Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
Here's just a few of my own thoughts that I have had in addition to what has been so accurately and forthrightly expressed in other posts concerning Man to Man relationships and how the right to be naturally masculine. But aside from just the sex itself, consider a few other ways that men have, over the centuries, lost things that were originally reserved for men, but have now slipped over into the "feminine" catagory. When you look at the many kings that have come and gone, they took pleasures in things like flowers, wore floral prints and floral fragrances. Almost all wores ruffles of some sort, and most wore lace, because it was handmade and expensive, it was a MALE symbol of status. Makeup was used by both men and women throughout much of history, and skirts and robes, which we now refer to as "dresses," were worn for most of man's history. In fact, to refer to "one's dress" does not just apply to the garment we call a "dress." Jewelry, pocketbooks, purses, handbags, scarfs, even hairstyles have been monopolized by women, when all of these things were originally for men. It's quite a strange conundrum. Think about it, women can wear their hair long or short, styled or straight, and society accepts it. They can wear the frilliest dress, or suit and pants, and they are still considered looking "femine." They can deck themselves out with jewelry or not, but if a man does it, our culture tends to think it odd. In days of old, the tradition of a man who asked a woman to marry him, he would literally give her the ring from his own finger, thus originating the idea of one "wearing his ring." This statement is still used today, even though men today do not by the rings that the bride wears and wear it up untill the day he meets and marries his wife. Though the ring may never have been on the man's finger, she will still refer to it as wearing "his" ring. A misnomer!
My point is that you and I as men are not receiving the same level of attention to detail and choices in the things that traditionally were in the male domain to begin with. Just take a look at some of the catalogs and advertisements on TV and you will see that marketing it aimed more and more to the preferences of women. Men just do not have the amount of variety in these things as do women.
The male standards have become so boxed in by other peoples ideas of propriety, that we have truly lost the wherewithall to enjoy the variety of things that we could enjoy and express ouselves with due to the feminist takeovers, religious piety and man-made expectations, and those that produce and market with there attention to feminine desires, almost to the point of exclusion of what us men might enjoy. These are things that were taken away from us, or at least we were discouraged from enjoying them, so we all just bow to the wishes of society, and the almight dollar, all to the expense of men enjoying what is duly ours to begin with! It's absurd! Why don't jewelers and clothing designers realize that everything they do for women was originally done for men? Anyone don't believe that? Just take a look into some history books and look at the pictures and read about how beautiful things were always there for the pleasure of the male, not the female! Also, look at nature. It's always the male of most animals that carry the beautiful characteristics that attract the female and that we, as men, tend to admire as well? I think that we men should take a stand for the things that have been denied us, even to the point of writing letters to merchants and advertisers that their bottom line income would be much, much higher if they delivered equal choices and services. Of course, everyone has varying tastes and desires, and some may be happy with things as they are, not bothered by the loss, so each letter should be specific as to what your individual taste is. But if you do want your choices back, do something about it! Tell them "If they make it, men will buy it!"
Re: Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
Thank you guys.
Teran talks about "the right to be naturally masculine" -- including in the way we dress.
While his fellow warrior talks about mansmells and admiring "once again the smells of a masculine guy."
You're both correct that through the ages men have been the peacocks of the species.
And that they've openly adorned their bodies, including the genitals.
Most people have seen pictures of "primitive" men wearing gourds and such over their penises and testicles, in a way that doesn't so much obscure as it does accentuate the genitals.
Similarly, there are penis sheaths, which symbolize the erotic and creative energy emitted by the penis.
So again, men have been the peacocks -- they have adorned their bodies for SEXUAL display.
And MARTIAL display: Helmets, for example, make the warrior look taller, and give him a crest, while epaulets in their various forms make the shoulders look broader and more masculine.
But as heterosexualization has gathered force, what we've seen is that men's fashions have become increasingly bland, with most displays of sexuality suppressed or limited to fringe groups like gay men and artists.
Part of that is an effort to deny male sexuality, the power of which heterosexualization fears.
And part of it is, as my foreign friend has said:
The heterosexual society cares only for women. It sees men only as a problematic group that comes in the way of what is called women's rights.
And he points out that "society uses various mechanisms to psychologically keep men away from men sexually so as to keep them from forming intimacy."
One of those mechanisms is blandness in dress.
Another is the suppression of male smells.
But traditionally that's not how men lived.
For example, in Plutarch's description of the Agogé, he says, the boys were taught
to endure pain and conquer in battle. To this end, as they grew in years, their discipline was proportionately increased; their heads were close-clipped, they were accustomed to go barefoot, and for the most part to play naked.
After they were twelve years old, they were no longer allowed to wear any undergarment; they had one coat to serve them a year; their bodies were hard and dry, with but little acquaintance of baths and unguents; these human indulgences they were allowed only on some particular days in the year. They lodged together in little bands upon beds made of rushes that grew by the banks of the river Eurotas, which they were to break off with their hands without a knife; if it were winter, they mingled some thistle down with their rushes, which it was thought had the property of giving warmth. By the time they were come to this age there was not any of the more hopeful boys who had not a lover to bear him company.
They probably also had really rich body odors to bear them company.
They spent all their time exercising and training and they didn't bathe after all.
We know too that the Spartans, though they boasted of owning only a single cloak, elaborately dressed their hair, in what resembled cornrows.
And they did that for each other.
In another post on this board rm aka silverback talks about "grooming."
Again, that's a traditional male activity which has been suppressed.
Men used to spend a lot of time grooming each other.
So as we fight to regain our Natural Masculinity, we need to be aware of just how much has been taken from us.
Thank you both guys.
Bill Weintraub
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Re: Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
Teran is right. Much has been stolen from men and has been turned into something for women. And his fellow warrior is also correct about the sweat of men such as the Gladiators in ancient Rome and the athletes in ancient Greece. What was once MALE has been hijacked and is now female! Why? Because in our upside down society the male is considered "insignificant."
If you listen to society you come away with the impression that males stink, they are not intelligent, they are more like thugs, they are expendable, etc. etc. And let us not forget the stupid idea that men never grow up, they are forever really little boys! That's all crap and garbage and it all comes from our lost society which no longer honors masculinity. Notice that almost everything that is MALE has been deemed wrong, bad, and/or sinful?
There is an ongoing war upon manhood and natural masculinity. That war is now to the point that simply dehumanizing males is not enough so now society is trying to feminize males and turn them into pseudo-women, creatures never intended to be! Creatures which are totally stripped of any vestiges of maleness! Creatures living in both shame and denial of their innate manhood.
Males are losing the battle! The fems and the BFD are winning battle after battle. Look at the great numbers of feminized, sissified boys growing up today that know nothing about being a masculine man. They are everywhere! Weak in body, mind, and spirit! Confused about their own natural identity but isolated in their confusion for fear of talking about it. Yet, something deep within them knows that society is WRONG!
Can you imagine what boys would be like today if they were raised in a contemporary Agogé? Raised to be men who were proud and unashamed of their innate masculinity. Raised to be unashamed of their male bodies and penises. Instead they are being raised under the boot of guilt and shame and by the time they become adults there is already a great and dark cloud hanging over their heads! A cloud of guilt and shame which eats them alive from the inside out!
In most societies in ancient times masculinity and the male penis was honored and esteemed. Today it is dishonored and shamed. No longer is a male's penis a thing of pride but of guilt and embarrassment. That may be what the world teaches but that is no the way our one Creator sees it. Notice people are still being born NAKED? If the male penis was so vile and evil then surely God would make it so male's were born with clothing already on! Or surely the Creator would just remove the penis altogether prior to birth!
The return of the Agogé would make boys into men and men into Warriors! They would be natural males as divinely intended to be. They would have a clear sense of manhood and walk in pride and they would not live under a cloud of shame and guilt.
GUILT, SHAME, and EMBARRASEMENT! These are the messages from our lost society to those of us who happen to have been born males! The message spoken or not is, 'MALE IS BAD!" We are forbidden to be natural male! We are forbidden to love other males! We are forbidden from having pride in our innate aggressiveness! We are expected to live in shame and guilt because we are male. Everything once deemed as masculine has been stolen away from us!
It's no real surprise that so many males today of all ages are DEFEATED WITH THEIR OWN MINDS living under a CLOUD of GUILT AND SHAME!! That cloud dims our joy in life. It makes us uncertain and fearful even of our own selves. It confuses us as to who and what we are. It creates anger within us that sometimes grows and explodes into undisciplined acts of aggression and rage. There are A LOT of angry and frustrated males walking around today!
Notice that female nudity is fine but male nudity is not? That's yet another attack upon males. They message is that the male penis is bad and evil not worthy of anything or of any adoration at all but only of shame! That's CRAP!! Even our natural smell has been deemed "bad" in this world of scents and deodorants. The suffocating PERFUME smell is "in" for males today and the message is "YOU STINK" and that males must smell like WOMEN. So males throw on the perfume scents in an effort to cover their own shame over being male once again. I've seen some males go into a panic when they begin to sweat while working out, playing sports, or whatever. It's like a major crisis in their day! It's like there is something wrong with sweating and smelling naturally MALE!
I wonder what school locker rooms in the gyms smell like today? Are they suffocating with the smell of perfume? When I was in school the gym rooms smelled distinctly male. The odor of male sweat was everywhere and it didn't bother anyone. It was MALE!! It was even erotic to smell the masculine scent in the air of the locker rooms! But I bet all that is gone now replaced by overpowering stinking perfume fragrances and I bet gym rooms are now like walking into a boutique on 5th Avenue!!
Man is bad! YOU are bad!
Man stinks! YOU stink!
Man is unworthy of anything! YOU are unworthy of anything!
Man is evil! YOU are evil!
Man is stupid! YOU are stupid!
These are the messages being put forth by our lost society today which is ANTI-MALE and ANTI-MASCULINE!! It is a society so bent on the feminine that it now even is indoctrinating young boys into it's garbage! It's no wonder so many males today are lost in drug abuse, alcoholism, and such. They CAN'T live with the shame and guilt anymore! It's time to change society BACK to what human society is traditionally and historically meant to be!! It's time for males to take PRIDE again and break their chains of enslavement!
Re: Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
There is an ongoing war upon manhood and natural masculinity. That war is now to the point that simply dehumanizing males is not enough so now society is trying to feminize males and turn them into pseudo-women, creatures never intended to be! Creatures which are totally stripped of any vestiges of maleness! Creatures living in both shame and denial of their innate manhood.
I would disagree that pseudo-women were creatures never intended to be. I think pseudo-women were intended to be as a symbol of the dishonored male, a man who is so low as to not be fully male. I think what was never intended to be is the fact that our society HONORS these pseudo-women INSTEAD OF and AT THE EXPENSE OF naturally masculine males.
Now pseudo-males have pride instead of shame and reassurance instead of denial. The only gap is: what are they proud of? I heard a pseudo-male drag queen speaking at the pride rally last year in my area. He said "What a great pride you have!" I thought to myself, "So gay people have nothing to be proud of individually that we have to group together to even have some form of collective pride?" And our pride is such a shallow feeling that it can be readily observed simply with a mob and a couple rainbow flags? I don't know about you, but I have pride in my accomplishments, MY PERSONAL accomplishments. I don't feel pride for because I showed up to a rally, or because I vastly prefer the company of men over women. Pride for gay men is not even a feeling any more, it's an event. YOU don't have pride, your CITY has PRIDE, aka a pride "event". "What a great pride you (collectively) have!" And this pseudo-woman drag queen must have had little to no pride. He must have been full of shame in order to so easily and wantonly declare that pride was evident in a bunch of rainbow flags flying above a bunch of men who won't even show their faces when chatting with each other online, or exchange their real names when meeting at a bar.
Re: Masculinity Slowly Losing Options To Femininity
Hey Robert and Greg
Thank you both.
Very powerful posts.
Greg's right that what's happening is "AT THE EXPENSE OF naturally masculine males."
Robert says:
Can you imagine what boys would be like today if they were raised in a contemporary Agogé? Raised to be men who were proud and unashamed of their innate masculinity. Raised to be unashamed of their male bodies and penises. Instead they are being raised under the boot of guilt and shame and by the time they become adults there is already a great and dark cloud hanging over their heads! A cloud of guilt and shame which eats them alive from the inside out!
In most societies in ancient times masculinity and the male penis was honored and esteemed. Today it is dishonored and shamed. No longer is a male's penis a thing of pride but of guilt and embarrassment. That may be what the world teaches but that is no the way our one Creator sees it. Notice people are still being born NAKED? If the male penis was so vile and evil then surely God would make it so male's were born with clothing already on! Or surely the Creator would just remove the penis altogether prior to birth!
The return of the Agogé would make boys into men and men into Warriors! They would be natural males as divinely intended to be. They would have a clear sense of manhood and walk in pride and they would not live under a cloud of shame and guilt.
Boys under the Agogé, says Robert, were "Raised to be men who were proud and unashamed of their innate masculinity. Raised to be unashamed of their male bodies and penises."
If we look at this illustration of the Spartan kings, which is based on sculptures and vase paintings
what's striking is the nudity.
Robert is right that there's no shame.
Just pride.
Also notice that the genitals are presented unadorned.
No penis sheaths or gourds.
The genitals are simply there.
This is me, this is who I am -- I'm a MAN.
Here's an original Spartan statue:
And another:
And another:
Each guy is wearing a cuirass (breastplate + backplate), but their genitals are prominent and exposed.
And that's how they went into battle.
Again, here's the illustration:
You can see that the king on the left is wearing a cuirass with stylized male musculature.
Again, he's accentuating his maleness.
But very often they did not wear a cuirass.
Just a helmet and a shield.
If you check out Hoplites / Nude Combat there are more illustrations and original Greek art.
And they're very striking.
The return of the Agogé would make boys into men and men into Warriors! They would be natural males as divinely intended to be. They would have a clear sense of manhood and walk in pride and they would not live under a cloud of shame and guilt.
These are indeed "natural males as divinely intended to be."
By contrast, think of all the men today afflicted, as I just described, with testicular HIV.
Their balls are literally diseased.
Which means their manhood is diseased.
This is not a metaphor.
It's a reality.
And it's a direct consequence of what Robert aptly calls "an ongoing war upon manhood and natural masculinity."
And as Greg says, the honoring of "pseudo-women INSTEAD OF and AT THE EXPENSE OF naturally masculine males."
It's time to change society BACK to what human society is traditionally and historically meant to be!! It's time for males to take PRIDE again and break their chains of enslavement!
Thank you guys.
Bill Weintraub
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
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