The Real Possibilities of Love
The Real Possibilities of Love
I've explored this site and found it quite useful. The story of Steven and Luke, beatific, was excellent, and actually somewhat similar to the scene in Gore Vidal's The City and The Pillar. And the fiction in that book was inspired by Gore's real life relationship with his boyhood friend Jimmy Trimble. In Gore's autobiography Palimpsest, they have a reunion when they are 17, and hook up in a men's rest room stall and clearly engage in frottage standing up facing each other, as Gore detailed in the passage. A short time later they both served in World War II, and Jimmy died at Iwo Jima. Gore wrote that Jimmy was his only true love, ever. Considering the stories of the emotional connections formed, as in the story of Luke and Steven, Gore's continued emotional connection to a dead 19 year old makes perfect sense.
(The only incident of anal sex Gore has written about in his own life was when he butt fucked Jack Kerouac -- which caused Norman Mailer to tell Gore, "You ruined him, you emasculated him." Gore would probably agree. He has made it clear he's never taken it in the backside himself.)
This site has empowered me to be stronger in my advocacy for this more equal way for men to connect. My "gay" friends consider frottage some sort of "fetish" and go on and on about anal. They are advocates of the gay men's lie.
When I've tried to seduce "straight" guys I've often joked with them about giving up the "straight man's lie". (Which is the lie that says that two men, two friends cannot have close physical affection without being feminized.)
But, there are clearly also a lot of gay men's lies too. Another big lie of theirs is that there are no bisexuals. Anyone bisexual is actually gay, but can't admit it. Pure bull shit.
The reality is that once again my hero Vidal was right in the essay he wrote on Tennessee Williams' "Someone to Laugh at The Squares With" wherein Gore writes that there is no such thing as a homosexual or heterosexual. There are simply people who explore all kinds of ways of having sex, seeking pleasure, and expressing affection and love.
That's the way it was in the pre-Christian world. Greeks, Romans, and as you note on this site, in the epic of Gilgamesh.
Also, Robert Bly has written about how in this society today, men are not properly initiated into manhood. That instead we have a sibling society. We don't have warriors and kings. In some cultures a major part of the ritual for a boy to become a man is to have a same sex experience.
So, that's the basic problem with society today. Laden with guilt and puritanism, which has led to a fundamental ignorance of human sexuality and practice. People are locked into binary thinking, straight or gay, vaginal or anal, and that's that.
If more men were educated about frottage, more and more would do it, enjoy it, and be quite happy about it. And in a non binary society, non guilt society they wouldn't have a crisis of sexual identity afterward. "Oh my god, I just came with a guy, does that mean I'm gay?" No. It means you are human. It means you are a man. It means you can give and receive affection from a friend, and still be a MAN. People need to free their minds, and free their bodies.
Then their souls will wake up to the real possibilities of love that life has to offer.
Logan Cunnigham
Re: The Real Possibilities of Love
Thank you Logan.
Logan says our Heroic Homosex / Man2Man Alliance sites have empowered him.
Empowered him "to be stronger in his advocacy" of Frot.
That's why we're here.
Logan also says
My "gay" friends consider frottage some sort of "fetish" and go on and on about anal. They are advocates of the gay men's lie.
They sure are.
Fact is, anal's the fetish.
Buttboyz display an obsessive sexual interest in the anus and rectum -- two non-genital body parts.
That's fetishistic behavior.
Frot is genital-genital sex.
True sex.
Real sex.
Male-Male sex.
Offering men the opportunity to express their love through the uniquely male act of phallic bonding.
Nothing is more masculine, nothing more directly honors our mutual and shared manhood than cock2cock dick2dick cockrub Frot.
Logan also feels empowered to attack the straight man's lie: that "two friends cannot have close physical affection without being feminized."
Which, as he points out, is, in slightly different form, another gay men's lie: "that there are no bisexuals."
Consider how well that lie serves those "leaders," both temporal and spiritual, who seek to exploit the politics of identity.
And how inimical that lie is to the welfare of the rest of us.
For says Logan,
If more men were educated about frottage, more and more would do it, enjoy it, and be quite happy about it. And in a non binary society, non guilt society they wouldn't have a crisis of sexual identity afterward. "Oh my god, I just came with a guy, does that mean I'm gay?" No. It means you are human. It means you are a man. It means you can give and receive affection from a friend, and still be a MAN. People need to free their minds, and free their bodies.
That's right.
And, Logan concludes, when men free their minds and thus their bodies, they will awaken their souls.
Why does he talk in such terms?
Because we do.
No one else will use the words "noble," "heroic," and "homosex," in the same sentence -- but we will.
And when we do, it frees other men to think of sex not as a commodity, but as an expression of soul, of spirit, of the divine.
More of you need to think in those terms.
Most Americans think that sex is dirty.
And that sex between men is particularly immoral and unclean.
If you think sex is dirty, you may just do dirty things during sex.
Yet Plutarch -- an ancient Greek who wrote for a Roman audience -- said that a male lover was "a friend inspired by God."
Inspired -- that means God has given breath to the man who loves another.
Guys, behavior flows from belief.
The belief that "men who have sex with men" are not really men -- sets those men on the road to anal, promiscuity, and effeminacy.
While the understanding that for one man to love another is the height of masculinity, frees men to love phallically and faithfully.
By the same token, if you believe that sex between men is dirty and immoral, you'll behave like a slut and whore.
Once you understand that sex between men is sacred, you'll be free to follow your warrior path; and to discover your heroic destiny.
Thank you again Logan for this truly luminous post.
Related article:
The Anal Sex Myth: A Frottage Manifesto
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