The Discovery of Frot
What an onion taught me about anal 'sex'
The Discovery of Frot and What an onion taught me about anal 'sex'
OK, the second half of the title of this post is strange, but please stay with me when I get to that subject.
This post picks up on some of the topics stated in some of the most recent posts made on the MAN2MAN Alliance site so I suggest that those be read first if you haven't done so.
Still with me? Let's Begin...
Frot is the Discovery to end all Discoveries about being a MAN.
It has been stated that someone posted in the Frot Club that they want to "learn" how to Frot. What is that about, honestly? Frot is the end all of the most natural, most self-discovered, not learned, development of sexual expression for a man. When I was a young lad, I found out, like all boys I am sure, that the penis was more than just an exit for urine. It is the man's tool of pleasure. I would play with my penis while in the bath or after urinating and it tickled. But not like a tickle you get from someone scratching your belly, foot, or armpit, those can get annoying if they don't stop after a while. This tickle sensation increased the more I tickled.
I discovered that this pleasure increased as the technique morphed from stroking my penis with my hand to rubbing it against something. I would wiggle laying on my belly in bed and felt that tickle between my legs again, this time more pleasurable. Keep in mind that nobody had to teach me these techniques, they were self-discovered. I soon learned that the pleasure grew from just wiggling to rhythmic motions up and down the mattress. This discovery was made even before puberty fully set in. After my moving up and down, I found that I had to pee, but when I went to the bathroom, no urine came out, nothing came out. It scared me because it felt weird having this great feeling that the tickling produced but something was missing; namely the follow-through of a liquid, that I naively though would be urine because it was the only thing I knew of to come out of my penis-hole.
Puberty was a great wonderful shock to me. Something did come out after tickling, I now know that precum was the liquid that I was longing for. I was ecstatic and relieved when I found that liquid. It felt like I was now complete, an end to the wonderful feeling of the tickling, even if the mattress did get a little wet.
It was during this precum only period that I discovered yet another wonderful feeling, the feeling of this pleasure shared and in so doing, doubled. A friend of mine introduced me to mutual jerk off. My grand feeling was not only mine, but every guy's pleasure. But something was different about his climax of pleasure. His penis produced a thick white almost gritty substance. It looked awesome, what was it?
I soon discovered it for myself. And oh, it was pure heaven!!! The white sticky stuff jolted out of my penis like a shot. There was more of it and its thrust was like nothing I had felt before. These discoveries only got better and better.
Now the two of us produced cum, we shared the matured liquid that the penis produces when aroused. We discovered that there was one technique that was better than all of the previous feelings combined. It was FROT!!! We didn't have a name for it, but we knew that moving our two penises together until the heavy breathing and moaning (though softly so his grandmother wouldn't hear, ha-ha) was awesome and so fulfilling.
I will never forget that experience. His cock and balls against mine, moving together in one rhythm. We squirted our loads together at the same exact moment. OH, HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!
Nothing we had done previous to that moment, even our experimentation in oral and some attempts at anal, which I declined after not feeling right going in that direction, never came close to rubbing two penises together. His next comment as we lay there together also reverberates in my mind, "Now that feels like sex!"
He was so right, the final discovery of FROT was and is REAL MAN2MAN SEX!!! It was the fruition of my first childhood tickling years before.
We didn't have to learn any of this stuff, it was a natural progression of discovery. We didn't need classes or books or instructional videos, it was and is perfectly natural. I even think it is more natural than hetero sex. I needed sex ed in school to even try to comprehend female anatomy. It still was confusing to me until the end of the third run-through in high school. It just was way too complicated, still is to an extent. With guys, it's just cock and balls, simplicity itself. No condoms, no testing for who knows what, no waiting for something to happen, simple.
That is what makes FROT so BEAUTIFUL. It is almost dogmatic in its natural simplicity. Nay, it IS dogmatic in its natural simplicity. There is no more to say, THE END and AMEN!!!
OK, now to the next subject at hand. What an onion taught me about anal 'sex'. I was chopping onions today to make some salsa. We all know what chopping onions does, it makes a stinging sensation in our eyes and then we produce tears to wash the sting away. I googled "Why do onions make me cry?" and I found a few sites on the science behind it all. I will just have to quote one site, I can't put it in better words myself.
As onions are sliced, cells are broken, allowing enzymes called alliinases to break down sulfides and generate sulfenic acids (amino acid sulfoxides). Sulphenic acids are unstable and decompose into a volatile gas called syn-propanethial-S-oxide. The gas diffuses through the air and eventually reaches the eye, where it reacts with the water to form a diluted solution of sulfuric acid. This acid irritates the nerve endings in the eye, making them sting. Tear glands produce tears to dilute and flush out the irritant.
Thank you, Wikipedia. Did you get that, sulfuric acid! No wonder our eyes sting. Ok, what is the connection between this and anal? Sulfuric acid is dangerous to all life, let's say enough of it in concentration can kill! Shall we call sulfuric acid a poison, then? In this example, we will equate sulfuric acid to anal "sex". Sulfuric Acid (SA) will be the converse of Anal "Sex" (AS). Both cause a sting, an irritation; it hurts, dammit! Have you ever seen porn scenes of AS, those recieving do not look like they are having a good time. I have said in my previous section that my friend and I made an attempt at anal in our experimentation as young men. I didn't like it one bit. It was, to say the least, discomforting, both physically and psychologically, and he didn't even get to penetration.
Why do I share this information? Because I am telling you that I have been there and I know first-hand just how wrong it all is. I can't imagine how bad it would be to be penetrated. This irritation causes us to cry, either to wash out the SA, or in pain because of AS.
The analogy goes further, both are poisons to us. Both will kill. AS kills on many levels. Physically... Um, let's think about this... AIDS, Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, HPV, Rectal Cancer, Syphillis, the list goes on and on. AS turns men into pill pushers. Psychologically... The death of MANhood. AS turns men into pseudowomen. Morally... AS turns men into whores. I could go on, but the point has been made. AS poisons the body and the mind. What a waste of huMANity. Enough said.
FROT is the BEST and ONLY way for MAN2MAN. Yeah, FROT is EXCLUSIVE, but look at the consequences if it were not. The Choice is LIFE (FROT) or DEATH (ANAL). Thank you to Bill who is our enlightenment and sustenance with the MAN2MAN ALLIANCE.
Re: The Discovery of Frot and What an onion taught me about anal 'sex'
Thank you Justin -- a great post!
Justin says something really interesting:
With guys, it's just cock and balls, simplicity itself.
That is what makes FROT so BEAUTIFUL. It is almost dogmatic in its natural simplicity. Nay, it IS dogmatic in its natural simplicity. There is no more to say, THE END and AMEN!!!
"Frot is dogmatic in its natural simplicity."
Recently, I was reading some Edgar Allan Poe.
Not his short stories or poems, but a long article he wrote not long before he died, titled Eureka, in which he attempted a grand synthesis of the scientific and metaphysical knowledge of his day.
And his day was an interesting one.
Eureka was written in 1848, sort of midway between Newtonian and Einsteinian physics.
So Poe was wrestling with some very complex scientific issues.
And doing more than a little guessing about the structure of the universe.
And on the whole, from our point of view, he guessed right.
Now, Poe's approach was a poetic one.
He considered Eureka to be a prose-poem.
And, being Poe, he started his piece with a manuscript found in a bottle.
A bottle floating in the Mare Tenebrarum -- the Sea of Shadows -- and a manuscript dated not 1748 or 1848, but 2848.
So it's a bottle -- and a manuscript -- which has traveled, on its shadowy sea, back in time -- one thousand years.
Poe, obviously, enjoys messing with our minds.
And in this manuscript, the back-to-the-future writer praises Kepler, on whose laws Newton based much of his work:
Yes! -- these vital laws Kepler guessed -- that is to say, he imagined them. Had he been asked to point out either the deductive or inductive route by which he obtained them, his reply might have been -- "I know nothing about routes -- but I do know the machinery of the Universe. Here it is. I grasped it with my soul. I reached it through mere dint of intuition."
Right off the bat, Poe speaks in favor of "soul" and "intuition" as guides to the truth.
Indeed, says Harold Beaver, the editor of the Penquin edition of Eureka, Poe maintains that
the poetic instinct will lead undeviatingly to truth
Here's Poe himself:
the sense of the symmetrical is an instinct which may be depended on with an almost blindfold reliance. It is the poetical essence of the Universe -- of the Universe, which, in the supremeness of its symmetry, is but the most sublime of poems. Now symmetry and consistency are convertible terms: -- thus Poetry and Truth are one. A thing is consistent in the ratio of its truth -- true in the ratio of its consistency. A perfect consistency, I repeat, can be nothing but an absolute truth.
We may take it for granted, then, that Man cannot long or widely err, if he suffer himself to be guided by his poetical, which I have maintained to be his truthful, in being his symmetrical, instinct.
What does that have to do with Justin?
Well, his discovery of Frot, like Kepler's discovery of the laws of the universe, was intuitive.
It wasn't a matter of someone telling him what to do.
Rather, he "grasped it with his soul."
Indeed, he and his buddy grasped it with their souls.
As his buddy said: "Now that feels like sex!"
Moreover, Justin's reasoning about Frot is that of Poe.
"Frot is dogmatic in its natural simplicity."
"A perfect consistency can be nothing but an absolute truth."
And adds Poe,
Man cannot long or widely err, if he suffer himself to be guided by his poetical, which I have maintained to be his truthful, in being his symmetrical, instinct.
So: Justin, guided by his poetical, that is his truthful, that is his symmetrical, instinct -- achieves an absolute truth:
"Frot is dogmatic in its natural simplicity."
Now, this may seem silly to some of you, but it's not.
It's a question of how you achieve truth.
My work is, at its core, poetical.
For example, when I look at Sparta, I look at it poetically.
That's why I so often quote these lines from the Spartan poet Terpander:
The spear-points of young men blossom there
Remember what Poe said:
"Poetry and Truth are one."
Terpander's Poetry is pointing to the Truth -- the absolute Truth --
that in Sparta, the spear-points of young men -- the Manhood and Natural Masculinity of young Men -- blossomed.
Was fully realized.
As was Justice.
Under the agoge and the Eu-nomia -- the Spartan "good rule" -- Manhood and Justice blossom and flourish.
That's the Poetical Truth about Sparta.
Of course, there are always pedestrian minds.
Once in a while I get a letter from someone saying, The Spartans were bad in this way or that.
To which I reply, Yeah, dude, but you're missing the point.
We're looking at the great sweep of Spartan history, and the achievement of Sparta as a poetic and communal Warrior Ideal.
An ideal of liberty.
An ideal of freedom.
Also an ideal of nudity.
An ideal of naked strength and nude honor.
When Statius describes the fight between Polynices and Tydeus, who aren't Spartans but are close enough, he says that they stand erect, let fall their cloaks, and incite to nude combat:
nudamque lecessare pugnam.
What they do is a point of Honor and of Valour -- in corpore virtus.
The agoge was an ideal.
The Eu-nomia was an ideal.
The Spartan Constitution was an ideal.
Sparta was an attempt to create a Utopian Warrior Society.
An Egalitarian Warrior Society.
In which the Fighting Spirit of Man would be fully realized.
In which the Love of Man for Man would be fully realized.
In which Women would be free.
And in which Men and Women would come together in, as Frances puts it, an "alliance based on trust, respect, and the need to breed, pure and simple."
The need to breed.
To breed Warriors.
Don't like that?
Compare it to the way Dolphins love and live -- as described by Bruce Bagemihl and quoted in Frot among the animals:
Male Bottlenose Dolphins often form lifelong pair-bonds with each other. Adolescent and younger males typically live in all-male groups in which homosexual activity is common; within these groups, a male begins to develop a strong bond with a particular partner (usually of the same age) with whom he will spend the rest of his life. The two Dolphins become constant companions, often traveling widely; although sexual activity probably declines as they get older, it may continue to be a regular feature of such partnerships. Paired males sometimes take turns guarding or remaining vigilant while their partner rests. They also defend their mates against predators such as sharks and protect them while they are healing from wounds inflicted during predators' attacks. Sometimes three males form a tightly bonded trio. On the death of his partner, a male may spend a long time searching for a new male companion -- usually unsuccessfully, since most other males in the community are already paired and will not break their bonds. If, however, he can find another "widower" whose male partner has died, the two may become a couple...
The lives of male Bottlenose Dolphins are characterized by extensive bisexuality, combined with periods of exclusive homosexuality. As adolescents and young males, they have regular homosexual interactions in all-male groups, sometimes alternating with heterosexual activity. From age 10 onward, most male Dolphins form pair-bonds with another male, and because they do not usually father calves until they are 20-25 years old, this can be an extended period -- 10-15 years -- of principally same-sex interaction. Later, when they begin mating heterosexually, they still retain their primary male pair-bonds, and in some populations male pairs and trios cooperate in herding females or in interacting homosexually with Spotted Dolphins.
That's a Spartan pattern.
And we need to look at Sparta poetically.
Because the poetic instinct will lead, as Poe says, undeviatingly to truth.
Here's another writer, Madeleine L'Engle:
"Why does anybody tell a story?" she once asked, even though she knew the answer.
"It does indeed have something to do with faith," she said, "faith that the universe has meaning, that our little human lives are not irrelevant, that what we choose or say or do matters, matters cosmically."
It matters cosmically.
Which Poe understood.
And so does Justin.
Harold Beaver: "the absolute symmetry of the Universe, says Poe, inheres in the very structures of our minds."
Frot is symmetrical.
Cock against Cock; Balls against Balls.
I will never forget that experience. His cock and balls against mine, moving together in one rhythm. We squirted our loads together at the same exact moment. OH, HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!
Heaven on earth.
The symmetry is perfect.
And so the Truth is perfect.
Justin: "Frot is dogmatic in its natural simplicity."
Its natural simplicity -- is its natural symmetry.
Cock against Cock; Balls against Balls.
Man cannot long or widely err, if he suffer himself to be guided by his poetical, which I have maintained to be his truthful, in being his symmetrical, instinct.
Poetical = truthful = symmetrical.
Let your poetical instinct guide you, and you will arrive undeviatingly at the truth.
That's what Justin has done.
And that's what he's achieved:
"Frot is the Discovery to end all Discoveries about being a MAN. ... Frot is the end all of the most natural, most self-discovered, not learned, development of sexual expression for a man."
"That is what makes FROT so BEAUTIFUL. It is almost dogmatic in its natural simplicity. Nay, it IS dogmatic in its natural simplicity. There is no more to say, THE END and AMEN!!!"
Thank you Justin.
You're a true Warrior.
Bill Weintraub
October 19, 2007
And Justice is done in open air
The stuff of gallant enterprise.
© All material Copyright 2007 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into Frot
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