not lifestyles but lives
not lifestyles but lives
I have been doing a lot of research on male-male relationships in
other cultures. It brings home again and again what a hegemony - a
cultural prism - Anglo western gay culture has become. It is depressing to read on Indian and Japanese websites about western - analist values and customs ... overwriting long established traditions of male-male intimacy which have no connection to anal penetration -- which are grounded in mutal love, desire and empathy. A celebration of masculine beings. A concept which is entirely at odds with western gay notions of masculine identity.
Contemporary gay thinkers and media mouth pieces have moved into a
cerebral and anti human abyss ... identity is a construct for them ... another consumer capitalist comparative study of the way 'men' are percieved to live their lives.
Many of us know and understand that what is vital, real and valid are the 'acts of living' which makes us who we are ... the same is so for our brother, neighbour and friend. Self perception cannot overwrite our innate human nature as easily as modern thinkers would have us believe. No matter how many times we are told the opposite -- human beings know that on an individual basis we do not have lifestyles - we have lives.
The passivity we encounter in others regarding the importance of the
frottage cocktocock dialectic is frustrating. I have a recurring intuitive niggle that this topic (cocktocock) is so intimate ... so natural (having often occured early in life, before any other sexual activity.) ... a powerful universal symbol genital - genital contact ... it stirs deep seated taboos. The connection between
cocktocock and ontology (the nature) of being is one strand of my research. As Bill has pointed out, in many ancient cultures the nature, the quality of male-male love was at the epicentre of their musings on the nature of 'being' itself. In that such love can offer states of being of the highest, clearest and most powerful level.
Re: not lifestyles but lives
Thank you Mart for this very luminous post.
Mart talks about "long established traditions of male-male intimacy which have no connection to anal penetration -- which are grounded in mutal love, desire and empathy. A celebration of masculine beings."
"A concept," he says, "which is entirely at odds with western gay notions of masculine identity."
He adds:
"No matter how many times we are told the opposite -- human beings know that on an individual basis we do not have lifestyles - we have lives."
And Mart concludes:
"In many ancient cultures, the nature, the quality of male-male love was at the epicentre of their musings on the nature of 'being' itself. In that such love can offer states of being of the highest, clearest and most powerful level."
Exactly: "Such love can offer states of being of the highest, clearest, and most powerful level."
That's what the site is about.
That's what
The Man2Man Alliance is about.
Not hook-ups.
But the highest, clearest, and most powerful state of being two men can experience.
For that to happen there has to be a spiritual bond, not just a phallus-to-phallus connection, between them.
Listen to how the King James version of the Bible describes the love of Jonathan and David:
"The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul ... Then David and Jonathan made a convenant, because he loved him as his own soul."
Their souls are knit together, intertwined until they become of a piece, a single fabric.
Similar language is used by Plato, and by the unknown authors of the Gilgamesh epic and the great Celtic Tain.
For those of you who are new to the site, Mart has posted frequently on our boards, and has pages of his own throughout the site, including two in Warriors Speak, two in Heroes, and two essays in Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution.
In addition, Mart has his own CockToCock website and is the author of, among other books, CockToCock Stories Vol I, access to which he has, for a time, very generously donated to the Alliance.
Please visit our Donations Page to learn more about those stories -- like everything Mart writes, they're excellent.
Mart Finn is an extraordinary thinker and writer about CockToCock, a true warrior whose ideas are integral to the Frot / CockToCock Movement.
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