down and feminized today and of that there is NO DOUBT. The natural brotherhood that is suppose to exist between MEN has been RIPPED APART and thrown into the garbage! Males have been taught that there NATURAL aggressiveness and competiveness is somehow wrong and sinful. Society has taken what is natural and turned it into unnatural. Society has taken the unnatural and twisted it into being "natural" even though IT IS NOT.
Notice how, according to Plutarch, the Theban general Pelopidas made use of his men's "NATURAL aggressiveness and competitiveness": "because being matched one against the other emulation kindles and inflames their courage; thus he thought brave men, provoking one another to noble actions, would prove most serviceable..."
MALES have been made to feel guilty for anything and everything! They've been made to feel guilty simply for having been born a dude with a set of balls instead of a vagina between their legs. This LEARNED GUILT needs to be UNLEARNED! This learned guilt has lead to DEPRESSION and feelings of UNWORTHINESS not only of LOVE but of everything else. This learned guilt has caused alcoholism and drug addiction among males to skyrocket. It has contributed, too, to the growing male crime rate! Yet, everyone is surprised? When you beat ANY person down what do you expect??? Mr. Nice Guy and perfect Citizen? Beat someone down and what you eventually get is a person close to being a rabid dog boiling with ANGER and RESENTMENT!! Daaahh...............
Males need to once again take PRIDE in themselves! They need to once again be PROUD that they were born MALE! They need to once again feel WORTHY of LOVE and of SELF LOVE! They need to STAND UP and FIGHT BACK and STOP being little boys who act as if they were just spanked by big bad Mommy! That requires telling some concepts and elements and other people in our society to GO GET FUCKED!!
The FACT is that YOU ARE worthy of LOVE! And the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong about you being a MALE! Unload the fucking GUILT and BE A MAN...BE A WARRIOR because THAT is what is being CALLED FOR today and that call is going out to ALL males!
Be PROUD that you're a MAN.
Understand that you as a MAN are worthy of LOVE and of SELF LOVE.
If some feminist or analist says you're not -- tell them to go fuck themselves.
"BE A WARRIOR because THAT is what is being CALLED FOR today and that call is going out to ALL males!"
So, as Robert and I have argued, "The Way of the Warrior is the Way of Salvation."
What choice do you have?
The way of the hidey-hole?
The way of the shitfairy?
There's only one model and only one way for a Man:
Which recognizes his biological aggression, trains him in how to use it, and honors his masculinity, including the natural expression of his masculine sexuality with another man.
If males do not gain some measure of self love and start standing up and fighting back to correct the UNNATURAL and WRONG in our society then we as a society are going to lose EVERYTHING including not just our MASCULINITY but our COUNTRY! Today our nation is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and we are trying to fight in a PC ("politically correct" which really means "Political Corruption") womanly, nice guy manner. It is NOT working! It's NOT going to work either! Don't think for a moment that our enemies don't see through all of our beat down, self hating, guilt ridden, feminized males! They DO see right through them and they laugh and mock the American Male today! They perceive us as being WEAK and, sadly, in many males minds we ARE weak!! The guilt has got to go! All the PC garbage has got to go back to the SEWAR where it crawled out of! MEN have got to be MASCULINE MEN and WARRIORS again! Otherwise Osama is going to be knocking down our doors! This PC feminized, nice guy war is NOT working and it's not going to!!
As I've observed before, if there are two tribes, one consisting of feminized males who won't fight or fight half-heartedly, and another consisting of aggressive MEN who fight with all their force and who bond as men to work together in war, clearly the second tribe will wipe out the males of the first, impregnate their women, and seize control of their resources.
So you don't really have a choice.
Once you're attacked, you have to fight back with all your might.
You can't use half-measures.
And the same applies in a self-defense situation:
I'm going to be discussing, soon I hope, a post we received titled "issues with violence," in which a young feminized male said, among other things, "Even if i was attacked I would not want to cruely torture or disfigure my attacker so as long as I could fend them off."
This is my response:
If you're in a fight, you can't set those sorts of limits -- on yourself!
"I'm going to defend myself but I won't disfigure you."
Fact is, if you're attacked or otherwise get into a fight, you'd better be prepared to disfigure and otherwise fight off your attacker.
If not, you'll be the one who's tortured and disfigured.
You cannot "sort of" be in a fight.
What are you going to do?
If someone hits you in the face, not hit him back for fear of damaging his delicate features?
You'll get badly beaten and possibly killed.
If someone attacks you, you need to fight him with all your might.
You have to assume that he's trying to kill you -- which he very well may be -- and you have to try to kill him.
Reality: It's unlikely, in a street fight with bare hands, that you'd kill someone.
But you have to fight with that as your goal.
You have to disable him sufficiently such that you can walk away from the fight and he can't.
And the time to understand that is NOW.
Before you suffer death or disfigurement at the hands of a basher.
And if, in defending yourself from a basher, you happen to gouge his eye or bloody his nose or tear his ear or break his kneecap or harm his tender little testicles -- are you going to worry about it?
You'd better not.
Robert, once again:
The FACT is that YOU ARE worthy of LOVE! And the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong about you being a MALE! Unload the fucking GUILT and BE A MAN...BE A WARRIOR because THAT is what is being CALLED FOR today and that call is going out to ALL males!
FIGHT BACK!! Thank you both.
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