May Fundraiser --
We Need Your Support
MAN2MAN ALLIANCE May Fundraiser -- We Need Your Support
Guys, we're kicking off our May fundraiser today.
As most of you know, we're entirely donor-supported.
We carry no advertising and charge no fees.
That means we're free to do and say what we like.
That means we're FREE to SPEAK THE TRUTH.
But it also means we're dependent on the good will of guys like
Basically, our sites were there for you today because some other guy
contributed last week or last month or last year.
Please return the favor.
Just click on this link to DONATE.
What's at stake here?
As I said in my recent post titled Syphilis up 87% among gay men, a
few years back we were offered a big pot of MONEY by a major mover and
shaker on the religious right if we'd STOP TALKIN ABOUT FROT, and start
talking about ABSTINENCE alone.
That was the deal.
We stop talking about PHALLIC LOVE BETWEEN MEN --
and they'd give us a lot of MONEY.
That was the deal.
We stop talking about MEN LOVING MEN AS MEN -- and they'd pay us.
They'd pay us to shut up.
Guess what?
We won't do that.
Not just because we won't betray FROT --
but because we won't betray MEN AND MASCULINITY.
That's what this is about -- MEN!
That's what this is about.
The analists -- the pussyboys and shitfairies and butt sluts and rectal whores -- want to effeminize you -- turn you into a eunuch for anal.
Psychic castration.
Forget your dick.
It's all about your asssssshole: "Get on your knees and have some fun -- BITCH!"
The religious right wants to effeminize you -- turn you into a eunuch for their conception of Christ.
As for the churches what we have today is SELECTIVE Christianity that has become EXclusive and rather ARROGANT. Jesus did not come to destroy masculinity or manhood. He came to boost it up! He did not come to disempower men but to EMPOWER us! Yet, many Christians today have missed that point completely. Most have missed the fact that the MOVEMENT founded by Jesus was and is suppose to STILL be a MASCULINE WARRIOR movement and faith! There IS a reason why the New Testament is OVERFLOWING with WARRIOR and MASCULINE imagery and symbols. Symbols such as eagles, swords, shields, armor, mounted warriors, etc. are not contained in the New Testament by accident. Those images were put in it ON PURPOSE and for a REASON. Modern Christianity missed the boat when they de-nutted the Christ and turned him into something between other than a masculine man EVEN though Christ was a perfect example of a MASCULINE MAN in my opinion.
The FACT is that Jesus was the most perfect example of MALE MASCULINITY in my opinion. And, in my opinion, he was a perfect example of what it is to be a TRUE WARRIOR. He did not go to and fro playing the role of macho-man just as he did not go to and fro playing the role of sissified wimp. The role that he played was that of MASCULINE WARRIOR and he never passed up an opportunity to defend himself or confront those who stood against him. He had guts and he had balls folks! The image of Jesus as wimp is a LIE spread and maintained by the Christian Church thus making that image as false doctrine. Think about it.............
That's right.
And he was a TRUE WARRIOR.
Prepared to pay the ultimate price.
Remember what JM said -- JM who wrote about, in his post honor and integrity, his budz who are honest and true-blue:
Jesus is a man worthy of admiration and because He is the ultimate
example of masculinity. The reason He is the ultimate example is that He
was the only living man ever to be able to sacrifice His life for the
lives of the entire world.
I refer to His choice of crucifixion as "The Great Exchange". He
exchanged his perfection for the imperfections of every man (and woman) in
the world. His sacrificial act allows us to transcend the imperfections
of the physical world upon our entrance into the spiritual world. Nobody
reading this could accomplish this.
There is no greater man and no greater example of hardcore, no BS
masculinity than that example by Jesus.
No greater example of hardcore, no BS MASCULINITY, no greater example of a MAN with BALLS.
Where in the churches or anywhere else in the world do you hear that
The analists promote a vision of pseudo-men become pseudo-women who are BALL-LESS.
Lop off your balls, bend over, and get fucked up the ass like the
worthless bitch you are.
And if you die, who cares?
There's always another body, there's always another boy, there's always another bitch.
Analist institutions give awards to the self-castrated, praise drag and "gender-bending camp," and punish college kids who dare mock anal and analism.
And then they brainwash them.
While the churches promote a ball-less, effeminized version of Christ and Christianity which has NOTHING to do with the truth.
About MEN, about MASCULINITY, about SEX, and about AGGRESSION.
We talk about Male Power.
Male Creative Power.
Male Aggressive Power.
About the POWER of the MALE.
About the POWER of the PHALLUS.
We talk about what happens when instead of denying our masculinity and manhood, we EXALT and CELEBRATE THEM.
That man + man = more MAN.
That man x man = more MAN.
That man vs man in phallic combat results in MANHOOD TO THE INFINITE
CocktoCock, dick2dick, cockrub, FROT.
That's what we talk about.
And we don't mince words.
We tell you upfront: We want to help you REFIND your MASCULINITY.
And we tell you what's at stake.
Robert Loring:
The road of the Warrior is a road of SALVATION today for MALES! The
road of feminization is a road of DESTRUCTION and DEATH for males!
The choice is clear.
The choice is stark:
MASCULINITY or effeminacy.
SALVATION or destruction.
LIFE or death.
The knowledge that we here impart is literally life-saving.
And you know it.
Or you wouldn't be reading this post.
In any given month we're lucky to have five donors.
Sometimes seven or eight.
That's NO GOOD.
Hundreds of you should be donating every month.
Five dollars.
Ten dollars.
If you did that, we could challenge the analists and the effeminists.
And we'd be effective.
And we're telling the truth.
There's nothing more MALE, nothing more MASCULINE, nothing which so
When you donate, that message goes forth.
When you don't, it doesn't.
Instead what the world hears is that "men who have sex with men" --
that's YOU bro -- are little girls with pretend vaginas and phoney wombs.
Who all get fucked up the ass and love every minute of it.
Who are all into drag and camp.
Who don't know how to fight.
And who don't care.
That's what the public believes.
Because that's what the public hears.
And all those MEN who KNOW they're MEN --
those MEN who are YOUR BROTHERS --
those MEN whose cocks call out to others --
remain in psychological ignorance and spiritual darkness.
I've read a lot of comments on this site asking how you find a frot
brother and where they are at. Truth is they are ALL AROUND YOU because
frot is NATURAL to males. Today's males are just too afraid to be NATURAL
and they will continue to be afraid until YOU liberate them!
That's right.
Only YOU can liberate them.
Do YOU not see the ENSLAVEMENT in the eyes of 99.9% of the males you
meet every day? Then surely you are BLIND! When we fail to liberate our
brothers by supporting a site/group such as this one or when we choose
to hide behind a mask such as the church then WE condemn our brethren to deeper ENSLAVEMENT. That is NOT the sign of an honorable Warrior. That is what DISHONORABLE wannabe warriors do!
The whole of mankind is in dire need of LIBERATION. The whole of
mankind is in dire need of a restoration of manliness! The world awaits you who are the True Warrior who are unafraid to be truly masculine and
natural MEN. If you are waiting for the BFD or the church to give you an invitation you'll literally be waiting until hell freezes over!
The churches will never do it.
They want you docile and effeminized.
The buttboys and the Buttfuck Dictatorship will never do it.
They want you docile and effeminized.
Men who ARE independent and manly ARE constantly attacked because we
refuse to be politically correct and stuff ourselves into the societal
and religious GARBAGE CANS of modern society. We can wimp-out OR we can
FIGHT BACK! Those who are already defeated in their own minds wimp-out.
Those who are real WARRIORS FIGHT BACK!
Remember what Naked Wrestler said:
It's not what makes your dick hard
that makes you a man
it's your willingness to fight.
And remember what Jim said:
People don't like it when someone challenges or rises above the herd - it's an affront to them because it reminds them of their own
compromises and failure to make the same effort, to have the same strength, courage and integrity.
"compromises and failure"
For too many of you, that's what your life has been.
The gay boys among you have wanted Frot, but gone along to get along
with the evils of anal.
The straight boys among you have wanted to hold and be held by another
man -- cock2cock and dick2dick -- but have gone along to get long with
the evil lie that real men don't love other men.
That's what you've done.
You've compromised.
And so you've FAILED.
Stop compromising.
Stop failing.
So they try to bring the hero, the warrior, down, regardless of the cost to themselves.
Isn't that what you're doing when you don't donate?
Be honest.
You're trying to bring this WARRIOR SITE down so you don't have to look at your own failures and compromises, your own lack of strength, courage, and integrity.
But there's a better way to go bro.
FIGHT like the MAN that you are.
Find your BALLS and FIGHT BACK.
Your COURAGE is right there.
Grab it.
They point at any flaw, any normal human mistake, saying, who do you think you are? You're no better than us, and on and on and on. And that's the hardest fight because there is no center, no one adversary to go after.
Our fight is hard.
But the true WARRIOR understands that he's equal to any fight, equal to any challenge.
And promise YOURSELF -- because that's who'll benefit -- YOU --
promise yourself that you'll do it EVERY MONTH.
Right now we have just two guys who donate every month.
Suppose we had ten.
Suppose we had twenty.
Suppose we had a hundred.
Look at this board.
At one time there were NO posts in Personal Stories.
You can do it.
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Re: MAN2MAN ALLIANCE May Fundraiser -- We Need Your Support
Not long ago I read an article by a Christian Minister who is rather outspoken at times. In that article this pastor complained about the role of men in today's Christian Church. Specifically, he complained about the LACK of male roles in the Church today and the feminization of men in the Church. According to this pastor positions and roles which have traditionally been held by men in the past are today held by women. Men have gone off to sit in the shadows content with not being leaders in their churches at all.
I have no problem with women taking up positions in the Church but I do have a problem with men sitting in the shadows and abdicating their traditional leadership roles. But, even more than that I have a problem with such men becoming feminized because FEMINIZATION of ANY male KILLS! It kills a males NATURAL MASCULINITY and that male becomes castrated in his own psyche and soul.
There is a WAR going on and if you happen to be a male then that WAR is being waged AGAINST YOU! It has nothing to do with what you believe or don't believe because the mere fact that you have a set of nutts between your legs automatically makes YOU a TARGET! This WAR is a WAR launched against the natural and masculine BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. And, the goal of this WAR is to castrated you in your own mind transforming you into a feminized male, weak, BALL-LESS, and indecisive. It is a WAR designed to make you ashamed of being a MALE and ashamed of having been born with a SHLONG between your legs! It is a WAR with the goal of making you ashamed of your innate aggressiveness and competiveness. This WAR hopes to make you so ashamed that you will question your own self and question your innate masculinity leading you into a ABYSS OF CONFUSION that you will never crawl out of. This WAR wants you the MALE feminized!
The WAR being launched today against the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN seeks to severe all NATURAL emotions and bonding between MEN. It seeks to destroy the innate sense of BROTHERHOOD that men feel with and towards one another. And, it seeks to eliminate everything NATURAL about MANHOOD in the hopes of casting YOU into a PIT of shame and self loathing that is endless. YOU the MALE are the ENEMY and TARGET!
This WAR is not only being waged against males in the Christian Church but it's being waged against EVERY MALE in EVERY aspect of our modern society. Look around at the males who lead us today. Where the FUCK are the MANLY MEN..the REAL LEADERS? Frankly, I'm sick of seeing supposed leaders appear on the boob-tube that acting more like women than men! I'm sick of their $95 perfect hairdo's and their $1000 perfect suits. I'm sick of their sissified voices and I'm really sick of their STUPIDITY! These men are NOT leaders! They are FOLLOWERS trying to appear as leaders! They are men who have already been compromised and feminized. I wonder when the last time was when they experienced MANHOOD. When was the last time they didn't shave or didn't spray on their sickening and far overdone cologne which nauseates everyone around them? When was the last time they went prancing around in the NUDE proud of their manhood? When was the last time they engaged in some sort of competitive sports or martial arts? And I wonder when the last time was that they went out into the midst of nature hiking the back country just being men and a part of NATURE? But I REALLY wonder when the last time was that these feminized males had ANY sense of PRIDE in what is left of their masculinity. Most likely it's been a long, long time ago!
These feminized leaders are NOT masculine men! They are men who have been compromised and castrated in their own psyches! They are men afraid of the world and most especially afraid of their own MANHOOD! They are trick ponies that belong in a circus sideshow! Dumbasses pretending to be Caesars! Followers trying to appear as LEADERS! They are the RESULTS of the WAR that is being launched against ALL males today. They are the role models that all males are expected to follow and model themselves after. PUKE!! I'll choose DEATH FIRST I think!!
Where are the CAESARS who are NATURAL born LEADERS? Where are the MASCULINE WARRIORS who know how to be MEN and KINGS? Many of you reading this ARE those Caesars, Warriors, and Leaders!! You are hiding in the closet afraid and ashamed of what the Creator created you to be and to become! Ashamed and afraid to ASSERT your own natural MASCULINITY for fear of being chastised and/or rejected by a society that is OBVIOUSLY sick and LOST! How much longer will you dwell in FEAR and SHAME? How much longer will YOU hide in the closet? When will YOU ASSERT yourself and your innate MANHOOD? When are YOU the Caesars and Warriors going to come together, stand up, and shout to the world: "FUCK YOU DUMBASSES! We are SICK of you and your feminized bullshit!"?
At the rate things are going that is most likely NEVER going to happen is it???
Warriors and Caesars ENGAGE in battle! They DON'T run from it like a pack of wiped butt boyz! YOU are presently in a WAR and under ATTACK whether you want to be or not and no matter what you believe. And the reason for the attack is because YOU ARE A MALE! And the male is the ENEMY in today's society especially the MASCULINE male!
Many of you have come to this site to discover a sense of companionship and belonging. Many of you came here thinking you were some sort of freak because of your feelings and desires only to find that instead of being abnormal in your maleness you were and are truly NORMAL. That's a good thing! Men need a sense of belonging and companionship. Nothing wrong with that. BUT, have you noticed a growing sense of MASCULINE BROTHERHOOD on this site? Have you noticed that on this site WARRIORS from all walks of life are coming together?
BROTHERS stick TOGETHER! They don't abandon each other to the WOLVES! Brothers DON'T abandon one another in the midst of WAR! They stick up for each other and support each other. Brothers don't sit on the sidelines watching as their fellows get slaughtered by the enemy! They stand up and HELP their brethren FIGHT BACK and WIN! That is what is happening on this site right now! Bill, the LEADER on this site, is calling for HELP! He's asking for people to donate to this site and cause so it can continue to be what it is meant to be. So DONATE and BECOME a part of this MASCULINE BROTHERHOOD of WARRIORS! None of us here have time or desire for armchair fat ass generals!! DONATE and get INVOLVED in this site and MASCULINE WARRIOR BROTHERHOOD because it is most likely YOUR LAST HOPE in the WAR that is being waged against YOU and your MASCULINITY! Right now many seem to only be donating to their ownselves. They are still in the mindset that the world is all about ME. YOU need to come to the FACT and realization that it's NOT all about YOU but it IS all about US!!
"Many a small band has vanquished a large army!"
Think about that!! We are a small band here BUT we can and we WILL vanquish the large army that is waging war against our innate MANHOOD! We are a small band of MEN who are UNAFRAID to assert our MASCULINITY! We are a small band of MEN who are NOT ashamed of our MANHOOD! We have COCKS and we are PROUD OF IT!!
Lurking in the shadows of this site are many males who have been feminized already. They are afraid to come forth and ask that we show and teach them how to be MASCULINE men AGAIN. Don't be afraid! Come forth!! YOU are among BROTHERS not enemies! Support each other as Warrior Brothers and SUPPORT this SITE! This site IS our very own FORTRESS OF WARRIOR BROTHERHOOD! If you don't support and maintain a fortress then it falls apart over time and becomes nothing but dust and ruins. The same is true of this site and the same is true of MASCULINE MALE BROTHERHOOD!
DON'T simply sit reading the posts herein and thinking about them.
BECOME a part of them!
DON'T simply sit thinking about how to be a masculine WARRIOR.
BECOME a masculine WARRIOR and FIGHT for the NATURAL Brotherhood of MAN!
BE the MASCULINE WARRIOR! Fight back against those elements in our society which are seeking to destroy natural male masculinity! Be the WARRIOR! Live it! Breathe it! BE IT!!
And support your brothers here in this FORTRESS of Warrior Brotherhood!
SUPPORT THIS SITE!! Because if you don't then you WILL become feminized and spend your life living in fear and SHAME!
Re: MAN2MAN ALLIANCE May Fundraiser -- We Need Your Support
Thank you Robert.
Robert's speaking the truth.
And like all of Robert's posts this one bears reading and re-reading.
I read and re-read them.
Because Robert's posts are dense with ideas.
Ideas which are not commonly voiced.
I re-read them because I want and need to think about them.
The WAR being launched today against the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN seeks to severe all NATURAL emotions and bonding between MEN. It seeks to destroy the innate sense of BROTHERHOOD that men feel with and towards one another. And, it seeks to eliminate everything NATURAL about MANHOOD in the hopes of casting YOU into a PIT of shame and self loathing that is endless. YOU the MALE are the ENEMY and TARGET!
"YOU the MALE are the ENEMY and TARGET!"
If you don't agree, then you need to answer a question:
Why is Frot denigrated?
Why is this act, which is completely and naturally male, highly pleasurable, and very low risk, so constantly derided?
While anal penetration, which defines the word unnatural, which is very dangerous, and which effeminizes the male, is constantly exalted?
Does that make any sense?
Not unless the goal is to destroy the male, men, and masculinity.
And with it MALE VIRTUE.
Destroy the man, destroy masculinity, and you destroy virtue itself.
"Many a small band has vanquished a large army!"
Think about that!! We are a small band here BUT we can and we WILL vanquish the large army that is waging war against our innate MANHOOD! We are a small band of MEN who are UNAFRAID to assert our MASCULINITY! We are a small band of MEN who are NOT ashamed of our MANHOOD! We have COCKS and we are PROUD OF IT!!
Today I was re-reading Plutarch's account of the lives of the ancient Greek heroes Pelopidas and Epaminondas.
If you've never read that, you should.
Because it's genuinely inspiring.
These were two strong, proud men who cared for each other deeply and who mobilized their city, Thebes -- which was basically a group of small farmers -- to beat the greatest military power of their time: Sparta.
And they did it using The Sacred Band of Thebes -- a military unit of 150 warrior couples.
300 guys.
Those three hundred phallically-bonded men kicked the shit out of the Spartans.
Sparta never recovered.
But before that happened, Pelopidas and Epaminondas had to throw the Spartans out of Thebes -- the Spartans were occupying the city.
Robert speaks of "a small band who are UNAFRAID to assert our MASCULINITY" and that's how they did it -- with a tiny group of guys, Theban patriots, who wanted the Spartans out and we're not afraid.
First they killed -- in one-on-one combat -- those Thebans who'd been collaborating with the Spartans -- and then they surrounded the Spartan garrison, which was holed up in the Theban citadel, and through a combination of blockade and assault, forced the Spartans to leave.
Plutarch writes of these guys with great admiration.
And justifiably so.
Fact is, a small band of strong, proud MEN who are sufficiently motivated -- can work wonders.
Robert says "a small band of MEN who are NOT ashamed of our MANHOOD! We have COCKS and we are PROUD OF IT!!"
As I discussed in The Warrior Ethos, the Greeks loved MEN and MASCULINITY.
They were PROUD to be MALE.
They had COCKS and BALLS and were PROUD of it.
That's why, in Greek art, the men are almost alway nude, and their genitals almost always visible.
That love of all things MALE is what powered the "Greek miracle" -- the first, greatest, and most significant flowering of Western civilization.
Which included rational inquiry and the quest for political freedom.
This is classicist Victor Davis Hanson's list:
constitutional government, civil liberties, free exchange of ideas, self-critique, private property, capitalism, and separation between religious and political/scientific thought.
Quite an accomplishment for a small group of MEN who were proud to be Warriors, who wrestled and fought nude, and who loved each other passionately.
Lurking in the shadows of this site are many males who have been feminized already. They are afraid to come forth and ask that we show and teach them how to be MASCULINE men AGAIN.
Yes, and this is a great problem.
We have a recent arrival to the Alliance named Blake.
Blake is a very good guy and a generous donor.
I don't know if Blake would consider himself to have been feminized.
But he's certainly someone who's been beat up and betrayed by the BFD.
In a recent letter, Blake said two things which both alarmed me and reminded me of the mindset of men who live, if even on the periphery, of that buttboy shitfairy culture.
The first was in reference to an ex-lover: that after they'd been together a while, the guy's "inner bitch" emerged.
Blake's a witty guy, and that's an amusing turn of phrase, but the fact is that men do NOT have an inner bitch.
What Men do have, however, as Robert has said, is an inner warrior and a warrior within.
How can I be so certain that men -- ALL MEN -- have a warrior within?
Because aggression and the ability to bond with and soldier with other men are part of the biology and sociobiology of being male.
They are universal male traits -- found in men EVERYWHERE.
And again, they are a function of MALE BIOLOGY.
Men are by NATURE aggressive.
And men form warrior bonds NATURALLY.
Has to be that way.
If you have two tribes -- one consisting of feminized males who don't fight and don't bond -- and the other consisting of aggressive MASCULINE males who do fight and bond --
obviously, the aggressive fighting men of the second tribe will wipe out the men of the first tribe and, of course, impregnate their women.
So being a warrior, and not just a lone wolf, but a WARRIOR WHO BONDS AND WORKS WITH OTHER WARRIORS, has huge survival value, and it's a trait which is perpetuated genetically.
Of course culture shapes some warrior behaviors -- sword or gun, karate or jiu jitsu -- but the basic, root behaviors are biologically mandated.
And in that sense we can say with certainty that ALL MEN have a WARRIOR WITHIN.
That's why warriors, heroes, and tales of such -- whether in the form of myth or in movies or in comic books about superheroes -- are so powerful for guys.
That's why guys are so attuned to wrestling and fighting.
Because of the WARRIOR WITHIN.
What about an "inner bitch?"
Bitchiness is not a function of biology.
It's a learned behavior, and is one of the attributes of effeminacy.
Which again, is LEARNED.
Which is why a feminized male can be DE-FEMINIZED.
Because what's learned can be un-learned.
And because within that male, as within every male, is a WARRIOR.
So when Robert says:
Don't be afraid! Come forth!! YOU are among BROTHERS not enemies!
He's correct.
All MEN are, potentially, BROTHERS.
Because all MEN are, potentially, WARRIORS.
Now, the second thing Blake told me which alarmed me was that he'd been buying and watching anal porn.
As I said to him, that's a self-oppressive behavior.
And I know a lot of you do it.
Now, I also know the "men" in those videos look attractive.
But the truth about them is they're prostitutes.
What you're actually watching is one whore stick his dick in the shithole of another whore.
Both of whom are on drugs and are diseased.
So it's actually one sick whore stickin its dick in the shithole of another sick whore.
How hot is that?
Plus what you're watching has been heavily edited.
The dingleberries, the shit, the limp dicks -- all edited out.
It's a manufactured fantasy whose only goals are to make money and make you into a shitfairy and pussyboy.
Who will buy more meritricious analist crap from the BFD.
Don't buy it, don't rent it, don't watch it.
If you own anal porn, and it's on videotape, what I recommend is that you record over it.
With what?
Boxing, wrestling, and UFC / mixed martial arts fighting.
So that what you see are REAL male role models.
Handsome is as handsome does.
Whores are not handsome.
Warriors are handsome.
Support each other as Warrior Brothers and SUPPORT this SITE! This site IS our very own FORTRESS OF WARRIOR BROTHERHOOD! If you don't support and maintain a fortress then it falls apart over time and becomes nothing but dust and ruins. The same is true of this site and the same is true of MASCULINE MALE BROTHERHOOD!
Again, this is what Jim was writing about in his reply to The Warrior Ethos message thread, where he spoke of "compromises and failure."
Get a man to question his innermost being, his values, his sense of reality, the virtue and worthiness of his existence and not only is he controllable, he'll want that control because its a way to escape the emptiness he's left with. Hierarchies have used it for years as a way to get and power. But it can also exist, maybe more subtly in society as a whole. People don't like it when someone challenges or rises above the herd - it's an affront to them because it reminds them of their own compromises and failure to make the same effort, to have the same strength, courage and integrity. So they try to bring the hero, the warrior, down, regardless of the cost to themselves. They point at any flaw, any normal human mistake, saying, who do you think you are? You're no better than us, and on and on and on. And that's the hardest fight because there is no center, no one adversary to go after.
"So they try to bring the hero, the warrior, down, regardless of the cost to themselves."
You can, through lack of support, destroy this site.
But the person you're destroying -- is you.
Just one more shitty act in a lifetime of compromises and failures.
Failures of integrity, strength, and courage.
Become ACTIVE in your OWN cause.
In Greek mythology, the god of war (Ares) married the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and they had a child: Harmony.
(They gave her in marriage, by the way, to Cadmus, the hero who founded Thebes, home to Pelopidas and Epaminondas and the Sacred Band.)
So here's the equation:
War + Love = Harmony.
What does that mean?
The Greeks were acute observers of the world around them, and they saw that men who were bonded worked harmoniously together in battle.
And that war itself was a male bonding experience.
They understood that.
Here's Naked Wrestler on the question of grabbing a guy's balls during a competitive fight:
Fighting is really about mutual respect for the other man as well as an attempt to dominate each other. So logically if you're out to hurt the other man's manhood you've lost respect for him. It is a sport after all.
Men should not really hurt each other's balls in the fight sports or there would be a breakdown of the male bonding process. Men in the group need each other as much as they need to compete with each other. So if they damage or destroy each other's manhood then the system will break down, and they can't accomplish anything as a group -- such as hunting down another mammoth beast for meat, or plowing up another field for crops ...
"Men in the group need each other"
You guys need to figure that out.
You're either living in that very anomic gay male culture, in which the men never support each other;
or you're living in a vaginized straight culture which has turned its back on the reality of men needing other men.
"Men need each other"
Figure it out.
DON'T simply sit reading the posts herein and thinking about them.
BECOME a part of them!
DON'T simply sit thinking about how to be a masculine WARRIOR.
BECOME a masculine WARRIOR and FIGHT for the NATURAL Brotherhood of MAN!
BE the MASCULINE WARRIOR! Fight back against those elements in our society which are seeking to destroy natural male masculinity! Be the WARRIOR! Live it! Breathe it! BE IT!!
And support your brothers here in this FORTRESS of Warrior Brotherhood!
SUPPORT THIS SITE!! Because if you don't then you WILL become feminized and spend your life living in fear and SHAME!
© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.