
BP Exec Exposed!!

Robert Loring

Robert Loring

BP Exec Exposed!!


Today is May 1, 2007 and the Associated Press is reporting that BP Chief Executive John Browne has resigned from his position after a judge lifted a legal injunction preventing a newspaper from publishing details of his private life. Browne has been trying to suppress details from an interview with a Canadian man with whom he had had a gay relationship. Browne now joins a growing list of prominent figures around the world. A list that includes such esteemed men as the Rev. Ted Haggard,

Once more we see the venom of a society that is turned upside down. A society that has chosen to live blinded by it's own self delusions. A society bent on the heterosexual male myth. A society that has turned away from natural male masculinity and towards a delusion created in it's own psychotic and lost collective mind. Once again the rejection of natural male masculinity claims yet another victim, strips him naked and of everything else, and holds him up for the world to see and, yes, even mock! How sad it all is and what a SICK society we really live in.

It has been pointed out in other posts on this site that natural male masculinity includes natural male aggressiveness and natural M2M affection. Indeed, that is exactly what is included in natural male masculinity! But, ours is a society that has successfully taken what is natural and right and turned it into unnatural and wrong while, at the same time, it has taken what is unnatural and wrong and turned it into right. people think!

In this world of illusion and self delusion we now live in many of us live under the deception that just because we think something is right our thinking makes it automatically right. Like ostriches we bury our heads in the sand with our bare asses up in the air will all just go away and we won't have to deal with anything anymore. BUT, that is NOT the way REAL LIFE works folks! In real life I guarantee you that burying your heads in the sand does absolutely NO GOOD whatsoever. In fact, it only serves to make things WORSE! Life is meant to be dealt with and that includes not simply the good that comes to us in life but ALSO the BAD.

Personally, I find it sad that mean like Browne and Haggard are "exposed" the way they are and then held up like trophies for the whole world to mock, snicker at, ridicule, pock fun of, and humilated in every way possible. Really, the way these men are "exposed" says much more about our society than it does about them as individuals.

Browne, like Haggard I am sure, has "fought" his homosexual feelings all of his life. They certainly did not come about one magical evening for some unknown reason. And Browne, like other men I am sure, really has spent much of his lifetime HIDING his homosexuality rather than "fighting" it. For, you see, our society really is NOT about fighting anything but mostly about HIDING everything! Because that is what our society teaches. One again I hear the GASPS at the most recent high profile homosexual exposure! And once again I say to those gasping...GASP AT YOURSELVES HYPOCRITES because YOU are INDEED LOST!!

Not that many years ago men used to love men, show affection to other men, and be aggressive with other men. Not that many years ago men were UNASHAMED to hug another man or even kiss another man. The TABOOS we now have again such NATURAL MALE behavior have only existed for LESS THAN 50 years. All the HOMOPHOBIA we see in the world today did NOT exist that long ago. In FACT, 50 years ago if you didn't show aggression and affection to other males most people thought that there was something wrong with YOU! But, today everything is upside down, right is wrong, wrong is right. And, the natural has been forced out to be replaced with the UNNATURAL. And just who is pay the price? WE ALL ARE and YES that INCLUDES little old YOU!

Men of DISHONOR now control our society. One quick look at our so called "leaders" and our animated fantasy "heroes" proves that beyond any stretch of the imagination. Right now in the world I don't see ANY real leaders. I see a lot of WANNA-BEs pretending that they are natural born leaders when in fact they are anything but. Yet, we all follow these wanna-be's like BLIND SHEEP and when we aren't following them around we find "refuge" in our own little fragile egos and that's why we can' mean WON'T get past ourselves!

Bill posted a post about getting beyond yourself and trying to make all of us realize that our individual lives are NOT simply about me...ME...ME...WONDERFUL ME!! Yet, it appears his message has fallen not only on deaf ears but DUMB EARS! Donatiions remain low I suppose and emails to Bill offering him and Patrick strenght and encouragement, I suppose, have been but only a handful. That IS bullshit! In fact, that is way beyond bullshit because if you can't get beyond yourself and show concern for another human being then YOU are BULLSHIT!! You know it, I know it, and the whole world knows it and frankly I don't give a damn if you like what I say or not. Screw the EGOTISTICAL in this world! You're NOT as wonderful as you think! You may claim to love BUT if you don't or won't love and won't express that love then you really DO NOT love! Your life is a big fat LIE and you are lost in self deception. When ANYONE posts on this site reaching out in need of courage or reassurance HONORABLE men reach back to help. Only DISHONORABLE men turn and walk away! So what kind of a man are YOU? By the way, FYI, real WARRIORS are honorable men; dishonorable males are NOT warriors EVEN though they might live a fantasy thinking they are.

I've been off the Internet for a few months and, actually, it has been a blessing in disguise. It has been so because I have been forced to interact face to face in the real world and I have been reminded of just how SICK our society really is. Yet, I have also been reminded that there really are HONORABLE men still out there and REAL WARRIORS still living in the REAL WORLD. You see I not only see the bad but I try really hard to see the good because I know that wherever bad is, good also exists. You just have to look hard to find it nowadays.

The public humiliation of Browne now begins as he is involuntarily sent walking the same road Rev. Ted Haggard was sent walking not that long ago. It is a road filled with mockery, humiliation, and personal loss. It is a DARK road and it is a lonely road. Instead of mocking him we should pray for him because he is yet another male victim of our screwed up "macho" fixated society.

If you haven't already done so sent Bill an email just letting him know you care about him and Patrick. Send a contribution to keep this site going and realize that it doesn't have to be big. I really don't think Bill is expecting you to donate half a million dollars to this site although it might be really nice.

Our society is upside down and sick...YES...but what really gets me is the huge numbers of people that mouth words yet they never WALK THE WALK. When you mouth words but don't but them into action in your daily life then that makes YOU a HYPOCRITE. Sadly, guys, we live in a society overflowing with hypocrites! You might say and think you are a masculine male into M2M, that you are a WARRIOR and that's fine BUT the real question is DO YOU WALK THE WALK or just spit the words out? Being a WARRIOR REQUIRES that YOU LIVE IT and just not simply mouth words. It requires that you put your WARRIOR VALUES into DAILY ACTION in your own life. If you don't, then you are NO WARRIOR at all.

Natural masculinity includes natural male aggressiveness AND natural male AFFECTION to other males. Are you living that? Or are you just mouthing words and hiding from your own NATURAL MALE SELF? Are you living a life like Browne and Haggard and soon to find yourself walking down the SAME dark and lonely road they are now on? I suspect many of you are. You come here to this site, feel safe, and post, and then run away only to return at some future day when something deep inside you once again calls you to stand among your fellow warrior BROTHERS. And tell me, please, how many times will you come to this site before you are exposed and someone GASPS at you like they are right now to Browne? You can't come here and you can't live a natural male life while you are standing in a place of shame within your ownself. This is NOT a place of shame. This is a place on HONOR, of WARRIORS, and of NATURAL MASCULINITY in which shame has NO part.

Natural male masculinity entails COMPASSION for someone BEYOND yourself. So show it! Live it! BE compassionate to your brothers here AND out there in the real world away from the Internet. BE the warrior that is inside of you every day of your life and be UNashamed. Shame is a destroyer. If you are living under shame and fear then you are living as a prisoner within yourself and you are already along the road to self destruction whether you realize it or not. You might hate the world, hate society, and desire for it to all change. But, NOTHING will change in this world, this society until YOU change. Without individual change there will be NO collective change in this lost and upside down world we are living in.

Sir Robert

Bill Weintraub

Re: BP Exec Exposed!!


Thank you Robert.

It's great to have you back.

Another excellent post from Robert which bears repeated re-reading.

And I can't emphasize that enough.

Robert's posts are rich in ideas -- you owe it to yourself to read and re-read them.

Now, in terms of just two of the points Robert addressed:

1. Since Robert talked about people not expressing concern about Patrick, Patrick and I have heard from more of you, and we thank you for your good thoughts and wishes.

2. Donations have been low, but more to the point, we've had no NEW donors for months.

And that's a big problem.

Since Robert and I posted about that, we've gotten two new donors.

So I'm going to resume posting, at least as Patrick's health permits.

However, that doesn't mean that people can stop donating.

What we need are NEW and CONSISTENT donors.

We need a hundred guys who will commit to donating each and every month.

That would make a difference.

Do it.

Do it for a year.

See what happens.

I know people get discouraged at the slow pace of change.

But you have to understand a couple things.

First off, just the existence of our sites serves as a beacon of hope for Men.

You know that from the posts which appear on this board.

Just look at our two most recent posts:

love him for the man he is; and

married cockbonding

That hope must be preserved.

Which means at the least these sites must remain on line.

With more money, we'd be able to reach out aggressively to those literally millions of Men who are ready and indeed eager to hear our message.

The analists fear that.

They don't want us reaching out.

They don't want us around in any form.

They do all in their power to close us down and silence us.

We're still being spammed by those people.

Goes on 24 / 7.

The same you should be put in jail crowd.

They never let up.

So you can't let up either.

Now, let's talk time.

Suppose it takes us another five years to build this movement.

Five years.

Plus the seven we've already put in.

That's 12 total.

Where was PETA -- the animal rights organization -- 12 years ago?


It was a little fringe group whose supporters were regarded as cranks.

Where's PETA today?

Well-known and listened to and without question having changed the conversation about animals and animal rights.

It's not that everyone agrees with PETA.

But when PETA talks, people do listen.

They have to.

How did PETA accomplish that?

By building a donor base, and by constant outreach and constant agitation.

That's how it's done.

Five years.

Where will you be in five years?

No matter what your age, it matters.

Do you want to live in an MSM world which remains unrelentingly hostile to the mutually genital expression -- that's Phallus2Phallus -- of Love between Men?

Which looks askance at Fidelity?

And which denigrates Masculinity?

Is that what you want?


I know you don't.


As you well know, the forces we've taken on are deeply entrenched.

The social problems we speak to are not of our making, but they will take time to address, particularly because no one else is addressing them.

For example:

There's a gay group out there called Soul Force, which is using civil disobedience and other methods to take on the religious right's exclusionary practices and blanket condemnations of "homosexuality."

I think that's to the good.

But -- and it's a big but -- has Soul Force taken on barebacking?

Has Soul Force taken on fisting?

Gay male infidelity and promiscuity?

Gay male drug use?

Because these are the practices which are destroying gay male lives.

The religious right is obnoxious, and no doubt does a lot of damage.

But it's gay men who are infecting other gay men with a deadly virus.

With several deadly viruses -- at this moment and that we know of.

Specifically HIV, HPV, and hep C.

And it's gay men who are putting their fists up the rectums of other gay men -- which we know from the history of HIV is an extremely dangerous act.

And it's gay men who are cheating on their gay male lovers.

In huge numbers.

And let's face it, there are a myriad of gay institutions which support these behaviors:



Sex clubs


Sex tourism resorts

Internet hook-up sites

Even communal organizations like athletic teams and Bears' Clubs de facto facilitate promiscuity -- and of course anal.

Plus the AIDS Service Organizations, the condom and lube manufacturers, Big Pharma.

All support in one way or another anal, promiscuity and effeminacy

The internet hook-up sites are particularly egregious in profiting from and supporting those behaviors.

The site I cited in The Metrics of Analism has listings for barebackers; for backback clubs in every city; for fist fuckers and fist fucking associations -- it's all there.

To not have that would cut into their bottom line -- they'd lose members and revenue.

That's why they do it.

For money.


To take on these problems requires that one look at and speak critically about gay male culture.

Which is a culture of anal penetration, promiscuity, and effemiacy.

Will Soul Force criticize and demonstrate against those behaviors?

I don't think so.

But we do and we will.

As I start posting again, and as we, hopefully, start getting caught up, and as we talk about HIV predators and HIV-related heart disease and soaring rates of infection and drug use, for example -- we need to look at root causes.

And we need to understand just what has been LOST.

Which is why I'm starting with an article titled his valour plain to see.

Please read it -- for one thing I plan to refer back to it.

Yes, it's about the ancient world and yes, there's poetry in there -- but that's just the way it is.

Those guys wrote poems.

That's how they communicated.

They also wrote treatises on Ethics, and Politics, and all sorts of other Philosophy.

So poetry is actually the easiest part of the ancient world's literary output.

And you must start there.

Besides, you'll like it.

his valour plain to see refers to a naked athlete.

You like athletes and you like naked -- I know that.

And it's got lots of pics.

Including a Phallic Temple which you'll love.

So read it.

You have to read it to understand what you've lost.

Otherwise you'll never understand the analist New Order, which like the Hitlerite New Order, benefits a master class and that class alone -- while all others are consigned to denigration, servitude, and despair.

The New Order of Analism is as radical a reworking of the human paradigm and the human condition as can be imagined.

And it is deadly.

Read his valour plain to see.

And listen to Robert:

Our society is upside down and sick...YES...but what really gets me is the huge numbers of people that mouth words yet they never WALK THE WALK. When you mouth words but don't but them into action in your daily life then that makes YOU a HYPOCRITE. Sadly, guys, we live in a society overflowing with hypocrites! You might say and think you are a masculine male into M2M, that you are a WARRIOR and that's fine BUT the real question is DO YOU WALK THE WALK or just spit the words out? Being a WARRIOR REQUIRES that YOU LIVE IT and just not simply mouth words. It requires that you put your WARRIOR VALUES into DAILY ACTION in your own life. If you don't, then you are NO WARRIOR at all.

Natural masculinity includes natural male aggressiveness AND natural male AFFECTION to other males. Are you living that? Or are you just mouthing words and hiding from your own NATURAL MALE SELF? Are you living a life like Browne and Haggard and soon to find yourself walking down the SAME dark and lonely road they are now on? I suspect many of you are. You come here to this site, feel safe, and post, and then run away only to return at some future day when something deep inside you once again calls you to stand among your fellow warrior BROTHERS. And tell me, please, how many times will you come to this site before you are exposed and someone GASPS at you like they are right now to Browne? You can't come here and you can't live a natural male life while you are standing in a place of shame within your ownself. This is NOT a place of shame. This is a place of HONOR, of WARRIORS, and of NATURAL MASCULINITY in which shame has NO part.

Natural male masculinity entails COMPASSION for someone BEYOND yourself. So show it! Live it! BE compassionate to your brothers here AND out there in the real world away from the Internet. BE the warrior that is inside of you every day of your life and be UNashamed. Shame is a destroyer. If you are living under shame and fear then you are living as a prisoner within yourself and you are already along the road to self destruction whether you realize it or not. You might hate the world, hate society, and desire for it to all change. But, NOTHING will change in this world, this society until YOU change. Without individual change there will be NO collective change in this lost and upside down world we are living in.

Thank you Robert.

You're a true Warrior.

The rest of you --

Listen to Robert.



Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2007 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

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