Part II
I've found this discussion of superheroes, and wrestling buddies to be a page out of my own life from childhood through my adult years.
As a child I had erotic childhood experiences concerning wrestling, frot, and comic books. In my case it was figures from American history, biographies of Presidents Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, as well as cowboys and other childhood figures like Spin and Marty.
I remember a Classics Illustrated comic book about Abraham Lincoln. On the front cover almost laminated at that time were two titanic topless figures about to wrestle.
There was Lincoln, grown to manhood, without the beard of course, topless in a wrestling stance against his equally muscular and statuesque opponent Jack Armstrong, also topless. Both seemed to be wearing skin tight jeans or jeanlike bucksins, boots, and Lincoln's belt buckle showed off his pelvis. I wondered what did these men grab on without the shirts. There was at the same time a T.V. docudrama on the same famous wrestling match. I was surprised to see these two grown men rolling and struggling on top of each other just like Spin and Marty or the Hardy Boys in the Mickey Mouse Club serials. When I watched these fights I had an erection, but I didn't understand why, and I thought that something was wrong with me. I just had to look at the cover and the few scenes of wrestling in the Lincoln comic and rub against the sheets of my bed. Again I did not understand my behaviour.
jack & abe get it on
As a seven year old child I was intrigued by the story of these two grown men who "rassled" like schoolboys and ended up becoming close friends acting just like brothers. I fantasized about what that relationship was like and what the wrestling was like throughout my pre adolescent, adolescent, and adult years. All of my archetypes and my need for frot / wrestling as well as masturbatory fantasies are caught up in these childhood images and continue to the present day.
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Interestingly enough, historians believe that Lincoln had homo-erotic experiences. They may have been of the frot wrestle type. I'll wager that he and Jack had a lot of male to male bonding in those cabins at New Salem.
When I got the Kennedy comic I was eleven. There were two books. The second had a quite to me exciting scene of Jack wrestling his older brother, Joe. Jack was on the bottom, Joe on top in what appeared to be a combination of grinding and rolling. Kennedy's feet were pressed tightly on both sides of the seat of Joe's jeans as he laid tightly on top of Jack's crotch in his tight jeans and Jack appeared to be in the process of rolling on top of his brother. The Roosevelt comic had a boy schoolboy pinning young Teddy as they struggled groin to groin. I can't tell you how many erections I had looking at these pictures. I was also intrigued at how close the friendship was in the Lincoln case between him and Jack as if the fight cemented the friendship and of course there was the fraternal connection between Jack and Joe. Being an only child and fatherless, I couldn't help but have a longing feeling as well as imagining a feeling of mutual warmth and even trust existed between the combatants.
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I didn't know why. Years later during a course on child psychology I asked my professor whether the nature of wrestling was rooted in violent, aggressive behaviour. He said no that it was rather an expression of attachment. These mainstream American comics lionising real people were also praising the intimacy and tenacity of these acts of combat. Those symbols as well as symbols from the westerns became combined in a love of wrestling that stimulated my masturbatory fantasies to this very day. I might add that westerns like "Big Valley" which showed a close intimacy between the combative half-brothers Nick and Heath (in one scene they wrestled each other in a Fourth of July Contest before the entire town) and "Rifleman" (in one scene he wrestled a man who thought he was Abraham Lincoln) reinforced these archetypes in my psyche. When I was twelve I had this yearning to wrestle a big older guy, a big brother figure, who would be wearing cowboy cut wrangler jeans and I imagined us rubbing and rolling around on the floor. I had wrestled with a boy who was three years younger and we did a lot of groin and crotch burning when we were twelve, but my fantasies were not realized until my college years and only partially.
nick & heath
cowboy cock2cock
I still have those feelings today and they are not the gay stereotype of oral or anal sex. I thought I might be stimulated by anal sex, but when I saw it in a video and the grimace of pain it was a turn off. I wasn't greatly excited by straight sex either and so I have lived a celibate life, thinking that my sexual development was arrested in some infantile form until I stumbled upon your website.
In closing, let me say that your website does an important service during this age of deadly STDs as well as clear the air in an age of intellectual and spiritual breakdown. I want to thank you.
reply from bill
hey john
you're welcome dude -- i'm glad the site has been so helpful for you and i hope it continues to be so
to that end John, i encourage you to read as deeply on our Personal Stories message board and in Warriors Speak and Heroes as you can
one of the problems John had as a boy was he didn't know how ubiquitous homosex had been among men, and particularly men of the warrior class, prior to post-industrialized society
simply put, the rigid separation into "gay" and "straight" didn't occur until the 20th century
before then, most cultures supported and even celebrated homosexual acts -- though most condemned anal penetration
of course there were other cultures which condemned homosexual acts, usually defined as anal penetration
but no culture had a concept of people being exclusively homosexual, or any sense that such people might constitute a minority group
that made it far easier for men to be affectionate with each other, since no one was going to call them "homo" for doing so
we can see that quite clearly in the relaxed and casual displays of affection in these ancient paintings and 19th-century photographs
greek warriors at a dinner party
while in 19th century America, displays of affection between friends were common
american soldiers and sailors
arizona cowboys
so we can see that John's fantasies about same-sex contact in earlier times weren't just fantasies
the other problem John had was that sex, whether hetero or homo, had been defined for him as penetration
and since he wanted to wrestle and rub cocks instead, he thought there was something wrong with him
but there wasn't and there isn't
because sex isn't about penetration
what makes sex sexual and uniquely pleasurable is the rubbing of the erectile tissues of the genitals
in the case of a man and a woman, the erectile tissues are those of the penis, clitoris, and vaginal entrance
![]() erectile tissues are found in the penis which is richly endowed with sensory nerve endings the glans penis is particularly sensitive while the skin of the scrotum is very sensitive |
![]() erectile tissues are found in the clitoris and around the entrance to the vagina which is richly endowed with sensory nerve endings the glans clitoris is particularly sensitive while the lining of the vagina is morphologically equivalent to the skin of the scrotum |
during penile-vaginal sex, the man rubs his phallus, a genital organ, against the tissues of the woman's clitoris and vagina, also genital organs, and she responds to his movement with movement of her own, moving her body so as to maximize the pleasure from and contribute to these rubbing sensations
the intense pleasure in the act results not from penetration per se, but from genital rubbing -- to repeat, it is mutual genital rubbing which produces the intense mutual pleasure of penile-vaginal sex
moreover, a significant portion of that pleasure comes from the man rubbing his phallus against the woman's engorged clitoris, part of which emerges from the surrounding tissue to form a glans, and all of which is the morphological equivalent of his phallus
in addition to those erectile tissues in the clitoris, there are erectile tissues located around the vaginal entrance, which are also morphologically equivalent to those of the penis
these erectile tissues in the clitoris and vaginal entrance are richly supplied with sensory nerve fibers
during penile-vaginal sex, it is the rubbing of these genital tissues in both the man and woman which creates pleasure
penetration is incidental to sexual pleasure, and though necessary for procreation, sexual pleasure derives not from penetration per se but from the rubbing of the penis against the clitoral tissues and those near the surface of the vagina
and although the position of their bodies and the male's greater physical strength may suggest that the man is dominating the woman, in reality penile-vaginal sex is meant to be and usually is a co-operative act, a genital and spiritual union, in which each partner experiences intense genital pleasure based morphologically on erectile tissue, and in which each seeks to augment both their pleasure and that of their partner through maximizing the sensations generated by genital rubbing
in the case of two men, the erectile tissues are those of their phalluses -- cocks, dicks, and cranks
the erectile tissues of the penis are morphologically equivalent to those of the clitoris and entrance to the vagina
the glans penis and the glans clitoris are morphologically identical, and for that reason are the most sensitive part of the genitals in both men and women
to repeat, in both men and women, those erectile tissues are morphologically identical, consisting of cavernous tissues that become engorged with blood and which are richly supplied with exquisitely sensitive sensory nerve endings
in fact, says biologist Sensei Patrick, "If you turn a woman's squirrel inside out, you essentially have a crank."
and that's right
because the genital tissues of the male and female are morphologically equivalent
so when you rub cocks, morphologically you're doing the same thing, you're experiencing the same sort of sensorially intense and super pleasurable genital connection, as when a man and a woman connect through their genitals - cock, clit, and vagina
you're connecting and rubbing your sensorily rich erectile tissues with those of another person -- someone you desire and love
what about penetration?
penetration does not equal sex
it's true of course that for sex between a man and woman to be procreative, the man must enter the woman
but he enters the woman through contact with her erectile tissues, tissues which are designed to pleasurably lead his cock into her vagina while giving her maximum pleasure
so it's not penetration or even procreation which makes the act sexual
if procreative penetration were all that was needed, a man could impregnate a woman through getting some sperm from a pouch on his body, and placing it with his finger inside a pouch on hers
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or like some insects, he could simply leave a spermatophore, a container of sperm, in a place where she could find it, and she could then put the sperm in her womb
human beings aren't made that way
rather, we're designed to enjoy sex, and to experience sex as the highest and most intense form of pleasure
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that pleasure, which derives from the mutual rubbing of the erectile tissues of the male and female genitals, has inspired much of the creative output of the human race
so what sex is about, for men and women as well as for men and men, is mutual genital pleasure
penetration and sex aren't synonomous
procreation and sex aren't synonomous
but genitalia and sex are
and both hetero and homo couples achieve genital pleasure through genital rubbing
genital - genital sex
two erect cocks
engorged with blood
richly supplied with sensory nerve fibers
rubbing for maximum pleasure
at full penetration, anal sex looks like vaginal sex
but they're not remotely the same
because the anus isn't a vagina -- it doesn't have any of the elaborate structure, any of the erectile tissue, any of the exquisitely sensitive and rich sensory nerve endings which make vaginal sex so pleasurable for both partners
rather, the anus is an organ of excretion
it's only purpose is to move waste material and pathogens out of the body
yet, for more than 25 years, "men into anal," a practice which centers on the penetration of that organ of excretion and is consequently dirty, dangerous, and degrading, have told other gay men that if sex isn't anal, it's abnormal, and that frot (and wrestling) is a fetish
let's get real
frot isn't a fetish
it's genital - genital sex -- just like penile-vaginal sex
anal penetration, however, *is* a fetish
it's a sexual obsession with a non-genital organ -- the anus
look again for a moment at the delicate and intricate structures of the vagina, designed to accept and welcome a phallus and selectively guide its ejaculate to the womb while generating intensely mutual pleasure for both partners
then look at the anus
a little sphincter muscle at the end of a pipe filled with feces, its sole function is to control, somewhat, when a person has a bowel movement
it's also a fetish
sticking your dick in a hole full of shit is bizarre
imagining your anus is a vagina is weird -- and painful
artifacts of buttfuck culture:
dudes -- this is a self-hating, self-destructive culture
in fact, everything about anal culture -- the penetration, the effeminacy, the promiscuity -- is homophobic to the core
so not only is anal a fetish, it's a homophobic fetish
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A tanned top fucks a pale, effeminized bottom, his fists clenched and face distorted with pain; surrounding them are tee-shirts sold on, reading "pitcher, catcher, tight end, wide receiver." The catalog copy boasts, "As seen on TV's 'Queer As Folk.' The Catcher shirt is married in spirit to the Pitcher shirt. Great athletic mesh sports design with an underlying dirty and direct message!...a subtle [sic] and naughty message... a subtle filthy message for bros in the know." At the bottom is the ultimate analist self-defining tee: PIG. |
i'll keep saying so and you guys should too
don't let the buttfuck boyz get away with this shit
shit they push like a dealer pushes crack and meth
anal penetration isn't kewl, it isn't hot, it isn't adventuresome, it isn't daring
it's conformist
anal is what gay men expect other gay men to do, and what straight people expect gay men to do
doing anal doesn't prove you're a man, or even a gay man
all it proves is that you can do what you're told
and that's dumb
cause anal isn't even sex
it's dangerous, it hurts, it smells bad, and it messes with your head
so don't do it
and tell your buddies that you don't do anal, you don't like anal, you're not promiscuous and you're not effeminate, and you think men who are, are fucked up
don't be fooled by "honor diversity"
the buttfuck boyz have never honored us or anyone else who won't do anal
what they mean by honor diversity is honor bug-chasing, honor gift-giving, honor rimming, honor penetration, degradation, promiscuity, pain and death
i'll never do that, and you shouldn't either
dudes -- can you imagine Thor, Hercules, Samson, Lincoln, Armstrong, or any other true hero getting fucked up the ass?
not without destroying his life
that's the truth of it
so we offer men stark choices:
FROT phallus fidelity masculinity equality freedom pleasure health LIFE |
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anal anus promiscuity effeminacy submission subjugation pain disease death |
John was celibate -- that's sad
but John was also true to who he is and what he wants and what he believes
that's awesome
i hope that John now finds the partner he deserves...
another guy who's a Cockrub Warrior
cause superhero frot wrestling warrior dudes
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did ya like that dude?
i thought ya would
the guys and the girls were hot
the guys and the guys were hot too
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Man2Man Alliance Heroic Homosex site
Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into Frot
To learn more about Frot, ck out What's Hot About Frot
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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
cock2cock is male2male