
Religious Right Kook and the New York Times agree:
Gay sex is anal sex

Bill Weintraub

Bill Weintraub

Religious Right Kook and the NY Times agree: Gay sex is anal sex


As many of you probably know, President Bush, playing to his religious right base, has nominated a physician and religious right kook named James W. Holsinger to be Surgeon General;

and Holsinger has a history of making statements which conflate the natural love of man for man -- with anal penetration.

So Holsinger quite purposefully, consciously, and knowingly confuses anal with "homosexuality."

Which is exactly and precisely what the analists -- the representatives and bully-boys of analism -- the dominant culture of anal penetration -- do.

Now, let me make clear at the outset, and as you may have already gathered, that I have no sympathy for a man like Holsinger, who also supports a "ministry" which claims to cure "gays" of their "sexual orientation."

Which is to say, a "ministry" which seeks to deny Men their God-given right to Love other Men.

Nor do I have any sympathy for President Bush and/or whoever advised him to make this nomination.

The Bush admin and its religious right pals have a history of attempting to -- and often succeeding in -- suppressing free speech about sex and other topics which they find bothersome or inconvenient.

They did it to Bill Clinton's Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders, who sensibly supported masturbation as a way of avoiding sexually transmitted disease, and who was savaged and forced to resign by the religious right for doing so.

And, the previous Bush appointee as Surgeon General, Richard Carmona, said Tuesday at a Congressional hearing that he was "muzzled" by the Bush admin and its political operatives on issues such as stem-cell research; and that

his predecessors told him, "We have never seen it as partisan, as malicious, as vindictive, as mean-spirited as it is today, and you clearly have it worse than anyone's had."

"partisan, malicious, vindictive, and mean-spirited"

Quite a list.

When I see someone like Holsinger nominated by someone like George Bush, what I'm reminded of is another partisan, malicious, mean-spirited and vindictive president -- "Dick" Nixon -- and what an ill-fitting name for a male whom one could hardly imagine even having a penis, let alone using it -- and one of his two failed Supreme Court nominees, Judge Harrold Carswell.

Nixon nominated Carswell in 1970 to succeed Abe Fortas.

The US Senate, which had more backbone in those days, quite properly rejected Carswell, a segregationist hack and right-wing mediocrity.

And, just a few years later, Carswell, who was, as we used to say, a Georgia peach, honey, was arrested at a urinal in Florida for soliciting sex from an undercover cop.

As in:

Please Mr State Trooper

Can I blow you?


Carswell, who'd moved to Florida in order to run for the Senate, was convicted and retired in disgrace.

Joining a long-line of homophobic bigots and scoundrels who've done the same.

And don't be surprised if someday the good doctor Holsinger himself is found in such a situation.

Because the more a guy like Holsinger blows smoke, the more you can be sure he's covering up.

Now, in the introduction to an anus is not a vagina, I discuss MDs like Holsinger, who are basically hired guns of the religious right.

Their critique of anal is usually medically sound.

But then, again, they do exactly and precisely what the analists do -- and insist that all gay men do anal;

and that gay sex is anal sex.

And this week, in an editorial, the nation's leading newspaper and journal of record, the New York Times, agreed with them.

In a paper published in 1991, opined the Times, Dr. Holsinger

argued that gay sex was abnormal on anatomical and physiological grounds and unhealthy, in that anal sex can lead to rectal injuries and sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. Holsinger did not brand the large number of heterosexual women who engage in anal sex as abnormal, failed to acknowledge the huge burden of disease spread heterosexually and implied that women are more likely than men to avoid injuries with generous lubrication.

"gay sex was abnormal on anatomical and physiological grounds and unhealthy, in that anal sex can lead to rectal injuries and sexually transmitted diseases."

So -- right off the bat the Times made an equation of "gay sex" with "anal sex."

Right off the bat.

The Times then characterized Holsinger as saying:

"anal sex can lead to rectal injuries and sexually transmitted diseases."

A statement with which the Times did not disagree -- because it couldn't.

"anal sex can lead to rectal injuries and sexually transmitted diseases."

That's the truth -- and, as we'll see, that's putting it mildly.

The Times, however, ever in thrall to the gay establishment, did not bother to confirm that truth.

Rather, it pointed out, and properly, that nongay people do anal too.

The Times:

[there's a] large number of heterosexual women who engage in anal sex


But if that's the case -- why call anal "gay" sex?

Are those women gay?


The Times just said they're heterosexual;

they do anal; and

they're presumably aided and abetted in that act by heterosexual men.

So they're not doing "gay" sex, they're doing anal "sex" -- and it's in that confusion, that very purposeful confusion, that the problem lies.

Now: What has Holsinger actually said about anal?

According to ABC News, in a paper which Holsinger prepared for the Methodist Church in 1991, he

wrote that "(a)natomically the vagina is designed to receive the penis" while the anus and rectum - which "contain no natural lubricating function" - are not.

That's correct.

The anus and rectum are not designed to receive -- that is, take in via the delicate exit-only mechanism of the anal sphincter -- the penis -- or anything else;

and they are not self-lubricating.

That's why the many books, magazine articles, and websites devoted to instructing gay males in how to do anal repeatedly emphasize the importance and necessity of using a lubricant.

And that's why there's a whole industry devoted to manufacturing those lubricants, which, in order to be used with condoms, must be water-based.

Which makes them very expensive.

So Holsinger told the truth:

The vagina is self-lubricating;

the anus and rectum are not.

Here's more from Holsinger via ABC:

"The rectum is incapable of mechanical protection against abrasion and severe damage ...can result if objects that are large, sharp, or pointed are inserted into the rectum," Holsinger wrote.

That too is absolutely correct, and gels with what openly gay ano-rectal surgeon Dr Stephen Goldstone says on his website, GayHealth dot com.


Anal sex is the highest risk sex act two men can perform -- and not just because of HIV. Most sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) can pass between partners during close skin-to-skin contact when a penis rubs against your anus -- and vice versa. Infections travel both ways.


News flash: an anus is not a vagina. Your anus is only 1 to 2 inches long and connects to the rest of your colon. The colon's main function is to absorb water from the liquid waste that leaves your small intestines so that by the time it reaches your anus it is solid material.... It is this heightened absorptive capacity that makes your rectum so good at trapping STDs.


The anus has two sphincter muscles, the internal sphincter and external sphincter, which control your bowel movements. These muscles are bands that surround your anus and rectum. Your internal sphincter is actually a part of the colon wall and is an involuntary muscle -- which means you can't control it. This is the sphincter that relaxes to let out your bowel movements and gas. Your external sphincter is under the skin of your anus and is a voluntary muscle. You tighten it to keep from having a bowel movement at inopportune times. It also contracts reflexively (and out of your control) when something approaches your anus from the outside. Therefore, no matter how much you want your partner inside you, your muscle will contract to keep him out. ...

Another important difference between a vagina and an anus (or "mangina" as some men like to call it) is that it will not self-lubricate; you need to use a water-soluble lubricant (no Crisco, please!). In addition to damaging condoms, oil-based lubricants can block your anal glands and cause infection. Many oils, including hand creams, also contain perfumes which can irritate your skin and cause dermatitis.


Sex between men; sex between women and men: Because of the high risk of passing STDs during anal sex and foreplay, place a condom on your partner as soon as his penis is going to come in close contact with your anal area -- even if he isn't going to penetrate you. Put a lot of lubricant on your partner's condom-covered penis and on the outside of your anus. Beware of the "two finger stretch" to get ready for him because this can tear your sphincter muscles easier than his penis. ...As soon as the head of his penis pushes against your anus, the internal and external sphincter muscles contract. You will feel a sharp pain. Stay there! Within 30 to 60 seconds your muscles will relax. You can then safely sit the rest of the way down on him. Move up and down a few times and by then your muscles will be sufficiently relaxed so you can go to any position you want. Do not stimulate your penis while you are trying to take your partner. This also sets up a strong reflex that contracts your sphincter muscles even tighter.



No matter how hard you try, your anus will always be an anus. You can't sterilize it. You can, however, gently wash the outer skin with a moist cloth or pad (try Tucks) to remove any fecal residue stuck to your skin. Avoid wet toilet paper or tissues because they flake and leave behind annoying bits of paper. If necessary, try to move your bowels prior to sex. I do not advise enemas or douching, which may increase the risk of HIV transmission. Enemas -- even if they are just plain water -- irritate the lining of your colon and make it easier for HIV to get in or out. The motion of the sex toy, your partner's hand or penis also stimulates colon contractions. Frequently you won't evacuate the entire liquid enema before sex, and the remainder is forced out during sex by increased colon contractions, making a bigger mess than the one you took the enema to avoid.



Bleeding: most often from a hemorrhoid of fissure (tear). If you see blood, stop. Most often the bleeding stops quickly. Do not have anal sex again until you stop bleeding with bowel movements. If you have hemorrhoids, experiment with different positions to see if you can tolerate one better than the other. Many men find that when the receptive partner is on his stomach, his hemorrhoids experience less swelling and bleeding.

Pain: Pain during anal sex most often results from your sphincter muscles going into spasm or from a tear. You can tear the sphincters or your delicate anal lining (a fissure). If it hurts, stop anal sex. Try treating your fissure conservatively with stool softeners, sitz baths (warm soaks) and hold off having sex until you are healed. STDs can often be present with pain in your anal area but the pain usually doesn't begin until several days after sex. Pain that begins during or immediately after sex usually results from a fissure or sphincter injury.

Perforation: A true tear through your colon wall is a very rare complication of anal sex. A penis is pliable and does not have the strength to rupture your colon. A toy, on the other hand, can cause serious damage - especially if it is long. Your colon makes a sharp bend to the left, approximately eight inches up. A penis can bang against this turn and you might notice a sharp pain in the pit of your stomach. It usually won't push through. A hard toy can push through and when it does, you are in a life and death situation. You feel intense pain and must get right to a hospital. Delay and the bacteria can spread throughout your abdomen. This type of infection (peritonitis) can take your life.

Incontinence: Incontinence is an inability to control your bowels or gas. If your anal sex is pain free, your muscles should be fine and you don't have to worry about this dreaded complication. Those who enjoy fisting or large toys can permanently overstretch their sphincters and are at increased risk for incontinence in later life.

STDs: Anal sex is the highest risk sex act that men who have sex with men can perform. Virtually every STD can pass between partners during anal sex, and for most, penetration isn't necessary and a condom may not protect you. STDs are harder to diagnose when they are inside your anal canal and not on your penis. STDs commonly passed during anal sex include: HIV, herpes simplex, gonorrhea, syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, crabs, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis, and chlamydia. MEN: Put a condom on early -- as soon as you anticipate contact between the anus and penis. Remember that fingers and toys used during foreplay can also carry STDs between partners. A condom doesn't cover the base of your partner's shaft, his scrotum or pubic hair -- these are all places where STDs can lurk or land.

HIV Risk

Anal sex is the highest risk sex act two men can perform.

This is also true for a woman if she's the anal receptive partner with a man. Your risk increases dramatically in proportion to the number or partners you have and if your sex is unprotected (whether you are inserting or receiving). One medical study published in 1987 found that anal sex with one partner increased your chances of catching HIV by three times -- five or more partners increased it 18 times.

[emphases mine]

So: when it comes to describing the risks of anal, the openly gay Goldstone and the homophobic Holsinger are NOT at odds.

They simply are not.

The FACTS about anal are the facts.

Doesn't matter who gives them voice.

More Holsinger:

The cardiologist details many different diseases gay men can catch, and several sexual practices they may engage in, including "anal eroticism" which can lead to injuries and even death. "From the perspective of pathology and pathophysiology, the varied sexual practices of homosexual men have resulted in a diverse and expanded concept of sexually transmitted disease and associated trauma..."

That too is correct -- IF -- and it's a big IF -- Holsinger's referring to sexual practices involving the anus, such as anal penetration by penis, finger, dildo, or other object; oral-anal contact; and of course fisting -- the penetration of the anus and rectum by the fist and forearm.


Anal sex is the highest risk sex act that men who have sex with men can perform. Virtually every STD can pass between partners during anal sex, and for most, penetration isn't necessary and a condom may not protect you. STDs are harder to diagnose when they are inside your anal canal and not on your penis. STDs commonly passed during anal sex include: HIV, herpes simplex, gonorrhea, syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, crabs, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis, and chlamydia.

There's also LGV and another relatively new kid on the block, Mycoplasma genitalium.

Plus there are all the infections which are passed through oral-anal contact.

Fact is, the widespread practice of anal penetration among gay males has resulted in a community which is riddled with disease.

HIV prevalence is at 25% -- as opposed to about 0.1% in the "general population."

And the prevalence of anal HPV is at 67%.

31% of gay males are infected with high-risk HPV -- the kind that gives you cancer.

That's as opposed to only 3.4% of women.

And, as we've documented on this site over and over again, the gay male community has been and is plagued with outbreaks of diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, LGV, amebiasis and other intestinal parasites, and, most recently, Mycoplasma genitalium.

These are all diseases spread through anal penetration, and / or, in the case of the parasites, through oral-anal practices.

As Dr Goldstone says, diseases are more easily transmitted anally, they are harder to detect when in the anus, and more difficult to treat.

So, in these particulars Dr Holsinger has told the truth.

He hasn't told the whole truth, because he's neglected to mention that "homosexuality" and anal penetration are not synonymous.

But his description of the problems associated with anal is accurate.

And Goldstone agrees.

What else did Holsinger say?

According to ABC,

In the context of the larger argument in his church as to whether homosexuality should be accepted, Holsinger presented the medical and scientific argument that anal intercourse was not natural. "It is absolutely clear that anatomically and physiological the alimentary and reproductive systems in humans are separate organ systems; i.e., the human does not have a cloaca," he said, referring to the posterior orifice that serves as the one opening for genital, urinary and intestinal tracts in amphibians, birds, and reptiles. The Surgeon General nominee writes that "even primitive cultures understand the nature of waste elimination, sexual intercourse, and the birth of children. Indeed our own children appear to 'intuitively' understand these facts."


Holsinger says that anal is not natural.

He's correct.

It's not.

He then refers to other animals:

"It is absolutely clear that anatomically and physiological the alimentary and reproductive systems in humans are separate organ systems; i.e., the human does not have a cloaca," he said, referring to the posterior orifice that serves as the one opening for genital, urinary and intestinal tracts in amphibians, birds, and reptiles.

"the human does not have a cloaca."

That's true.

But Holsinger conveniently fails to talk about mammals, among whom homosocial groups and same-sex sex, and in particular Frot, are common.

To be fair, his paper was written in 1991, and knowledge of same-sex affection and sex among mammals only become widespread later in that decade.

Nonetheless, it is the fact that same-sex love, affection, and sex are common among mammals.

Holsinger then asserts that "even primitive [sic] cultures understand the nature of waste elimination, sexual intercourse, and the birth of children."

Which of course they do.

But they also understand that Men -- Warriors -- need to and do bond sexually.

They understand that Men have sex with Men.

That they always have.

And always will.

And they don't present spurious religious objections to that fact.

They accept it.

And they use it to enrich their lives.

That they do so has made them objects of attack by Christian missionaries, including missionaries from Dr Holsinger's Methodist Church.

One of those attacks, carried out by Christian missionaries serving as the agents of heterosexualization, demolished the homosocial environments and Manhood Rituals of the indigenous peoples of southern Africa, and was thus responsible for the AIDS epidemic, which to date has killed more than 25 million Africans.

So in invoking the understanding of so-called primitive, by which he probably means pre-literate, peoples about sex and waste elimination, Holsinger conveniently leaves out their understanding of the importance of same-sex sex and love.

Which historically have been expressions of the Warrior Ethos.


A Culture of Manliness which at one time spanned the globe.

Holsinger also ignores the vast written and pictorial record of same-sex love as practiced in the highest civilizations known.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu

David and Jonathan

Achilles and Patroclus

Cuchulainn and Ferdia

Harmodius and Aristogeiton

Alexander and Hephaestion

Hadrian and Antinous

There's a huge literature from the Greek and Roman world, that is to say, from the Founders of Western Civilization, about same-sex love.

That literature is not about anal penetration of course, and that's probably why Holsinger doesn't choose to mention it.

Because if he did, he'd have to bring up the historic reality of male-male genital-genital sex --

aka Frot --

and of Heroic Homosex.

Which is the last thing on earth he wants to do.

Indeed, the ABC News article quoted two experts who decried Holsinger's very "narrow views of homosexuality":

"It's a totally faulty paper. The man doesn't know anything about human sexuality," said June M. Reinisch, Ph.D., director emeritus of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender & Reproduction. "There's clearly a political agenda in this paper. This is not a scientific paper."

Paragraph by paragraph, Reinisch said Holsinger presents faulty arguments. Many homosexuals do not engage in the sexual act he criticizes; 40 percent of heterosexuals do. "It seems to me he's arguing the only way reproduction happens is in a loving heterosexual environment which is of course not true," Reinisch said, noting artificial methods, rape and one-night stands.

Dr Reinisch points out that "many homosexuals [sic] do not engage in the sexual act he criticizes."

She's correct.

But I have to wonder where she's been all these years.

And why the gay establishment doesn't care to acknowledge the truth of that fact.

In addition, she's a tad disingenuous when she says that "40 percent of heterosexuals" engage in anal.

Based on the latest surveys, that appears to be true in America.

But those surveys do not ask how regularly or frequently heterosexuals are doing anal.

They just note that 40% have now tried anal.

By contrast, the gay male community and its secularist allies, like the NY Times, incessantly make an equation between gay sex and anal penetration.

And that's the problem.

Of course Dr Holsinger's paper is, as Dr Reinisch says, political.

But it's a politics which has been enabled by a lie told over and over and over again by the people it targets:

If it isn't anal, it isn't gay.

As I've said to the gay male establishment many times, it would be a lot more difficult for folks like Holsinger to demonize the gay male community if the leadership would take the simple step of acknowledging that not all gay men do anal.

That many don't merely dislike it, but detest it.

And if the leadership took the equally simple step of saying to the community that it's NEVER right to pressure or otherwise force another man to do anal.

And if the leadership admitted that HIV and most other STI are not gay diseases but anal diseases:

Diseases which, in the gay male community, are transmitted primarily and overwhelmingly by anal penetration.

And if the leadership then actively encouraged the exploration of non-anal alternatives -- acknowledging what public health experts have long made clear:

that both Frot and mutual JO are very very very very very low-risk.

And that as the Dutch demonstrated, moving men away from anal is very effective in reducing new HIV infections -- to ZERO.

That the gay male establishment won't take any of these steps, which could be easily done and which would quickly disarm the sort of arguments that people like Holsinger make, confirms what I've argued for eight years:

that the gay male community, far from being a community which is tolerant and "honors diversity," is actually a community in thrall to a dominant paradigm -- which we call the dominant culture of anal penetration -- analism.

And that this culture, which exists in reaction to, and in imitation of, the majority heterosexist culture, distorts everything about the lives of Men who Love Men.

Bill Weintraub

July 11, 2007

© All material Copyright 2007 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

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