National Minority AIDS Council discovers cause of AIDS
National Minority AIDS Council discovers cause of AIDS
In a truly stunning announcement, breathtaking in both its scope and intellectual audacity, the National Minority AIDS Council revealed this week that it had discovered a key cause of the ongoing AIDS epidemic:
lack of affordable housing.
No, I'm not making this up.
Lack of affordable housing was at the very top of the problems which need to be addressed, according to the National Minority AIDS Council and a number of other minority representatives and groups, if HIV / AIDS is ever to be brought under control.
Here's their list of things we must do, as reported by the SF Chronicle:
-- Support the strengthening of stable African American communities by addressing the need for more affordable housing.
-- Reduce the impact of incarceration as a driver of new HIV infection within the African American community.
-- Eliminate marginalization of -- and reduce stigma and discrimination against -- black gay men and other men who have sex with men.
-- Expand HIV prevention education programs, promote the early identification of HIV through voluntary, routine testing and connect those in need of treatment to it as early as possible.
-- Reduce the number of HIV infections in the African American community caused by injection drug use through the expansion of substance abuse prevention programs, drug treatment and recovery services and clean-needle exchange programs.
Amazing isn't it?
Nowhere is there any mention of anal penetration, which among men who have sex with men, is the principal and indeed virtually sole "driver of new HIV infection within the African American community" -- to use their phrase.
What do they target instead?
Let's take a look:
1. Affordable housing.
As I said, the sheer intellectual, if you can call it that, audacity of this one is breathtaking.
I mean, we've heard that AIDS is caused by poverty, gender inequality, homophobia, and various types of stigma -- but this is the first time, to my knowledge, that anyone's actually pointed to the lack of affordable housing as a cause of HIV / AIDS which must be addressed before the epidemic can be reined in.
Looks like we're in for a long spell of pestilence guys.
I mean, affordable housing -- that's a big one.
Is there, in point of fact, any correlation between the high cost of housing and AIDS?
If there were, everyone in California would have AIDS.
And not just California.
Every blue state would have a major generalized epidemic, with HIV prevalence in America equal to or greater than that of Swaziland -- a full 38% at least.
Actually, though, HIV prevalence in the US is about 1% or under -- the figure usually given is 0.6%.
And, as the minority spokespeople cannot help but reference in their list, most of the cases of HIV / AIDS in the US are still concentrated among two groups:
Injection drug users; and
Gay and "other men who have sex with men."
Now, it is probably the case that many injection drug users have housing problems.
They have a lot of problems after all.
But the same cannot be said of gay men.
HIV is concentrated among gay men living in pricey cities like San Francisco, New York, and LA, where not only do many own their homes, but where they've been a major factor in driving housing prices to record levels.
So you can't really say that gay men are suffering from a lack of affordable housing.
And it's not just gay men.
A number of studies, including one we reported on out of Africa, identify HIV as a disease of relative affluence.
Not poverty.
Given those studies and those findings, it's clear that seeking to link HIV with a lack of affordable housing is, not to put too fine a point on it -- goofy.
But -- that doesn't stop the NMAC from doing it.
Never confuse me with the facts -- that's their motto.
Is there by the way a scientifically-demonstrated correlation between HIV infection and anal penetration?
At a minimum it's 90%.
Which is very high.
We catalogue the studies which demonstrate that correlation in our MSM HIV Timeline, among many other articles.
So why, given that overwhelming correlation, would you pursue a will o' the wisp like affordable housing?
Which has no demonstrated relationship to HIV infection?
Well, for one thing, because it's politically correct.
Criticizing anal -- or simply stating the plain facts about HIV transmission and anal penetration -- is politically INcorrect.
But talking about poverty -- whether in Africa or America -- as a "driver" of AIDS is in political fashion.
Yet the TRUTH is plain.
There's ENORMOUS SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT for the link between HIV transmission and anal penetration.
While there's NO EVIDENCE that poverty -- or lack of affordable housing -- impacts HIV rates.
This is what UC Berkeley AIDS epidemiologist Dr. James Chin says about this sort of political correctness in his forthcoming book, The AIDS Pandemic: the collision of epidemiology with political correctness:
"Poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare are major determinants of high HIV prevalence."
This litany used by UNAIDS and most AIDS programs includes most of the socially and politically correct myths about major determinants of HIV transmission, but there is no epidemiologic support for these myths and misconceptions. Poverty is a socially and politically attractive hypothesis to account for high HIV prevalence, but available data suggest the opposite. As described in Chapter 5, persons in the top 20 percent for income in Kenya and Tanzania have HIV infection rates 2 to 3 times higher compared to persons in the lowest 20 percent -- probably because the wealthiest persons, both males and females, have a greater number of sex partners. Some of the richest countries in SSA [sub-Saharan Africa] have the highest HIV prevalence rates and most of the poorest countries in the world have the lowest rates. Poverty as a major determinant of HIV transmission is a glorious myth that is not easily dispelled even though there are no epidemiologic data to support this myth. I have challenged all students who have taken my class since the new millennium to provide me with data to support this myth and they have yet to come up with any.
Personally, I am 100 plus percent against poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare, but I also believe that even if "we" were able to eliminate these social and public health problems, we would not make much of an impact on the high HIV prevalence rates that are present in MSM [men who have sex with men], IDU [injecting drug user] and many SSA populations.
[emphases mine]
There's NO data to support a campaign for affordable housing as a way of impacting AIDS.
Yet the National Minority AIDS Council, which receives federal funding, is undertaking such a campaign anyway.
As is Phill Wilson of the Black AIDS Institute.
Interestingly, at the very same time that the NMAC and old friends like Wilson were holding forth on housing and such, officials in both Korea and Greece, two countries which other than being peninsulas don't have a great deal in common, were announcing sharp increases in the levels of new HIV infection in their lands.
But they didn't blame those increases on housing or the lack thereof.
Rather, they attributed them to sex -- specifically sex between men.
Hard to believe isn't it?
But I guess that's why the US is so much more advanced than places like Korea and Greece.
Because here we realize that AIDS is a function of the housing market -- something those poor benighted Greeks and Koreans have yet to figure out.
Now it's true that neither the Greeks nor the Koreans, in their prudish and unsophisticated way, made any mention of the sort of sex between men that was causing this increase.
But, since men don't have vaginas, I think it's safe to say that it's anal "sex" in both Greece and Korea that's responsible.
Just as it is here in the US of A.
Which brings us to the second item on the minority AIDS activists' list:
2. "-- Reduce the impact of incarceration as a driver of new HIV infection within the African American community."
Wow -- talk about talkin around the issue!
What does this one actually mean?
It means condoms.
These folks want to force prison officials to distribute condoms to prisoners.
Does that make any sense?
Well, given that a lot of sex in prison is rape, and that rapists don't ordinarily bother with condoms -- no, it doesn't.
What would make sense, if we're going to recognize the reality of sex in prison, would be campaigns which punish rape, which discourage anal penetration, and which encourage Frot and mutual masturbation.
That would cut down on the spread of HIV in penal settings.
Condoms alone will not.
If anything, condom distribution will be seen as validating and tacitly encouraging anal penetration among prisoners.
Good news for all the predatory tops; bad news for all those hapless males trapped in a cell and forced to play the role of bitch.
With or without a condom.
Next up:
3. "-- Eliminate marginalization of -- and reduce stigma and discrimination against -- black gay men and other men who have sex with men."
Here we go again.
I just cited a study which pointed out that NO ONE has ever demonstrated a relationship between stigma and the spread of HIV.
Nor has anyone ever demonstrated that homophobia causes AIDS.
Once again, these are, as Dr. Chin says, "glorious myths" which have no relationship to reality.
But AIDS activists keep trotting them out.
I wonder why?
Maybe because, like the alleged link to housing, they know that these are canards which will NEVER impact the epidemic.
And since they depend on the epidemic for a living -- that, from their point of view, is a good thing.
4. "-- Expand HIV prevention education programs, promote the early identification of HIV through voluntary, routine testing and connect those in need of treatment to it as early as possible."
More mealy-mouthed bromides.
"Expand HIV prevention education programs" means MORE condom campaigns.
Which have NEVER been demonstrated to impact HIV.
That's NEVER -- as in NEVER.
"voluntary, routine testing" they say.
Why should it be voluntary?
This is a deadly disease.
Those who carry the virus need to be identified, and they need to be prevented from spreading it -- which means legal penalties for those who do.
5. "-- Reduce the number of HIV infections in the African American community caused by injection drug use through the expansion of substance abuse prevention programs, drug treatment and recovery services and clean-needle exchange programs."
This one makes some sense.
And that's because it's the only one of their five points which actually addresses a BEHAVIOR which spreads HIV -- in this case, injection drug use.
Unfortunately, it gives equal weight to prevention, treatment, and needle exchange.
But Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous demonstrated long ago that the way to deal with drug abuse is to stop using drugs.
So, the bit about IV drug use aside, once again we have "AIDS activists" making huge public pronouncements about HIV -- which have NOTHING to do with HIV.
Housing doesn't cause AIDS, prison doesn't cause AIDS, stigma doesn't cause AIDS, the "down low" doesn't cause AIDS, and testing doesn't cause AIDS.
Among men who have sex with men -- and for many women who have sex with men -- HIV is acquired through anal penetration.
Mansion or shack, behind bars or free, on the down low or out and proud -- it doesn't matter.
Men who do anal are at tremendous risk.
Men who don't do anal aren't.
And that's the beginning and end of the discussion.
But it's a discussion which these minority AIDS activists don't want to have.
In that they're no different than the white Republicans whose policies they're so eager to attack.
Senator Coburn, the evangelical physician from Oklahoma whose staffer has been bombarding me with emails about expensive AIDS conferences, will not say boo about anal.
Nor will Rick and Kay Warren, mega-evangelicals who claim to be concerned about HIV in America.
Acknowledging that some sex acts are risky and some aren't is just not part of their abstinent agenda.
Yet it's the TRUTH.
Make no mistake: an AIDS activist like Phill Wilson, president of the Black AIDS Institute, who will not talk with Chuck Tarver, is every bit as hypocritical as an evangelical like Ted Haggard.
There's no difference between them.
It's nauseating.
It turns my stomach.
The level of hypocrisy and cant about AIDS in America is at least as high today as it was under Ronald Reagan.
The difference is that the hypocrisy and cant are now equally shared between the analist left and the religious right.
And for what?
Not small amounts of money, but as we saw in the boogie on down message thread about NMAC's most recent conference in Hollywood, Florida, hundreds of thousands, indeed millions, of dollars.
Why else would someone like Phill Wilson be doing this?
It can't be to impact AIDS, since on his watch HIV prevalence among Black gay men has gone up and up and up and up and up.
That's what's happened.
If he were honest about wanting to stop AIDS -- given his track record -- he'd find some other line of work.
But he isn't so he doesn't.
Nor are the Haggards or the Warrens or the Coburns.
It's all just a game to them.
So be it.
If the evangelical view of the hereafter is correct, the Wilsons, the Warrens, the Coburns -- will burn in hell for all eternity.
Because that's what they deserve.
Why am I so harsh?
Because the data I've cited about anal, about poverty, about stigma -- are not some sort of esoteric knowledge.
They're all well-known, all published and peer-reviewed.
People like Wilson and the Warrens ignore that information in order to advance their own agendas -- which have NOTHING to do with stopping AIDS.
In Wilson's case the agenda is analist.
His vision of the future is one in which effeminized males are surrounded by the stench and stink of anal -- forever.
While the Warrens and Coburn envision a Christian States of America, in which the male followers of an emasculated Christ are forever separated from their fellow MEN and forever denied the holy sacrament of Phallus on Phallus.
Yet Masculinity and Manhood are divine gifts.
Which cannot be separated from Phallus.
Phallus is Manhood.
Manhood is Man.
French mythographer Alain Danielou:
It is only when the penis stands up straight that it emits semen, the source of life. It is then called the phallus, and has been considered, since earliest prehistory, the image of the creative principle, a symbol of the process by which the Supreme Being procreates the Universe.
This is not the case of a symbol plucked at random but the recognition of the continuity of the process that links all the various levels of manifestation, according to cosmological theory. The phallus is really the image of the creator in mankind, and we rediscover the worship of it at the origin of every religion.
A source of pleasure, the phallus evokes divine bliss, the Being of Joy. Within the microcosm of the living being it represents the progenitor, which is always present in its work.
Contempt for this sacred emblem, as well as degradation and debasement of it, pushes man from the divine reality. It provokes the anger of the gods and leads to the decline of the species. The man who scorns the very symbol of the life principle abandons his kind to the powers of death.
"Contempt for this sacred emblem, as well as degradation and debasement of it, pushes man from the divine reality."
In the Haggard message thread, Redd says that folks on the religous right
define holiness as otherworldly, an otherworldliness that requires they cut themselves off from their whole self, that they separate body and mind because "the body is the tool of the devil."
I think such distorted thinking is the type of platform analism and heterosexism thrives upon. The Church has demonized the body, and analists acknowledge such demonization by infecting the body with fatal diseases. It's like an exorcism. The only way to exorcise a demonized body is to kill the body.
"kill the body"
For the male, that death of the body begins with the degradation and debasement of phallus.
And that's the connection between the religious right and the analist left.
Danielou says that the phallus is "the image of the creative principle," "the image of the creator in mankind."
When the Swiss psychoanalyst C G Jung was a boy, he had a dream in which he saw a golden phallus with a single eye seated on a throne.
That's an image of the creative principle and of the creator in mankind.
And it stayed with Jung all his life.
Danielou warns:
"Degradation and debasement" of the phallus -- the "sacred symbol of man's creative power" -- "pushes man from the divine reality."
When a male uses his phallus to anally penetrate another person -- male or female -- is he debasing the phallus?
When a male elects to be receptive anally -- does he degrade the phallus?
In both cases, the male degrades and debases and, we would say today, disrespects the phallus, and is thus pushed from the divine reality.
Don't dis your dick.
Robert Loring in The Warrior God:
The image of War God held as an ideal in the male mind makes that male begin to walk down the paths of masculinity and warrior. It makes him unafraid to simply be the masculine male that he was born to be. It makes him unafraid to show his naked chest and nude body to the world. It makes him unafraid to love other brothers and it puts him in touch with his own manhood and the manhood of all other males. The image of War God is a naturally masculine ideal. It is an image of natural manhood. It is an image and ideal that stands directly opposed to the lies we are fed by the modern world. Lies that seek to eat away and destroy our natural masculinity and male pride!
Danielou recognizes the sacred nature of Phallus.
Robert Loring recognizes the War God as a naturally Masculine ideal.
Naturally Masculine = Natural Masculinity.
Natural Masculinity is dependent upon Phallic Bonding for its full realization.
Because Phallic Bonding is, as Bill Schuler says, "the epiphany of maleness."
We need to be clear that in back of all the richly-financed nonsense about affordable housing and abstinence is a determined assault upon Men and Nature and Masculinity, which will not be satisfied until the NATURAL love of Man for Man has been obliterated.
That's what's at stake.
And it's to that which you must respond.
Guys, it would be easy, it would be child's play, to reduce the incidence of new HIV infection in the US to zero.
The Dutch did it way back in 1987.
When you see so much time and money being spent on "solutions" which are not solutions but which are likely to exacerbate the problem -- you know that something else is going on.
Bill Weintraub
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Re: National Minority AIDS Council discovers cause of AIDS
You've got to be joking!
Lack of affordable housing is the cause of HIV/AIDS according to the National Minority AIDS Council? This council can't be for real. What is this council composed of? A bunch of BRAIN DEAD MORONS??!! I fail to understand why so many of these WORTHLESS organizations come up with GARBAGE such as this! Their IGNORANCE is BLATANT! Frankly, I think they just want the support money so they come up with ANYTHING and, thus, they THINK they have a cause. BUT, in reality they DON'T give one crap about AIDS victims or anyone else. It all boils down to the DOLLAR ALMIGHTY.
I read a lot of stuff from ALLEGED "experts" and frankly most of it is outright GARGABE. Seems ANY old myth will fly nowadays guys!! Of course we who still are in REALITY know that the lack of affordable housing does NOT cause HIV/AIDS. But this is the kind of TRASH WISDOM that is being passed off today on people. What we need to realize is that this kind of GARBAGE KNOWLEDGE from the "EXPERTS" is an INSULT to our very own INTELLIGENCE!! How STUPID do these organizations think we really are???
The plain and simple FACT is the ANAL SEX is the cause behind HIV/AIDS!! Organizations today attribute the cause to anything BUT that BUT it does NOT change the FACT that AIDS is caused by butt-banging!! If these AIDS organizations REALLY wanted to eradicate AIDS then there would be an all out wholesale campaign to educate men about the DANGERS of anal sex. But there is no such campaign on any large scale! And FROT would be offered up as an alternative to anal BUT there is no such campaign. That tells me that NONE of those organizations really has any interest in eradicating HIV/AIDS!! It's all SMOKE AND MIRRORS and it's all about paying no attention to the MORON behind the EXPERT CURTAIN!!
Everyone who reads the above post by Bill should be not simply offended but INSULTED because the National Minority AIDS Council IS insulting YOUR INTELLIGENCE. They must think that YOU are REALLLLLY STUPID. Hey, BTW, I've got some SNAKE OIL for sale if your interested and I'll throw in some ocean property in Arizona as well. LMFAO
Such "wisdom" coming from this organization and others like it does not surprise me as they are LOST in NON-reality. They just won't face the FACT that butt-fucking is the cause of AIDS!! First they insult our natural sense of MASCULINITY and now they are insulting our INTELLIGENCE. This is just one more ATTACK on MANHOOD. Contrary to what these people think I DON'T think that the average Joe is such a MORON! In fact I think the average Joe is pretty damned INTELLIGENT and can see right through the GARBAGE these "experts" (ie: a PC word for IDIOT) are trying to cram down our throats!!
Bill is right! This is the kind of crap we are up against. This is what we must fight against! MALES today are being portrayed as retarded morons BUT we are not. In fact, most males are pretty intelligent today. We've been BEATEN DOWN but the day is coming when we will lick our wounds, stand up, and FIGHT AGAIN against the MORONS in this society who are trying to destroy MANHOOD and now NTELLIGENCE!! You can count on that cuz it's a FACT!!
Re: National Minority AIDS Council discovers cause of AIDS
Thank you Robert.
Robert says, "The plain and simple FACT is that ANAL SEX is the cause behind HIV/AIDS!!"
That's right.
Anal is the cause behind HIV / AIDS.
Which begs the question: What's the cause behind anal?
The answer is: the emasculation of the male.
Which is also driving the religious right.
That's what I was trying to get at in the rest of that post.
And I want to come back to it.
Because behind the silliness of focusing on "affordable housing" to deal with an anally-vectored disease, there's a cause -- an ideology:
Contempt for Masculinity -- a divine principle;
Contempt for Manhood -- a divine gift;
Contempt for Phallus -- the sacred symbol of man's creative power.
And this contempt for these divine principles and gifts and sacred symbols comes not just out of the secularist left, but from the religious right as well.
The refusal of the religious right to look at the actual behavior which spreads HIV is grounded in their denial of the body and their contempt for Manhood.
And Redd's remarks about the religious right show us the link between religious fanaticism and analism -- as well as heterosexism:
The [religious fanatics] define holiness as otherworldly, an otherworldliness that requires they cut themselves off from their whole self, that they separate body and mind because "the body is the tool of the devil."
I think such distorted thinking is the type of platform analism and heterosexism thrives upon. The Church has demonized the body, and analsts acknowledge such demonization by infecting the body with fatal diseases. It's like an exorcism. The only way to exorcise a demonized body is to kill the body.
We have seen on many of these threads that analists, heterosexists, and religious fundamentalists are similar, if not the same. Each encourages delusion. Each condemns the body, especially the male's body.
"Each condemns the body, especially the male's body."
That's the key.
When we compare that to the attitude of people like Alain Danielou and Robert Loring, whose writing reflects a pre-heterosexualized not just worldview but world in which NATURAL MASCULINITY reigned, we see something VERY different.
Here, again, is Danielou:
It is only when the penis stands up straight that it emits semen, the source of life. It is then called the phallus, and has been considered, since earliest prehistory, the image of the creative principle, a symbol of the process by which the Supreme Being procreates the Universe.
This is not the case of a symbol plucked at random but the recognition of the continuity of the process that links all the various levels of manifestation, according to cosmological theory. The phallus is really the image of the creator in mankind, and we rediscover the worship of it at the origin of every religion.
A source of pleasure, the phallus evokes divine bliss, the Being of Joy. Within the microcosm of the living being it represents the progenitor, which is always present in its work.
Contempt for this sacred emblem, as well as degradation and debasement of it, pushes man from the divine reality. It provokes the anger of the gods and leads to the decline of the species. The man who scorns the very symbol of the life principle abandons his kind to the powers of death.
Look at what he says:
The Phallus is "the image of the creative principle, a symbol of the process by which the Supreme Being procreates the Universe."
"This is not the case of a symbol plucked at random but the recognition of the continuity of the process that links all the various levels of manifestation, according to cosmological theory. The phallus is really the image of the creator in mankind, and we rediscover the worship of it at the origin of every religion."
"A source of pleasure, the phallus evokes divine bliss, the Being of Joy."
So Danielou -- and remember that he's talking of the phallus as symbol -- makes multiple connections between the Phallus and the Divine.
He then says: "Contempt for this sacred emblem, as well as degradation and debasement of it, pushes man from the divine reality."
Do the analists have contempt for the phallus?
They're contemptuous both of the Phallus and of Phallic Sex.
Is the religious right contemptuous of the Phallus?
Oh yes.
They're contemptuous of all things which are Naturally Masculine.
And in posts like Warrior Christendom and Jesus and the Truth, Robert has talked about the scriptural Jesus, a strong, Masculine, and Masculinizing Man, and the image of a feminized, indeed neutered, Jesus put forth by the contemporary churches.
Such "wisdom" coming from this organization [the National Minority AIDS Council] and others like it does not surprise me as they are LOST in NON-reality. They just won't face the FACT that butt-fucking is the cause of AIDS!! First they insult our natural sense of MASCULINITY and now they are insulting our INTELLIGENCE. This is just one more ATTACK on MANHOOD. Contrary to what these people think I DON'T think that the average Joe is such a MORON! In fact I think the average Joe is pretty damned INTELLIGENT and can see right through the GARBAGE these "experts" (ie: a PC word for IDIOT) are trying to cram down our throats!!
People know when something is not in their best interests.
What they may not know is how to deal with it -- how to take it on.
This is the kind of crap we are up against. This is what we must fight against! MALES today are being portrayed as retarded morons BUT we are not. In fact, most males are pretty intelligent today. We've been BEATEN DOWN but the day is coming when we will lick our wounds, stand up, and FIGHT AGAIN against the MORONS in this society who are trying to destroy MANHOOD and now INTELLIGENCE!!
"We've been BEATEN DOWN."
That's right.
In looking at the low levels of participation and in particular donation to the Alliance, I know that what's going on -- aside from miserliness and selfishness, which should never be discounted -- is that most of you have internalized all those beatings.
Translation: Not only have you been beaten up, but on some level you believe that the beatings have been justified.
The gay-identified among you still believe that you're odd -- because you won't do anal.
The straight-identified among you still believe that you're odd and / or sinful -- because you're attracted to other men.
Those beliefs are a very great problem.
Because, as Robert has said, they mean that you're defeated in your own mind.
Fact is, though, that your Phallic desires, your Masculine hopes, your Manly dreams, are all normal and natural.
Outside the little analist ghettoes, it's normal and natural for MEN to refuse anal.
And to choose Phallus.
And outside of the heavily heterosexualized post-industrial societies which we live in, it's normal and natural for guys to be attracted to and have sex with other guys.
That's why we put so much emphasis on the Greeks.
Because in the Greeks you can see ordinary Masculine Men, in the full flower of their Manhood, passionately loving other Men.
Other Masculine Men.
Having seen that, ask yourself -- were the Greeks odd too?
No historian thinks that.
Remember what Frances said in The Dutch Experiment:
What oppressed minority were [ancient Greek lovers] Orestes and Pylade supposed to have identified with?
Were they not of the majority of men? Did they not act like men who understood this?
And what a majority it was!
The Greeks are the Fathers of Western Civilization, the Founders of the Western World, and with it, a lot of the civilization of the modern era -- all over the globe.
Robert has said: Change the thinking, change the behavior.
He's right.
You need to change your thinking.
You need to recognize that you are NATURAL, you are NORMAL, and that a lot of the rest of the world is insane.
And headed for destruction.
Joseph Campbell, an American mythographer, said that gods denied become demons.
Phallus, Masculinity, Manhood -- gods denied.
Euripides, a Greek dramatist, said: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
This is Robert's Parable of Little Brother from the matriarchy message thread:
Our society is NOT normal nor is it NATURAL. And no matter how some wish to delude themselves into thinking otherwise we all feel something deep down within us that reminds us that our present society is NOT the historical/traditional NORM and that there is definitely something WRONG with society today.
Suppose you had a brother whom you considered fairly normal while the two of you were growing up. Then one day you brother began to change for no apparent reason. He suddenly stopped wrestling with you and he stopped hugging you. He obviously begins to withdraw into himself and you know it because you can see all the signs in his change of behavior that tell you something is wrong with your brother.
Time goes by and your brother stops displaying his masculine nude body to the world. Suddenly, you can see shame set in as he no longer goes without a shirt and never exposes his genitals like he did in the past. Once, you know, he was proud of his developing manhood but now it seems that he has become insecure and ashamed of his manhood. You begin to get concerned for your brother and you try talking to him to find out what is wrong. But, little brother won't talk to you on any level below the superficial. He avoids answering your questions and he assures you that there is nothing wrong, nothing bothering him.
Once the two of you wrestled endlessly night and day but now you notice that your brother rejects your invitations to wrestle. You can tell that there is now an emotional distance between the two of you and that it's getting wider. Little brother becomes very homophobic and you soon discover that ANY male-male contact or expression of emotion is quickly deemed "faggot" by your little brother. Little brother now spends endless hours talking about "faggots" and pointing out everything around him as being "gay." When he sees two males hugging he really goes ballistic because he deems such behavior as "really gay!"
Time moves on and little brother gets a job and marries. He becomes consumed in his job and when you see him that's all he seems to want to talk about. You soon figure out that the reason for this is because he is avoiding talking about his feelings. He wishes to avoid talking about his feelings because he is in a state of denial and he thinks he's doing a great job at hiding from you what is bothering him. But, in fact, HE'S NOT!
Little brother's marriage does not go well and doesn't last long. Little brother has slid into a daily life of alcoholism and his wife believes he has also slid into a life of sexual addiction because she knows he's having affairs with other women and, she suspects, maybe even with other men! Little brother's marriage ends in a nasty divorce and the children he and his wife bore pay the price (as always) for they now are forced to live the broken home life.
Time goes on and little brother isolates himself more and more not only emotionally but now physically as well. You're worried about him because you know something is badly wrong with him and has been for awhile. But, he won't talk to you and he denies everything you say to him about his growing problem. Now, lost in his own self rejection and dislike he drinks more and more. You begin to realize that you don't even really know your little brother anymore. He has become like a stranger.
Little brother maintains that there is nothing wrong with him. He tells you over and over that he is "fine and normal." But, you know that this is not so. You know that he is not "fine and normal." One afternoon a police officer comes knocking at your door to inform you that they have found your little brother dead. He put a bullet in his head. All these years you were torn. You knew there was something wrong but at the same time you wanted to believe what little brother said, that he was "fine and normal." But now, on this sunny afternoon with the police officer standing in front of you everything you suspected about little brother NOT being "fine and normal" is blatantly CONFIRMED.
Little brother is our modern industrialized society folks. No one in their right mind would see all these major changes in little brother and fail to realize that something was really wrong with little brother. So, do we continue to ignore little brother and downplay his symptoms hoping that everything will be ok? Will we continue to close our eyes to the FACT that NOTHING IS OK with little brother right now? Will we be so surprised with modern society commits societal suicide?
"Our society is NOT normal nor is it NATURAL. And no matter how some wish to delude themselves into thinking otherwise we all feel something deep down within us that reminds us that our present society is NOT the historical/traditional NORM and that there is definitely something WRONG with society today."
"we all feel something deep down within us"
Not if but WHEN you feel that -- when you feel deep in your bones that something is WRONG with society today -- trust that feeling.
Listen to it.
Honor it.
It is speaking the TRUTH.
And it is re-calling you to your Warrior roots.
As Robert has said:
Thank you Robert.
Guys --
There are
Warriors -- who Fight -- and Win.
And males -- who cower -- and lose.
You need to Fight.
Not for my sake.
But for YOUR OWN.
Bill Weintraub
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
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