I've noticed that men behave differently in an all-male environment -- especially a fight school/wrestling environment.
Combat training changes things when males are together in training with males only. For one thing they learn to trust each other in the training. You learn to know what you can expect from your training partner. I've experienced that in kickboxing and in grappling. When
you take on your training partner in class at the end of class and you really fight that person, a bond develops that is WAY different from a gay boyfriend-boyfriend relationship.
It's that bond that soldiers feel when they train for and go to war.
These males may get turned on by another male just as they may get turned on by a woman.
But what turns them on isn't important.
What matters is that they're primarily Masculine Identified -- and that they're willing to fight.
So the big divider is not Gay / Straight.
It's Masculine / Feminized.
Masculine men need to be in the company of other Masculine men.
Forcing them to spend their lives with feminized males in a gay ghetto -- is torture.
The reason you don't see more Masculine guys having sex with Masculine guys is because those guys are taught as teenagers to HIDE their feelings.
So each one of them ends up thinking that he's the only MAN on earth
who's attracted to other Men.
But that's not true.
When males are together in an all-male fight training experience like wrestling, etc they are not forced into a heterosexual environment where they need to prove their heterosexuality. In the fight room experience for instance young males only need to prove their maleness or willingness to fight. In that situation the participation and willingness to fight is more important than even winning. Yes that is very true.
When all the males in the group act butch and manly by showing a willingness to fight each other, whether they win or lose, then they all learn as a group that they can rely on each other in a real battle. That teamwork skill is what maleness is all about.
When women get thrown into the mix, the whole process changes. Not to sound like a chauvinist but women are baby-makers. Males fight to protect the group. Yes there are women who fight but they are the exception.
Most of Human History in the Western World was a situation where males spent most of their time together. They competed against each other in combat sports, and they fought together well because of it. That all changed about 150 years ago with industrialization. Industrialization and the technological revolution made women and men more economically/politically equal. So today we have a different dynamic. Males and Females are forced together like they never were before in Human History.
My view is that what is actually repulsive to most Masculine Identified (not "straight identified" but MASCULINE Identified) males is Feminine Identified Males.
Biologically speaking when a male becomes feminine he becomes a liability to the group. You would not be able to rely on a limp wristed fag to help you out in a battle to defend your group/your country even.
In our modern society we have associated several things: homosexuality, anal sex, AIDS, and male feminine behavior. (A super important point here is that anal sex is responsible for over 90% of AIDS cases in the Industrialized nations.) Would that make for a strong nation? A bunch of guys who take it up the butt and get a deadly virus. Of course there's going to be a backlash against "gays" because of that perception.
Masculine-Identified males don't need to get out of a straight jacket because they just have to shirk it off. Like I did. I was drawn into the Gay World for a while because I was seeking man2man sex. I was NOT ever into butt fucking. Some accused me of not really being gaybecause of it. Whatever the hell that means.
Fighting is a very male thing. And if guys can get back to that environment in an all-male setting again like they had for 1000s of years, then there is hope for the return of man to man masculine civility.
Re: Man Space
In balls and the man, Naked Wrestler aka NW said
Two men, driven by the testosterone from their testicles, seek out simple and ritualistic dominance of one man over the other. The fight is temporary and quick; the male2male bond from it is perpetual.
The beauty that nature and our Creator has built into the system is that men simultaneously show off their male genitals in that fight for dominance -- even while wearing the symbolic cover up of the wrestling singlet in our modern society.
You can't hold back nature; and you can't hold back your balls.
Testicles and the beautiful aggression they drive in us is what nature intended for us men. Deal with it and enjoy your manhood.
Manhood is back. Fighting is Man. Man is good.
Fighting is Good.
Combat training changes things when males are together in training with males only. For one thing they learn to trust each other in the training. You learn to know what you can expect from your training partner. I've experienced that in kickboxing and in grappling. When you take on your training partner in class at the end of class and you really fight that person, a bond develops that is WAY different from a "gay" boyfriend-boyfriend relationship.
It's that bond that soldiers feel when they train for and go to war.
These males may get turned on by another male just as they may get turned on by a woman.
But what turns them on isn't important.
What matters is that they're primarily Masculine Identified -- and that they're willing to fight.
So the big divider is not Gay / Straight.
It's Masculine / Feminized.
Masculine men need to be in the company of other Masculine men.
Forcing them to spend their lives with feminized males in a gay ghetto -- is torture.
The reason you don't see more Masculine guys having sex with Masculine guys is because those guys are taught as teenagers to HIDE their feelings.
So each one of them ends up thinking that he's the only MAN on earth who's attracted to other Men.
But that's not true.
When males are together in an all-male fight training experience like wrestling, etc they are not forced into a heterosexual environment where they need to prove their heterosexuality. In the fight room experience for instance young males only need to prove their maleness or willingness to fight. In that situation the participation and willingness to fight is more important than even winning. Yes that is very true.
When all the males in the group act butch and manly by showing a willingness to fight each other, whether they win or lose, then they all learn as a group that they can rely on each other in a real battle. That teamwork skill is what maleness is all about.
"The big divider is not Gay / Straight.
It's Masculine / Feminized."
I was talking with the Naked guy, and he said that my NATURAL MASCULINITY and the weight of the lies page was good, but that it was very intellectual.
And I said, Fine, it's there for people who care about the Greeks -- which NW very much does -- but we also have other ways of delivering our message.
That's a very effective slogan.
Because what I know from doing this work is that certain words really resonate with MEN.
Words like Masculinity, and Manhood, and
Those words, and what they stand for, are really important to men.
Phallus is another word.
So we have a slogan:
Here are some other slogans -- from NW:
Is NW correct that Fighting is Man?
It's what my foreign friend said:
"Fighting spirit is the hallmark of masculinity"
I was thinking about that, and about the last three and a half decades I've spent trying to deal with the feminized males who run the gay community, who believe that Fighting is bad and Man is bad.
Fact is, those people have opposed sensible solutions to community problems time and time again.
ALWAYS on the basis of their feminized, wimped out, fucked up the butt ideology.
Here's an example:
In 1979 I started my anti-violence work by promoting a "self-defense course for lesbians and gay men."
The people who'd crafted the course were terrific.
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But trying to sell it -- that is to persuade gay males to take the course -- was impossible.
At community meetings, I'd speak about it, and the feminized males would literally scoff at it -- they'd say, with that queenly scorn, "Self defense? We want POLICE protection."
It was all, Please Mr. Policeman, protect me, please.
Well, here's what was going on:
There were a large number of fag-bashings and just plain crimes of opportunity being committed on the far west side of Manhattan, basically in a area of warehouses and other industrial-use buildings which were deserted after business hours.
Gay males would go into that area after dark because there were bars and sex clubs and outdoor cruising areas there.
Though we did work with the police and prosecutors -- extensively -- there was no way the police could patrol such a vast area.
In addition to which, there were other communities clamoring for police protection -- and their needs had to be considered too.
Yet the statistics were and are clear:
People who have self-defense / martial arts training are far less likely to be crime victims, and if they are attacked, they are far more likely to survive.
So: by taking a little bit of responsibility for themselves and learning how to FIGHT, these guys could have minimized their risk.
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They would NOT do it.
They scoffed at the idea.
Instead, they wallowed in the politics of identity.
We're gay, we're victims.
Ultimately, those courses failed.
They were discontinued for lack of interest.
I was one of the founding board members of the NYC Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project -- and that's a satisfaction.
But the community had an opportunity at that time for self-empowerment.
Which was rejected.
(By the way, some of you may point out that these guys could have also minimized their risk by not going to bars and sex clubs.
But that wasn't on the table in 1979.
And truth to tell, everyone should have the right to walk the streets in safety.
Even if their destination is not one we necessarily approve of.)
I had a similar experience when it was first announced that oral could be a source of HIV infection.
The feminized gay males just flipped out about it.
"Now THEY are trying to take oral away from us," they wailed.
There was no THEY.
There were just responsible, peer-reviewed researchers and gay men who'd volunteered to be studied.
Didn't matter.
What you heard was that non-stop feminized scoffing and scorn.
My response was -- stop whining.
If it's dangerous -- don't do it.
And we've had the same crap from them about Frot.
Except they've gone even more berserk.
And at this point I'm beginning to feel that it doesn't matter whether these guys are effeminate by some fluke of biology, or if it's all cultural.
Fact is, if they won't change, they won't change.
Because if the bottoms are running the community, as one very well-placed warrior and gay establishment guy said to be, if these very effeminized men are controlling the gay space, then Masculine Men cannot occupy that space with them.
Because they inevitably seek to effeminize and degrade the Masculine.
Guys, this is a question of NATURAL MASCULINITY.
It's like the Naked guys says:
So we need our own space, and a space which is masculine -- like Naked Wrestler says,
A space in which it's understood that
And a space in which it's also understood that it's Normal and Natural for Masculine Men to bond phallically with other Masculine Men.
Men who are Naturally Masculine bond phallus2phallus with other Masculine Men.
For a guy to put his MANHOOD against another guy's is natural and normal and not a big deal.
Plus it feels really great!
So we have this:
And this:
About establishing a separate space, my foreign friend said to me,
Once the difference is clearly maintained, the queers will stop bothering you, and your sexual desire will also cease to have to bear the effects of their effeminacy. It will also have an immense effect on straight identified men.
I don't know if he's right about the first part -- that the so-called queers, the feminized males, will stop bothering us.
But I think he's right that the establishment of naturally masculine spaces will have an effect on straight-identified guys who are trying to come to terms with their same-sex needs and desires.
Such spaces will make life a whole lot easier for ALL Naturally Masculine Men.
Remember guys:
In terms of Natural Masculinity, there's a parallel between Fighting and Frot.
Like Fighting, FROT is a completely NATURAL MASCULINE behavior.
It doesn't effeminize.
Rather, it exalts Masculinity and Manhood.
What MAN doesn't want that?
What MAN doesn't want his Masculinity heightened and his Manhood honored?
ALL MEN seek an increase in Masculinity.
ALL MEN desire an honoring of Manhood.
These are UNIVERSALS among MEN.
So: Fighting, in the proper context and properly controlled, increases masculinity and honors manhood.
As does FROT.
Bill Weintraub
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into Frot
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