
A toast to all Frot-brothers!



A toast to all Frot-brothers!


I want to personally thank Bill and all those responsible for creating the Man2Man, HeroicHomoSex, FrotClub, etc. websites. I have finally been able to embrace my homosexuality and am slowly letting others know of my identity because of the Frot movement. Ever since early adolescence I have had sexual/romantic feelings for guys and knew that it would be a major part of who I am. I have always had a strong disinterest in anal intercourse despite all of those in society and the gay-porn industry who portray anal as "normal." Because of the analist attitude, I have never felt comfortable about being a gay bacause I think anal is so discusting, dangerous, and just plain wrong. Bill is a hero and liberator to me. These webpages are at one with my ideals of true male-male intimacy; the brotherhood, unity, equality, loyalty.

Cheers to Frothood and all those who support it and live by it!

Bill Weintraub

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Hey Justin

Thank you for your kind words.

Guys -- I have a question for you.

Justin is twenty-four.

That's the same age I was when I came out.

Here's my question:

Will you work with me and the other men who support this site and our Alliance to create a world which is safe for young guys like Justin?

A world which is nurturing?

A world in which he can live and grow and thrive according to his "ideals of true male-male intimacy: brotherhood, unity, equality, loyalty"?

Will you do that?

Many of you are around my age -- 58.

That's not because Frot is for old fogeys, but because of the Baby Boom demographic.

There are a lot of us in our 50s and 60s.

Those of us who are gay-identified lived through AIDS -- up close and personal.

We saw a lot of guys in their 20s and 30s get sick and die.

A LOT of guys.

Brett was 24 when I met him.

He was 37 when he died.

Will that happen to Justin?

Will he come out now full of hope and idealism, only to be cut down by a cruel disease?


If you're gay-identified chances are you don't have kids.


Justin and the young men like him.

What are you doing for him?

He's the future.

What are you doing for him?


Today I got an email from another young guy.

A guy named Marco who lives in Italy.

He's having problems:

Now i'm through a bad period of my life because all the hopes of finding another boy with my sexual preferences and willing to start a faithful relationship are fading away.

What will you do for Marco?

Other than proposition him.

Today I also got an email from Bill S -- he wrote the post titled The Greatest Gift.

Bill S, who was expelled from a colony of religious farmers because he showed affection towards another man -- has just been excommunicated from the LDS Church -- the Church of the Latter Day Saints.


Because he witnessed to the Church elders and other men in the Church about the Love of Man for Man and about Frot.

So they excommunicated him.

He's out.


Bill S was tithing to the LDS.

Now, he's very enthusiastic about Frot and the Alliance.

Is he going to tithe to us?

No -- I don't think he will.


You can't expect us to go up against Haggard's New Life -- which he should have called Old Death -- and LDS and the Catholic hierarchy and the Southern Baptists and AIDS Inc and ANAL Inc -- with no money and no resources and no help.

Can you?

Why won't people tithe to the Alliance like they will to an outfit like LDS?

Because they think we're about sex -- which is base and dirty -- and that LDS is about transcendence.


People find transcendence in a variety of ways.

I find transcendence through Men and Masculinity.

And through the Sacrament of Phallic Bonding.

Those are pathways to the Divine.

I said this a few days ago:

"I'm a human being, a MAN, made in the image of my Creator.

"Who has given me Masculinity as a Divine Principle and Manhood as a Divine Gift.

"And in so doing enabled me to find for myself the central sacrament of Heroic Love, PHALLIC BONDING."

That's a transcendent statement about a transcendent practice.

The LDS and the rest of them -- esp the guys like Haggard -- claim to be about transcendence -- about God.

As a matter of fact, they don't just claim to be about transcendence, they claim to have a lock on it.

But that's not what they're about and you know it.

You know what they're about.

They're about money.

Someone said this to me today in an email:

I think most who go into ministry are sincere. But they get caught up in the hype of the business of ministry; it's big multimillion dollar business, Christian music a multibillion dollar business. They justify materialism as blessings. Money is the theme of their theology. Somehow giving tithes for the upkeep of a mega facility is considered giving to the Lord.


Money is the theme of their theology.

But that wasn't the theme of Jesus' theology.

Or Moses'.

Or any other religious leader.

Jesus: you can serve God or Mammon.

You can't serve both.

Doesn't matter -- they paint it that way:

"Somehow giving tithes for the upkeep of a mega facility is considered giving to the Lord."


It's giving to a church.

To guys like Haggard who use the money to buy prostitutes and drugs.

That's what they do.

Is donating to the Alliance "giving to the Lord?"

No -- I wouldn't say that.

And that's a difference between me and Haggard and the folks at LDS and the rest of them.

I don't lie the way they do.

But what I would say, which is the TRUTH, is that the money which is given to the Alliance is used to help MEN see the DIVINITY in their OWN nature.

Including their SEXUAL nature.

And thus TRANSFORM the way they think about themselves and sex and the world.

And that's doing a lot.

And you know it.

Justin has come here and found a nascent Warrior brotherhood which is at one with his ideals "of true male-male intimacy; brotherhood, unity, equality, loyalty."

Those are great ideals.

Will you, those of you who are older, help Justin live them and stay true to them?

He's going to experience a lot of pressure.

Pressure to do anal.

Pressure to be promiscuous.

Pressure to be effeminate.

Pressure to think of the Love of Man for Man as sex and to think of sex as profane.

The whole weight of our cynically evangelised and analised and secularized society will come down on his young shoulders.

Will you help him?

And the literally millions of young men like him?

Will you?

The great thing about it is you don't have to.

You get to choose.

That's the great thing.

The terrible thing about it is that if you choose wrong and wrongly -- you and Justin and everyone else has to live with the consequences.


Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

Robert Loring

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Justin I too thank you for your kind words to all your fellow Warriors here. This site has liberated many males from the various oppressions that we all battle against. That is why this site is so valuable and so very much needed.

Bill you are right. Young guys like Justin ARE our SONS! They are not only our sons but they are also our BROTHERS. Warriors, real and true Warriors, stand together. They do not abandon each other. They do not turn and run when the battle gets tough. And, they most certainly do not turn their backs on each other. Justin mentioned above his ideals for M2M intimacy as being:


That's a great personal MOTTO I think and it should be a part of the personal motto of every true Warrior on this site. We must stand united and we must be loyal to our cause here. If not then we have already lost the battle to the BFD and the religious crackpots!

I don't know how many people are on this site (perhaps Bill can tell us) but let's say there are a meager 100. If every one of those 100 people donate $1 per month that gives the Alliance $100 per month to work with. If every one of those 100 people donates $10 per month then that gives the Alliance $1000 per month to work with. Do you see how your $1 or $10 donations add up? Now imagine if there are 1000 people on this site and each month they donate $1. That means the Alliance will have $1000 to work with monthly. And, if those 1000 people donate $10 per month then that gives the Alliance $10,000 per month to work with. It doesn't take a lot to donate $1 or $10 a month to this site. Maybe we should start a Warrior Campaign and try to get everyone who comes to this site to donate $1 per month. The sad FACT is that the Alliance cannot get it's message out to guys like Justin without money. We live in a world where it takes money to do just about anything and I think you all already know that. The BFD and the religious right take in mega-amounts of money every month. That is why they are so outspoken and that is why the world hears their message even if the world doesn't want to hear it. That's also why the BFD and religious right are winning the battle right now. It would not take much for the Alliance to begin winning the battle! All it would take is a few $$ from everyone here per month.

Warriors stand together in unity and brotherhood. Jointly they fight for a cause. One of our causes is to get the message out and liberate guys like Justin. Think of how many more of our brothers could be liberated if the Alliance had the financial means to get it's...OUR....YOUR...message out. Real Warriors engage in the fight. They don't run from the fight. They take a stand and put the enemies dicks in the sand! Right now it's the right and BFD that is putting our dicks in the sand, however, because they have the $$ and the Alliance does not. It's time to turn that around my Brothers! It's time to fight back and give the Alliance the means needed to FIGHT BACK! Stand together and let's get this thing off the ground. This is a time for BATTLE not for running away!

Finally, my heart goes out to Bill S. who was, as Bill informs us above, recently excommunicated from the LDS Church for standing up as a Warrior for frot and love. Bill S. is a BRAVE and COURAGEOUS WARRIOR! He's a dude I would call a REAL Warrior because it took balls for him to stand up to the LDS Church! He could have caved in but he didn't. Instead Bill S. stood up for what he believes in and now he is paying the price for standing up for his Warrior and Frot ideals. But, Bill S. is strong and he will go on I'm sure and he will recover from all this battle. Bill S. is a brave Warrior and he deserves all of our respect for his noble deeds. He certainly has my respect and I hope he now has yours also.

Justin a young man...a Son...LIBERATED!

Bill S. another young man standing up for Frot and his own beliefs....a true WARRIOR!

And, Bill W. our leader and guide trying his best to help liberate more guys and supporting Warriors who come here....A TRUE HERO!!

Think deeply about these 3 men, warriors, brothers. They make this site and the Alliance WORTH IT.

Let's get it together guys and form a real Warrior Brotherhood here! Let's engage in battle and give the Alliance what it needs to conduct that battle!

Bill Weintraub

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Hey Robert --

Thank you for your kind words and another great post.

Robert asked how many people are on this site.

The answer may astound some of you.

It's a lot more than 100.

We get upwards of ONE MILLION site visitors per year.

Yes, that's a one and six zeros -- 1,000,000.

And it's going up.

But we need to do better.

Because virtually every guy who writes to me says he "stumbled" on the site.

That's no good.

And of course the larger public has no idea that we exist.


The sad FACT is that the Alliance cannot get it's message out to guys like Justin without money. We live in a world where it takes money to do just about anything and I think you all already know that. The BFD and the religious right take in mega-amounts of money every month. That is why they are so outspoken and that is why the world hears their message even if the world doesn't want to hear it. That's also why the BFD and religious right are winning the battle right now. It would not take much for the Alliance to begin winning the battle! All it would take is a few $$ from everyone here per month.

"It would not take much for the Alliance to begin winning the battle!"

Robert is right.


Because we're speaking the TRUTH.

And there's no ally more powerful.

That's why those buttheads want to close us down.

That's why Bill S was excommunicated.

Those people are afraid of our message.

Because our message is TRUE.

If we were lying, they wouldn't be afraid.

And if they weren't afraid -- why bother?

If an anus were a vagina, if anal were safe, if condom campaigns were effective, if guys who have sex with guys weren't really guys, if God detested masculinity and manly love -- there'd be no reason to worry about us.

But an anus isn't a vagina.

Anal isn't safe and never will be.

Condom campaigns don't work.

Men who have sex with men are MEN.

And God smiles upon masculinity and manly love because they are among his many gifts to men.

Just that last sentence alone strikes deadly fear into the hearts of people like Haggard and the LDS leadership.

It terrifies them.

"Masculinity and the Manly Love of Men are God-given gifts."

Think of that message going out over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


On Sunday Haggard claimed that the Love of Men is immoral, dark, and repulsive.

He gets away with that because what people see are anal, promiscuity, and effeminacy.

We show the world something very different:


Every Man on the planet understands the importance of Phallus.

Every Man on the planet understands the connection between Phallus and Manhood.

And every Man on the planet has longed to connect with a brother Phallus to Phallus.


Every Man on the planet longs for a Warrior brother who will fight faithfully by his side.


Every Man on the planet understands the importance of Masculinity.

I've said:

"What MAN doesn't want his Masculinity heightened and his Manhood honored?

ALL MEN seek an increase in Masculinity.

ALL MEN desire an honoring of Manhood.

These are UNIVERSALS among MEN."

Universals -- that's what we're dealing in.

The analists divide the world into top and bottom, and try to force Men into tiny disease-filled ghettoes.

Haggard divides the world into hetero and homo, and tries to deny Men God's grace.

But Redd has said: We're all homo, because we're all HOMO sapiens.

And God isn't exclusive, God is inclusive.

Redd's right.

This isn't about top or bottom, this isn't about homo or hetero.

This is about MEN.

And once that message gets out -- it will be unstoppable.

Guys -- stop shilly-shallying.

Stop dicking around with pointless posts in Frot Club.

Months ago, Robert said:

I've read a lot of comments on this site asking how you find a frot brother and where they are at. Truth is they are ALL AROUND YOU because frot is NATURAL to males. Today's males are just too afraid to be NATURAL and they will continue to be afraid until YOU liberate them!

"until YOU liberate them!"

Help us, help them, and help YOURSELF.

Get rid of your fear.

Get the message out.

And watch your life TRANSFORM.

Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

William Schuler

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Greetings, Comrades,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) has apostatized from the originality of its initial foundations. The Church was founded on 6th of April 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. a "country boy" with a third grade education who claimed to have had visions. These visions are the impetus of the Church.

Joseph Smith was a frotman (with his brother Hyrum) having lived before there was any concepts of "homosexual" or "gay" Brothers, at this juncture, I would like to chime in with this: at the time Joseph Smith lived (1805-1844) people DIDN'T think in terms of "homosexual" or "gay" There wasn't a "gay" subculture. Men were MEN--PERIOD!!!

So, to Smith, male-male intimacy was normal and natural because there were no associations with anything considered abominable. Anyone giving or taking it up the butt was considered a SODOMITE or a "dog" (which is what the KJV of the Bible calls such perverts). It was understand that the Bible condemns such ACTS and it was enough to suffice, so, you do not find in Mormon Scripture mention about male-male intimace. It was a non-issue in Smith's day.

TODAY, because of the blurring of distinctions between the NATURAL BROTHERHOOD OF MEN vs. the CONFUSION as to roles of men between them in contrast to roles of men and women (which finds its culmination in anal--for, such is likened to vaginal), the "baby" is "thrown out with the bathwater". AND, the OPPORTUNISTS (like the evangelicals) are having a heyday.

People are looking for some clarity. So, these charlatans come along with their flim-flam ruse and dupe these suckers: all for the FAST BUCK--PERIOD!!!

The LDS Church leaders have jumped on the bandwagon so as not to LOSE CONSTITUENTS!! For quite some time now, they've been in dialogue with evangelicals so as to come to a resolution with them not to be labeled a "cult" and be marginalized from the mainstream of society. The leaders agenda is POPULAR ACCEPTANCE so they can continue on with having all the "goodies": "having their cake and eating it, too".

It isn't just about issues of male-male intimacy, Brothers that I'm at odds with the LDS Church. That's a symptom. The LARGER SICKNESS is about power and control: subduing a free-thinking mind.

Brothers, they're glorified COMMUNISTS! They really don't believe in God or any of what Joseph Smith represented. People like these leaders make statements, such as: "We have more money than EVEN GOD!!!"

Communists are atheists. They dupe the masses with religion (which they call "opium for the masses") but when it comes to SPIRITUALITY and an AWAKENING that one has: a CONVERSION has whereby he gains a TESTIMONY--that is considered SUBVERSIVE!!!

It may offend some sensibilities out there reading this post--but, that's the plain truth of it. With religion, communist can conform the masses: by imposing a code. But, when one has a TESTIMONY as a matter of CONSCIENCE, communists cannot control this.

Everybody assumes communists to be like what you saw in Russia for decades. Not necessarily so. The LDS Church, bsed out of Salt Lake City--for all its airs of affluence and patriotism--can be just as COMMUNIST as the Kremlin.

Communism doesn't have to be in government. In the schools. In America, communism is in the LAST PLACE people would look: the evangelical churches or churches that have come under the influence of the evangelicals who, TRADITIONALLY, weren't (namely, the Mormons).

Communism in Russia atempted to homogenize the genders. The heterosexualization that Bill Weintraub has written so extesively about is the "SAME OL'"--but, under a different guise.

Wake up, Brothers! PAY ATTENTION!! Things like "Brokeback Mountain" are COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA. LDS Larry H. Miller (entreprenuer out of Utah) banned "Brokeback" from his movie theaters. He can allow "Hostel" (which is hard-core hetero porn featured in horror genre) but NOT "Brokeback" Even if the cowboys would have FROTTED and not butt-fucked--GUARENTEED: Miller would STILL HAVE BANNED IT FROM HIS THEATERS!!!!! Because of the MALE-MALE INTIMACY, NOT the anal!!!!!!!!!!

Male-male intimacy is the epiphany of maleness. Take that away and we can be made androgynous. This is what was done in Soviet Russia--the GOVERNMENT imposed it by MILITARY FORCE. However, people fought back AGAINST THAT!!!!

But, if your SPIRIT is crushed, Men: you have NO FIGHT in you!!! Your SPIRIT is MALE! Your BODY is MALE!! What you have between you when you FROT is DIFFERENT than what is between a male and female for vaginal intercourse. It is NOT the same--it is SOMETHING ELSE!!

If you have an awareness of your MALE SPIRIT and BODY to COMPLIMENT that, no matter how much they try to convince you, you you will be STEADFAST in your mind. And, EVEN MILITARY FORCE WON'T WORK!!!!

Fight back, Comrades. Any of you out there speaking and acting effeminate--CEASE AND DESIST AT ONCE!!!!! You ARE MEN: BEHAVE MANLY!!!!!

Have NOTHING TO DO with analists!!! You have NOTHING IN COMMON with them--PERIOD!!! If people ask you if you're a homosexual or gay, say you are a man. In the minds of most people, gay=anal. WE may rebut this, but the people have mind up their minds. The analist have hijacked the words "homosexual" and "gay". How we take it back, is: by not coming across as what most people expect--and, by such QUALIFIERS as "Heroic Homosexual" when designating what we are. (My personal opinion) we'd be better off dispensing with the word "gay" altogether because of connotations.

If we set the tone, the evangelicals will be forced to stand up and take notice. We're HERE and were NOT GOING AWAY!! No matter their rhetoric, WE'LL be LIVING PROOF as to the FALLACY of their claims. That (coupled with the utter HYPOCRISY on THEIR part) and the'll lose ground. (Who knows?) It may even mean a REAL REPENTANCE on THEIR PART and a coming back to the God Whom they claim to represent, wherein: they'll TRULY be the shepherds they have assumed the responsibility to be--and, STOP SCATTERING CHRIST'S FLOCK INSTEAD GATHERING THEM INTO ONE FOLD!!!!!!

Nevertheless, Brothers, DON'T LOSE WHO YOU ARE!!! I love you all and bid you Godspeed.


Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Thank you for calling me "son." That was an awesome metaphore. I will do all I can to merit such a title. I am thinking of making a physical statement about it. I like to do woodworking, so I think I may carve out the Frot symbol and place it on my shelf or make a small one to wear as a pendent on a necklace. If I get gutsy enough (I am still in the closet about liking guys), I may get a tatoo of the frot symbol on my chest or my arm. I can woodburn my life motto, "Brotherhood, unity, equality, loyalty" onto a plaque. I am also working on a bit of Warrior Fiction that I will submit to the website when I am done. Again thanks for all the support, it emboldens me to fight for who I am.


Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


In honor of all of the Frot Warriors of the past I thought I would post this blog that I wrote in my MySpace


..the most recent book I read is "Caledonia: Legend of the Celtic Stone." The subject of the book is two-fold; a British MP finding about his Scottish roots, and the famous stories he encounters while searching his identity. One of the stories is that of Cruithne and Fidach, two half-brothers who lived in the 2nd century BC. The two brothers are the only children of the tribe's chieftan. Since the line of succession is matrilinear, it is unclear who will be the new leader. Cruithne's mother wants her son, more than her own life, to be ruler and plots to kill Fidach, eventually succeeding at the end of the story.

Both Cruithne and Fidach have formed a bond between themselves as more than brothers. They are equally loyal to each other; best friends, self-sacrificing for the other's benefit. They both want the other to be leader of the tribe and to follow faithfully. The two young men share a bond that closly resembles a type of marriage, serving the other first, thinking of self less important. These best of chums want the rest of the tribe to realize that only through such a bond of brotherhood, equality, loyalty, and self-sacrifice that the tribe can continue to exist above threats from the southern tribes. Cruithne and Fidach decide to build a monument to this brotherhood to demonstrate their bond.

This part of the book was my favorite because it is the example of the kind of friendship I seek in life. It is the golden standard, if you will, of the love I would share with another person.

ann an aonachd tha braithreachas - "in Unity is Brotherhood"


The funniest thing about this book, is that it was written by, of all people, a Christian. I think that is a major reason why I liked it so much. I am a Christian and this was sort of a pat on the back that I can be both a Christian and a homosexual FrotBrother! The two are compatable! Granted, there is no direct mention of a sexual conection between Cruithne and Fidach, but this is not very neccessary; the point is, the two are lovers at least at an emotional/intellectual level.

Bill Weintraub

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Hey Bill and Justin,

Great posts!

Bill S aka William Schuler talks about the LDS leadership behaving like communists.

I've often referred to the gay leadership as Stalinist -- which is of course communist.

In both cases, the leadership stifles dissent -- to a remarkable degree.

That's what's happened with the Frot Movement and the gay leadership.

They've really flipped out about it.


Because, as Bill says,

when one has a TESTIMONY as a matter of CONSCIENCE, communists cannot control this.

That's right.

What you see on this site, is exactly that sort of testimony.

And the gay leadership can't control it.

And that really bothers them.

And one of the things that's very striking to me about the people opposed to us is that they'll come on to this site and attack me -- usually in some little niggling way -- and totally ignore what other people have said.

And I'm like, yeah, but what about this guy, what about that guy?

They don't want to talk about YOU.

They don't want to hear YOUR testimony.

They don't want to acknowledge YOUR testimony.

Which is coming from YOUR hearts and YOUR balls.

Testimony = Testicles, as one of our guys recently said to me.

They don't want to hear that, and they want to suppress it.

Bill Schuler:

Male-male intimacy is the epiphany of maleness. Take that away and we can be made androgynous. This is what was done in Soviet Russia--the GOVERNMENT imposed it by MILITARY FORCE. However, people fought back AGAINST THAT!!!!

But, if your SPIRIT is crushed, Men: you have NO FIGHT in you!!! Your SPIRIT is MALE! Your BODY is MALE!! What you have between you when you FROT is DIFFERENT than what is between a male and female for vaginal intercourse. It is NOT the same--it is SOMETHING ELSE!!

If you have an awareness of your MALE SPIRIT and BODY to COMPLIMENT that, no matter how much they try to convince you, you will be STEADFAST in your mind. And, EVEN MILITARY FORCE WON'T WORK!!!!

"Male-male intimacy is the epiphany of maleness."

I really like that.

And Bill continues,

"if your SPIRIT is crushed, Men: you have NO FIGHT in you!!!"

He's absolutely right.

"Your SPIRIT is MALE! Your BODY is MALE!!"

Right! -- the two are interconnected and intertwined!

If you kill your male spirit -- you kill your male body.


"If you have an awareness of your MALE SPIRIT and BODY to COMPLIMENT that, no matter how much they try to convince you, you will be STEADFAST in your mind."

That's a very important statement.

That's just the sort of statement these people want to suppress.

That's exactly why that butthole was sending out those delete messages.

"Your SPIRIT is MALE! Your BODY is MALE!!"

That's so important and so fundamental.

And it really threatens these shitheads -- whether they're "religious" shitheads or analist shitheads -- it's the same deal.

Bill also says:



Bill was excluded first by the Hutterites and then by the LDS.

Would Christ have excluded him?

It's laughable.

What was Bill's sin?

Bill wants to live a religious life.

But he also wants to be open about his love of Manliness.

Not skulking around like Ted Haggard, but loving a man in God's own light.

That's what he wants, it's his by right of being a man, and we must ALL be determined that Bill and Justin and all the guys like them -- will have their hearts' -- their MANLY hearts' -- desire.

Now Justin -- it's truly excellent that you're reading in mythology and Warrior history.

That's an excellent thing to do.

And I really like the story of Cruithne and Fidach, which I'd never heard before -- so thank you.

This sort of story expresses a very basic male longing for true, male, Warrior brotherhood.

And it's really interesting that in the story they're half-brothers.

That's what Castor and Polydeuces are -- they're half-brothers and extremely devoted to each other.

This is a sort of archetype or model which resonates powerfully for Men.

And which occurs to them spontaneously.

That's why we speak of an archetype -- in this case a male archetype.

That means it's there in the male unconscious, but not too far below the surface -- it's easily awakened.

Case in point:

When I was a kid, I longed for a half-brother.

My father had died, and when my mother started dating, her first boyfriend was a motorcycle cop.

He was a truly great guy, I adored him, and I thought, Wouldn't it be great if he had a son my age, who would then be my half-brother.

Now, I'd never heard of Cruithne and Fidach.

But if I'd had, their story would have been instantly meaningful to me.

And that's why we see this sort of story repeated over and over again in different cultures.

More than 2000 years later, we still feel an affinity for Cruithne and Fidach; and we can imagine how important their story was to boys and men in ancient Caledonia.


This part of the book was my favorite because it is the example of the kind of friendship I seek in life. It is the golden standard, if you will, of the love I would share with another person.

ann an aonachd tha braithreachas - "in Unity is Brotherhood"


"It is the golden standard, if you will, of the love I would share with another person."

Again, we need to be clear that this is a common male longing, which is addressed by myth across cultures and across time:

Cruithne and Fidach

Cuchulainn and Ferdia

Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Achilles and Patroclus

Orestes and Pylades

Herakles and Iolaus

David and Jonathan

There are a LOT of these guys, and they're there to serve as role models.

And to affirm your male instincts.

They tell you to:

Trust your hopes.

Trust your dreams.

The funniest thing about this book, is that it was written by, of all people, a Christian. I think that is a major reason why I liked it so much. I am a Christian and this was sort of a pat on the back that I can be both a Christian and a homosexual FrotBrother! The two are compatable!

Yes, they are!

Granted, there is no direct mention of a sexual conection between Cruithne and Fidach, but this is not very neccessary; the point is, the two are lovers at least at an emotional/intellectual level.

Yes, and again, trust your instincts about that.

A lot of the history of same-sex love has been suppressed and hidden.

Or it's not spoken of because to the people of the era, it wasn't necessary to speak of it.

Yet it was common.

This is from Peter Wilcox:

From early puberty the young man of the warrior caste progressed through the martial arts of the Celt, with the accompaniment of hunting, feasting, and drinking. As a fully-fledged warrior he would support and be supported in battle by a close age group of his own peers, who had been with him throughout his training for manhood. In this way many young men developed a strong man-to-man bond; and Diodorus, Strabo, and Athenaeus all remark that homo-erotic practices were common among the Celts.

So Justin, while the author of this particular book may not speak of Cruithne and Fidach as lovers -- it's very likely that they were and that the people of their time knew they were.

Guys -- both Bill Schuler and Justin are strong and capable men.

But human beings are social beings.

And men in particular need the help and support of their Warrior brothers, of a Warrior fellowship.

Will you help?

Re-read their posts, see the ardor and enthusiasm there, and resolve that it will be matched by your own.

If you do that --

We'll win.

And YOU'll win.

Thank you both, Bill and Justin.

You're true Warriors.

Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

Robert Loring

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Bill S. it is great to hear from you again my brother. I stand behind you and support you in your battles against the LDS. Know that you are NOT alone in your fight!

In his above post Bill S. wrote: "Joseph Smith was a frotman (with his brother Hyrum) having lived before there was any concepts of "homosexual" or "gay" Brothers, at this juncture, I would like to chime in with this: at the time Joseph Smith lived (1805-1844) people DIDN'T think in terms of "homosexual" or "gay" There wasn't a "gay" subculture. Men were MEN--PERIOD!!! " That's historically VERY TRUE! In the 1800's Men were MEN period just as Bill states. People did not think, back then, in terms of "gay" or "homosexual" because FROT between MEN was NORMAL MASCULINE MALE BEHAVIOR. Men didn't go to and fro broadcasting it to the world but it was a "man thing" that was understood without words. Men spent MOST of their time with other men. They fellowshiped with other males, they worked with other males, they suffered and shared with other males, and they shared VICTORIES with other males. Look at the old pictures for they tell the story of these men! Men were unafraid to love each other and they were unafraid to express their love for one another. It was all very contrary to the situation we have today in the world. Males showing affection to other males was considered not only NORMAL but also as EXPECTED! Those males who did not show affection for their brothers were the ones considered ABNORMAL. But, with growing industrialization and the end of WWII the UNDERBELLY of America turned up and all this NORMAL MASCULINE behavior began to come to an end. Right became wrong. Wrong became right. It's all got to be PUT BACK the way it was!

Bill S. writes further, "So, to Smith, male-male intimacy was normal and natural because there were no associations with anything considered abominable. Anyone giving or taking it up the butt was considered a SODOMITE or a "dog" (which is what the KJV of the Bible calls such perverts). It was understand that the Bible condemns such ACTS and it was enough to suffice, so, you do not find in Mormon Scripture mention about male-male intimace. It was a non-issue in Smith's day." Bill is absolutely right again! M2M intimacy was considered NORMAL and NATURAL! It was NOT considered "sinful" or "abominable." What was considered sinful and abominable was anal between men. Those men were considered, as Bill states, to be Sodomites. However, males who frotted together were NOT included in this concept of Sodomite abomination and sin.

Bill S. continues and says, "People are looking for some clarity. So, these charlatans come along with their flim-flam ruse and dupe these suckers: all for the FAST BUCK--PERIOD!!! " I agree. People today ARE looking for clarity because the roles have been blurred badly. But, we not NOT look to most of our churches today for such clarity because most of them have one "god" they truly worship and that "god" is the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!! They no longer pass the collection plate in many churches today. That collection PLATE has been replaced by a collection BUCKET (5 gallons BTW). Take a look at Rev. Benny Hinn for example. But, alas, the churches were warned about listening to false prophets and false teachers speaking from the pulpit were they not? So, I'm not really surprised that MONEY has become the almighty "god"!!

Bill S. continues, "The LARGER SICKNESS is about power and control: subduing a free-thinking mind. People like these leaders make statements, such as: "We have more money than EVEN GOD!!!" Right again! Most religion (ANY religion) is about MONEY, POWER, and CONTROL!! And, as for "free-thinking people" that is a "No! No!" in most churches today because free-thinking people pose a CHALLENGE and THREAT to the status quo and if the status quo is upset that means empty collection buckets!! That's why many church leaders today just want you to fold your hands, smile, and just listen to them BUT keep your mouth SHUT. They don't want you to ask questions or challenge what they are telling you. They wish only that you BLINDLY accept what they are telling you is true. Some call it "blind faith" which, in fact, is a most DANGEROUS kind of faith!! Yet, at the SAME time they tell us that we are to take on Christ as our own pattern and example for and in our own lives. REALLY??? Let's see, Christ DID NOT sit like a nice boy, silently. In FACT, Christ CHALLENGED the WHOLE religious authority of his day!! I don't care what the churches today say about this. READ the Bible because it is CLEAR that Christ was a REVOLUTIONARY as far as the religious leaders of his days were concerned! Christ did not preach or advocate CONFORMITY or BLIND FAITH! He preached and advocated LIBERATION and BROTHERHOOD! And he advocated FREE-THINKING! His teachings are CONTRARY to what the so called "Christian" churches teach today!!

Bill S. writes, "Male-male intimacy is the epiphany of maleness." He is right again! During an epiphany one feels a higher sense of something divine and spiritual usually. That IS what two intimate males feel together! That is what 2 frot brothers feel together because frot is MORE than just sex. A psychological and SPIRITUAL connection is established during this epiphany. THAT makes frot MORE than just sex men!!

Bill S. continues and says, "If people ask you if you're a homosexual or gay, say you are a man. In the minds of most people, gay=anal." I absolutely agree 100%!! We are MEN first and FOREMOST!! Frot is NATURAL and NORMAL for MASCULINE MEN and that is NOT considered "gay" at least in times past (ie: for the last 5 million years!!). As Bill points out when most people here that one is "gay" or "homosexual" they AUTOMATICALLY equate those LABELS with anal sex! If you are into FROT and not anal and you tell someone you are gay or homosexual you are giving them the WRONG message about yourself. You are telling them that you are into sodomy! But, you're not! So, perhaps you should avoid using those terms and just simply tell people that you're a MAN!!

Bill S. continues and shouts out to the church leaders today, "STOP SCATTERING CHRIST'S FLOCK INSTEAD GATHERING THEM INTO ONE FOLD!!!!!!" Bill, my friend and brother, you have hit it right on the head I think!! All the self-righteous, ego/money worshipping leaders today ARE scattering the people! It's like a song I heard recently says, "Religion is hate! Religion is war!...." Sad that so many of the religious today fail to see the DIVINE FACT that our ONE COMMON CREATOR is INCLUSIVE and NOT exclusive! They are the blind leading the blind and they are being led right off into the ABYSS!! Many people today are seeking a "revelation." Well I have a REVELATION for them and here it is:

"ALL religions are of HUMAN invention! God has NOT even sanctioned ONE of your HUMAN INVENTED religions!....God does NOT want ANY of your human invented religions. ALL that God wants is your FAITHFUL LOVE and that IS all."

Maybe someday I'll tell the world just where that "revelation" came from. Or, maybe I won't lol.

Bill W. asks the question concerning Bill S., "Would Christ have excluded him?" The RESOUNDING answer historically and BIBLICALLY is a resounding, "NO!!" No because Bill S. is doing nothing wrong, nothing "sinful." In fact, Bill S. is standing up for what he knows is RIGHT and he is standing up for Christ!! Like Christ, Bill S. has challenged the religious authorities of our days and he needs the support of all of his fellow frot brothers and Warriors here in his fight!!

In fact, we ALL need each others support and fellowship here on this site!! Warriors who fight alone are kinda STUPID warriors because they can quickly and easily be outnumbered and defeated. BUT a BAND of WARRIORS becomes much more difficult to defeat my brothers. So are we to be rogue loner warriors? Or are we to be a BAND of Warriors and stand together???

What Bill S. is facing and fighting is what we are ALL facing and fighting whether we realize it or not. False teachings have invaded not only Christianity but ALL religions and not simply the LDS but ALL churches today. It is NORMAL MASCULINE MALE behavior that is UNDER ATTACK today and that attack is coming from ALL segments of our society including ALL of our religions!!

Maybe someday the underbelly will be made the underbelly once again. Maybe one day what has been traditionally and historically masculine MALE will become so AGAIN. Maybe some day the world will once again come to know and understand that FROT is NOT SODOMY but that it IS NORMAL masculine male behavior!! Maybe one day INTIMACY between males will NOT be looked down upon as "wrong and sinful" but as a BLESSING because it IS a BLESSING! A purely NATURAL and MALE blessing!! And maybe, just maybe, one day someone will found a SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT that supports and advocates all this (God knows we DON'T need another religion!) OR is that what we have here already??

Bill Weintraub

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Thank you everyone.

These are wonderful and very important posts.

Robert writes:

Maybe one day what has been traditionally and historically masculine MALE will become so AGAIN. Maybe some day the world will once again come to know and understand that FROT is NOT SODOMY but that it IS NORMAL masculine male behavior!! Maybe one day INTIMACY between males will NOT be looked down upon as "wrong and sinful" but as a BLESSING because it IS a BLESSING! A purely NATURAL and MALE blessing!! And maybe, just maybe, one day someone will found a SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT that supports and advocates all this (God knows we DON'T need another religion!) OR is that what we have here already??

Yes, we do have it here already.

And that's what I think we should be -- a movement for social change which is at its core spiritual.

I've said for years that without a sense of sex as sacred and sacramental, men will be forever mired in analism, pansexualism, and similar snares and delusions.

Because absent a sense of the sacred, sex quickly becomes consumerism.

That's what's happened among gay men.

And it's killed them.

So either we honor the Divine in Man and the Sacred in Sex; or we die.

Brett used to say to me that most people just don't think of sex between men the way I do -- as something sacred, or, as Robert just beautifully said, a BLESSING.

But, you know, the way I look at this is that the secularists and the effeminists have had their go, and they killed half-a-million men in America alone in less than 15 years.

That's formidable.

That's far, far, far more people than have died at the hands of "homophobes" in the entire history of the human race.

And that's not all.

Another 500,000 American MSM are now infected; and facing a lifetime, if they're lucky, on toxic medications.

And that's not all.

Because the same people who gave us AIDS in America also in my view let AIDS loose upon the world.

Where an additional 25 million have died and 40 million are infected.

I don't know if someone like Dr. Chin would agree with me about the role the American MSM epidemic played in hastening the worldwide epidemic -- the pandemic.

But I think that's what happened.

American MSM constituted and still do a huge reservoir of infection.

So the little escapade known as gay male promiscuity which sought to divorce sex from the sacred and which also sought to divorce males from their masculinity not simply by encouraging but by pressuring them to engage in a degrading and emasculating act -- has cost us all dear.

Which means it's time to return, as Robert says, to what has been "traditionally and historically masculine," to an act which is "A purely NATURAL and MALE blessing!!"

Let's start with an historical point.

Here's Robert again:

In his above post Bill S. wrote: "Joseph Smith was a frotman (with his brother Hyrum) having lived before there was any concepts of "homosexual" or "gay" Brothers, at this juncture, I would like to chime in with this: at the time Joseph Smith lived (1805-1844) people DIDN'T think in terms of "homosexual" or "gay" There wasn't a "gay" subculture. Men were MEN--PERIOD!!! " That's historically VERY TRUE! In the 1800's Men were MEN period just as Bill states. People did not think, back then, in terms of "gay" or "homosexual" because FROT between MEN was NORMAL MASCULINE MALE BEHAVIOR.

That's correct.

Frances just sent me an article from the Discovery channel about Abraham Lincoln's male "lovers."

We've discussed one of Lincoln's many homosocial relationships on this board: Lincoln and Jack Armstrong, who met in a wrestling match -- Lincoln was apparently a formidable wrestler and a natural fighter -- and who went on to become fast friends.

The Discovery article, which is based on the work of C. A. Tripp, a pioneering gay theorist, mentions a couple other men whom I hadn't heard of before.

Let me just warn you that the article uses the terms "homosexual" and "gay" to describe Lincoln, which is absurd.

Obviously he was neither homosexual nor gay, but it's likely he was involved sexually with other men.

What's important to understand is that again, to the men of that era, which predates even the word "homosexual," what Lincoln did was not considered abnormal or weird or sinful.

Remember that Abe Lincoln was a tremendously controversial figure in his own time, very much hated by many people, and he was assassinated.

If those who detested him had thought he was guilty of sexual misbehavior with another man -- they would not have been quiet about it.

So his passionate friendships with other men were the NORM.

That's why they were not the occasion for significant gossip or calumny.

This is what Frances said in her email about the article, and for clarity I'm putting my replies to her in red:

I'm sure this is old news to you. But, that Coontz artilcle, and your response to it about what the Victorian era men with the "fleshy poles" did in the bed reminded of what I had heard about Lincoln a few years ago.

[Bill: Yes. The bit about the "fleshy poles" comes from an early 19th-century letter written by a man who eventually became a senator from South Carolina.

At the time of the letter, though, he was a student writing to his college roommate.

This guy was a contemporary of or slightly older than Lincoln.

And like Lincoln he married and had kids and was a pillar of the establishment.]

Believe me, I'm kind of tired of this "who's gay?" bullshit. Because, like you, I know in my heart that human sexuality lies along a contiuum for all of us. So it feels like we're beating a dead horse. But, I know yours is the job of educating men (and I hope more women) and that it is a neverending job for the forseeable future.

[It's a task we all share.]

I don't remember seeing anything about Lincoln on your site.

[Once again, you can learn a bit about Lincoln and his friend Jack Armstrong -- with pictures -- here.

He certainly isn't perceived as an effeminate man,

[That's right, these men weren't effeminate or in any other way "gay."

Read about Jack Armstrong.

This has nothing to do with 20th century conceptions of "homosexuality."

This is men being men.]

and one has to wonder how effeminate, if at all, his lovers were if indeed one was a Captain David Derickson of his bodyguard. So was Lincoln an analist, or a guy into frot?

[He certainly wouldn't have been doing anal.

And they didn't do oral either.

They would have done Frot and mutual masturbation.

Anal is an artifact of late 20th century gay male culture.

It's not a common practice.

And for most of human history oral has been denigrated also.

Remember, people didn't have soap.

They had no way of staying clean.

It's very easy to communicate parasites via oral sex -- even just penile fellatio.

But more than that it's what Robert keeps saying: Frot is NATURAL to Men.]

It might be helpful to young guys like Justin to see that a great man that they have grown up with in American schools was not so different than themselves in this respect.

[That's right. Lincoln was a Man.]

Since so many men think that their love of men elevates them morally, we might credit this as doing no harm, and indeed enhancing his character. It would be interesting to see how A. Lincoln would have responded to the venality of characters like Haggard who would destroy a Justin.

[Yes -- there were certainly people in the political life of Lincoln's time who were the hypocritical equivalents of Haggard and Foley.

But the word "homosexuality" did not exist.

So the preachers weren't out there railing against it.

They would have talked about Sodom.

But Lincoln wasn't a sodomite -- by any standard.]

I do believe that the general abhorence of all things "gay" does lie in analism and effeminancy.

[Yes -- what I would say is that heterosexualization leads to analism which leads to more heterosexualization.

heterosexualization --> analism --> heterosexualization

There's a feeback loop there just as there is with HIV and anal.

They sustain each other.]

Like I've said I always found beauty and grace in the palpable sexual energy among men, but that was always wiped away by what I considered to be a very ugly act (ironic considering the value the gay community places on aesthetics/maybe it's a compensatory reaction to this practice).

[No, that's overstated and it's a stereotype.

Basically, in years past, some gay men tended to get involved in the arts because people in the arts were more tolerant of "deviance" and "eccentricity."

But the main thing is that we were aware of those men because it was far safer for gay men to be *visible* in those fields.

That's why we think of gay men and antiques or the ballet or whatever.

But at the same time there were a huge number of "gay" bankers and stockbrokers and auto mechanics and factory workers.

It's just that you couldn't see them -- they were closeted and hidden.

Key point: there's NO relationship between same-sex attraction and aesthetics or nurturance or anything else.

These sorts of myths work to the benefit of the forces of heterosexualization and ghettoization -- they assert that gay-identified men are "special" in some way.

They're not.

They're just men.]

I hated the idea of any men I cared about doing this, so I always assumed there was something innately homophobic about me.


Anal is repellant to any person of good sense.]

However, frot was an epiphany for me because I could see it as something intensely masculine, and something I could see being a positive in the life of any man, including those I love.


It's probably too late for them, but I hope future boys never have to be denied this part of themselves.

[I hope so too.]

So: The Love of Man for Man was at one time completely normal and natural, and the sort of passionate friendships Lincoln had were so common that they were barely noticed.

We need to be clear that those friendships enriched those men not just physically and emotionally, but spiritually as well.

In the "bludgeoned" message thread, I wrote that Masculinity is a Divine Principle, Manhood a Divine Gift, and Frot a Holy Sacrament.

Robert and Bill S:

Bill S. writes, "Male-male intimacy is the epiphany of maleness." He is right again! During an epiphany one feels a higher sense of something divine and spiritual usually. That IS what two intimate males feel together! That is what 2 frot brothers feel together because frot is MORE than just sex. A psychological and SPIRITUAL connection is established during this epiphany. THAT makes frot MORE than just sex men!!

Bill S: The epiphany of maleness.


An epiphany is a revelation -- a spiritual revelation.

Suddenly you are given a glimpse of the Divine, of the eternal, of that which lies beyond yourself.

Plato talked about ideal forms and shadows in a cave.

Masculinity is an ideal form -- a Divine Principle.

Frot too is an ideal form.

It's the highest expression of Masculinity on this earth.

From the mutual manhood of two Warriors, their manly affection, and their primal male aggression, comes an exalted Masculine being.

Robert: "During an epiphany one feels a higher sense of something divine and spiritual usually. That IS what two intimate males feel together! That is what 2 frot brothers feel together because frot is MORE than just sex. A psychological and SPIRITUAL connection is established during this epiphany. THAT makes frot MORE than just sex men!!"

Robert: "A psychological and SPIRITUAL connection is established during this epiphany."


That psychological and SPIRITUAL connection is established by a physical act -- the bringing together of the two phalluses.

During this act, the Warrior's Manhood merges with that of his Warrior brother.

His brother of the Heart, as Robert has said.

And these two Men together, through the merging of their Manhood, create something which one man alone cannot create:

A higher order of Masculinity.

Also, this is not a passive bringing together.

Rather, the phalluses are aggressively thrusting against each other in a pure and primal act of mutual male aggression.

A passage through rage to love.

So: human beings are physical, and all sacraments therefore begin with a physical act.

But human beings are also capable of seeing beyond the physical.

I mentioned Plato's cave.

In that allegory or parable, human beings mistake the shadows cast on a cave wall -- for reality.

They're not.

The shadows are not reality.

Reality lies outside the cave.

The shadows in the cave are just a dark reflection of that reality.

In the parable, some human beings are able to get out of the cave and see the real forms which are casting the shadows.

That can be described as an ascent to knowledge, or an overcoming of ignorance -- or as a spiritual experience.

Also in the parable: when those who've escaped the cave return, and try to explain to the cave dwellers what they've seen and learned -- they're not believed.

They're rejected.


I have no question that Frot is a higher order of sexuality.

And that it is the HIGHEST expression of MAN2MAN.

During Frot, you merge your Manhood with that of your Warrior brother.

That's what Frot is:

Two Warriors bonding Phallically: Manhood2Manhood.

There can be no higher sexual expression of the Love of Man for Man.

A Love which is Sacred.

And we should say so unceasingly.

What happens during anal?

Does the analist top bond his cock to the shithole of the bottom?

Who would want that?

At the center of anal is repulsion.

Because you can't leave your dick in a shithole.

Frot is the opposite:

There is a NATURAL attraction of cock for cock.

Two bonded Warrior cocks constitute the Ideal of Manly Love.

Of Masculine Love.

Of the Love of Man for Man.

Can I imagine an Eternity spent Phallus to Phallus with my Warrior Brother?


That might well be a definition of Eternity.

Robert says we don't need another religion -- and that's right.


It seems that for religious people, they condemn what they are, what they practice. They condemn because they feel condemned. They feel God has really rejected them. They talk religious talk, walk religious walk because they're conflicted with their natural selves against unnatural demands of religion. They define holiness as otherworldly, an otherworldliness that requires they cut themselves off from their whole self, that they separate body and mind because "the body is the tool of the devil."

I think such distorted thinking is the type of platform analism and heterosexism thrives upon. The Church has demonized the body, and analsts acknowledge such demonization by infecting the body with fatal diseases. It's like an exorcism. The only way to exorcise a demonized body is to kill the body.

When I think about what Bill posted, that drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and promiscuity (which is physical abuse) characterize the gay community, I hear of a community that has condemned itself. I hear of a community that has mistaken promiscuity for fun and has given themselves to delusion by ignoring the fact that they are killing each other more than is homophobia as they claim. I hear of a community that hates itself just as the religious fundamentalists condemn themselves and just as the heterosexists delude themselves.

We have seen on many of these threads that analists, heterosexists, and religious fundamentalists are similar, if not the same. Each encourages delusion. Each condemns the body, especially the male's body.


We need a spirituality and a spiritual practice which does not condemn the male body, but which honors it.

And which recognizes that the body too is a gift from God.

As is the ability to bond Phallically Man to Man.

So: Masculinity is a Divine Principle, Manhood a Divine Gift, and Frot a Holy Sacrament.


Maybe one day what has been traditionally and historically masculine MALE will become so AGAIN. Maybe some day the world will once again come to know and understand that FROT is NOT SODOMY but that it IS NORMAL masculine male behavior!! Maybe one day INTIMACY between males will NOT be looked down upon as "wrong and sinful" but as a BLESSING because it IS a BLESSING! A purely NATURAL and MALE blessing!! And maybe, just maybe, one day someone will found a SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT that supports and advocates all this (God knows we DON'T need another religion!) OR is that what we have here already??

Yes, we have it.

We need now to communicate these truths to our fellow Men.

Guys -- do it or die.

I've seen the dying part and I have no doubt that if I live long enough -- and if you guys do nothing -- I'll see it again.

What I haven't seen is the true liberation of Men.

That awaits YOUR action.

Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.



Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


I am about half done with a bit of Warrior Fiction that I am working on. I will send it in an email to Bill when I am finished. It is a tale written in the first person of a journey to the magical/spiritual land of Frothood. The first person's account is really an allegory of my experience finding the Warrior way. The young novice or apprentice brother is led through the strange and beautiful land where he witnesses the fellowship of brothers, a battle between Warriors and Analists, his first Frot experience, and a charge to find his own Frot Brother. The story is a bit long so I have decided to break it up into several short chapters. I write a chapter every other day so it may take a few weeks to get it finished to a final draft and get it emailed. I am looking forward to its completion and any reviews you guys give me.

Bill Weintraub

Re: A toast to all Frot-brothers!


Justin's story is now finished and has been posted:

Journey Through the World of Frot

It's excellent!

Don't miss it!

Journey Through the World of Frot

Thank you Justin!

You're a true Warrior!


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