
A young man's right to choose



A young man's right to choose


I am pleased that you have added Alliance Youth to the site. When I was a young man I had more choices than young men have today. As an older man I would love to tell them of the freedom I had and to assure them that they should have the right to stand up to the BFD.

Here is a list of rights that they should not be denied:

  1. The right to reject analism in all of its forms without fear.

  2. The right to express their Natural Masculinity.

  3. The right to reject any attempts to shape their behavior in a way that robs them of their dignity and self-respect.

  4. The right to express phallic bonding without being ridiculed.

  5. The right to reject commercialism which makes them objects rather than living Men.

  6. The right to fight which is their natural inborn predisposition and is universal to all Men.

  7. The right to be free of disease, degradation, and death which is the legacy of analist culture.

  8. The right to Fidelity.

  9. The right to express honor loyalty and courage in the face of the dominant analist culture.

  10. The right to express universal brotherhood and to affirm life for all Men.

To all of you young Men who read this I sincerely hope that your lives are blessed and that someday you will be free to be Men amongst Men. Peace be with all of you and welcome to the Alliance.

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