


Woshipping the Warrior God


Hi Bill,

I have been reading your reply to my Warrior Altruism of the Warrior God and this gave me some thought. As you say none of the guys need to be a Christian as such but they DO NEED to be a Warrior to have Him in their lives.

Now my Christianity is not what a church or preacher teaches it is based on the life and teachings of Jesus, as described in the Gospels and I try as best as I can to put these into practise. But if you can not accept Jesus then maybe you can accept Him in another form or call Him by a different name, He won't mind!

As for worshiping Him well most Christians would find this odd but my first prayer in the morning is after I have washed etc but before I get dressed, I stand naked at my window looking out and pray. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this because I am simply being the (naked) man that He made and coming before Him as He made me so I believe that to do so shows RESPECT for the Warrior God.

There is an image of NW as a young man on his posting, It takes Balls to be a Warrior, in the part where you reply, he is naked and with a "hard on," and looking at this I see him saying "I am a masculine man and here is my manhood."

NW might disagree with what I have to say next but I see it as also an act of worship of the Warrior God, in a way saying "Thank you for making me the man that I am".

Also I have read somewhere on the web site about how two guys cock rubbing and cuming together felt a union with each other and also God, now is not that an act of worship of the Warrior God? We praise Him and honour Him with our masculinity and manhood from Adam to NW, we do it.

So be a Warrior and worship Him.

With Warrior Love,


Also by Warrior Brian Hulme:

One Christian's Journey

values and morals and honour

The credit crunch will NOT crunch my Manhood my Masculinity or my Warriorhood


Adam and Jesus the first M2M

Warrior Love True Love

Fight Back

God's stubborn warrior

Warrior Equations

Amor Masculus Masculine Love

Tales of Nova Sparta

Time to be a WARRIOR +2

About Tithing

The Gift: A Christmas Story

Amazing Grace

14th February -- or -- EROS DAY?

The Warrior Altruism of the Warrior God

Bill Weintraub

Re: Worshipping the Warrior God


Thank you Warrior Brian Hulme.

Another excellent post!

Brian says

none of the guys need to be a Christian as such but they DO NEED to be a Warrior to have Him in their lives.

Right -- and what I'd say in addition is that they can't be a Warrior unless they have the Warrior God in their lives.

So: To have the Warrior God in your Life you have to be a Warrior;

and to be a Warrior you have to have the Warrior God in your Life.

Because the Warrior God plays a vital role in every Warrior's life.

As I say in this little red box:

This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.

So -- the Warrior God is the Guardian -- and Bestower -- of Warrior Spirit -- which is Manhood.

The Warrior God is Manhood;

Manhood is the Warrior God.

Now: Xenophon, the Athenian aristocrat turned hoplite mercenary commander turned Spartan insider -- and if you're not familiar with Xenophon please take a look at Warrior Redd's Man2Man in the Middle East --

Xenophon says you should serve the Gods not just in your hour of need, but in the time of your prosperity.

In other words, that if you're there for the Gods when you don't need them, they're far more likely to be there for you when you DO need them.

That's not some silly pagan piety.

It expresses a psychological truth, which Xenophon, as a soldier -- a Warrior -- was well aware of.

That a Man must make his worship of the Gods, and in this case, the Warrior God, a daily practice.

Because in that way the Warrior God becomes an intrinsic part of his Warrior Life.

Which is what the Warrior needs.

The Warrior needs the Warrior God as a vital and intrinsic part of his life.


The Warrior lives in the Warrior Kosmos.

He worships the Warrior God.

Every day.

Now, Warrior Brian Hulme has created his own ritual for that worship:

my first prayer in the morning is after I have washed etc but before I get dressed, I stand naked at my window looking out and pray. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this because I am simply being the (naked) man that He made and coming before Him as He made me so I believe that to do so shows RESPECT for the Warrior God.


Brian stands Naked before his God -- and prays.

And that's his *first* prayer in the morning.

He stands naked before the Warrior God and prays to him.

And I must say I really like it when guys create their own rituals in this way.

It's terrific.


There is an image of NW as a young man on his posting, It takes Balls to be a Warrior, in the part where you reply, he is naked and with a "hard on," and looking at this I see him saying "I am a masculine man and here is my manhood."

NW might disagree with what I have to say next but I see it as also an act of worship of the Warrior God, in a way saying "Thank you for making me the man that I am".


And I really like that too.

Regardless of whether it works for Warrior NW, the idea of standing erect before the Warrior God and saying

"I am a masculine man and here is my manhood."

"Thank you for making me the man that I am."

Again, that's terrific!

The Warrior thanks the Warrior God for his Manhood and for making him the Man that he is:

"I am a masculine man and here is my manhood."

"Thank you for making me the man that I am."

That's a terrific prayer!

To me, simple prayers are often the best.

"God is great, God is good, and we thank him for this food."

God is great -- God is good --

Plato says that God is the source of all that's Good in the Kosmos.

And the prayer says so, simply and clearly.


"I am a masculine man and here is my manhood."

"Thank you for making me the man that I am."

The prayer is simple and clear.

And again, you can add to it or change it as suits yourself.

For example:

"I am a Masculine man and here is my Manhood."

"Thank you for the gift of Manhood."

"Thank you for the gift of Warriorhood."

"Thank you for making me the Man that I am."

What you want, guys, is a prayer that expresses *your* thoughts and *your* needs as a Warrior and a Man.

Warrior Brian goes on to say:

Also I have read somewhere on the web site about how two guys cock rubbing and cuming together felt a union with each other and also God, now is not that an act of worship of the Warrior God?



Every act of Love-making between two Men should be an act of Worship of the Warrior God.

Because, as I stress in my reply to Warrior Charles' A Man knows what feels good to a Man, ALL Love-making between MEN should be to some degree Combative and Aggressive.

I quote from Hyacinthine Love, my first published article, in that reply, saying:

To me [as a boy and an adolescent,] it seemed inevitable that two men wrestling would end up in a front-to-front, full-body embrace, grappling strenuously while furiously rubbing their hard cocks one against the other, the way I now rubbed mine against an old bathrobe bundled up beneath me to give the illusion of a partner; and, I thought, the force and heat of those two warrior cocks rubbing together would become so great that, in the fierce instant before they both came, they would seem to merge into one. Like every child of that era, I was bombarded by images of combat: of cowboys against Indians, yes, but more important to me of Allies against Wehrmacht, partisans against Germans, Russians against the West. Wouldn't sex and strife combine, I wondered, to produce heroes who were lovers, and lovers who were heroes?...

From these elements, over time, I developed a rich fantasy life, in which wrestling or fighting with another boy would lead to our stripping down and making love, a hard, combative love in which our cocks would strive to prove who was master, a contest both athletic and erotic that would last up until that all-consuming ecstatic moment when our differences were subsumed in an ocean of thick, white cum and we emerged, exalted and transformed, into a magical, mythical, radiant land, where, eternal comrades, we would live and love forever.

And I go to on to say

So -- from the git-go, that is from childhood on, my conception of sex between Men has been Combative and Aggressive.

It's affiliative too, I should point out -- heroes become lovers, lovers become heroes -- and eternal comrades who live and LOVE forever.

Nonetheless, the sex is Combative and Aggressive.

Because that's what Men are -- they're Combative, they're Aggressive.

And you're making Love with a Man -- right?

If you're making Love with a Man -- you want the Man to be a Man.

Aggressive and Combative.

And it has to be *mutually* Aggressive, and *mutually* Combative, for it to be mutually MAN.

Because when you deprive the Man of his aggression, his Fighting Spirit, as we've much discussed, you deprive him of his Manhood.

And who wants to be with a male -- who's lacking in Manhood?

. . .

[Oral, and other such "sex" acts, are] not only boring, but completely miss the point about what MAN2MAN is actually about:


MAN against MAN, COCK against COCK, BALLS against BALLS.

Indeed, in a forthcoming post Warrior NW says

Fighting IS about balls against balls.

Balls make you Fight. Fight makes the Man.

So, as Warrior NW keeps telling you, your BALLS are the source of both your sexuality AND your AGGRESSION.

And that's what makes you a Man.

A Victorious Boxer stands next to a Herm, a symbol of Male Sexuality

For those who are new to the site, Herms were frankly phallic statues -- this is a Herm --

which were found in every Palaistra / Fight School in the ancient world.

Palaistra: Herm on left, Boxer on right

Herms too were worshipped -- worshipped at the Fight School -- and worshipped as a symbol of Male Sexuality, of Man's Creative Power, of Man's Aggressive Power.

A victorious athlete and Nike join in crowning a Herm

Manly Aggression, Manly Sexuality.

The ancients understood the relationship between the two.

And that relationship is profound.

So -- given that our Man2Man Lovemaking is Combative and Aggressive, it's only natural and proper that we should think of and offer every such act as an act of worship of and to the Warrior God.

And that's true of Fighting too.

The ancients ALWAYS sacrificed to the Gods before they Fought -- whether on the battlefield or in the Ring of Naked Valour, the Ring of Boxing, Wrestling, and Pankration.

And we should too.

Every sport Fight should be seen as an act of worship of the Warrior God and should be offered to him as an act of worship.

Because the Warrior God is the source of the Manhood you need both to Fight another Man -- and to Love another Man.

You can't do either without Manhood.

Which means you can't do either without the blessing of the Warrior God.

Brian ends by saying:

We praise Him and honour Him with our masculinity and manhood from Adam to NW, we do it.

So be a Warrior and worship Him.


From the first Man -- to the present -- we praise and honor the Warrior God with our Masculinity and our Manhood.

So be a Warrior and worship him.

Because that's what you, as a Warrior, are called upon to do.

And guys, let me assure you that this isn't just an empty exercise.

As I said in The Warrior Altruism of the Warrior God, because Brian strives to live a true Warrior Life in a number of ways, including Worshipping the Warrior God --

Brian's life is rich in Warrior Spirit.

And rich in Manliness.

As we'll see in a forthcoming post.

And by the way:

You'll remember that Brian says he stands naked as he prays to the Warrior God.

A *nude* victorious athlete and Nike join in crowning a Herm

If the Greeks could pray that way, so can you.

Sokrates says that in the afterlife, naked soul will be judged by naked soul.

Greek religious imagery was often taken from the Palaistra, the Fight School.

We could do worse -- than to do the same.

And in New Sparta, we WILL do the same.

Thank you again Warrior Brian Hulme.

You're a true Warrior, and, I hope, an inspiration for your fellow Warriors.

Bill Weintraub

May 30, 2010

© All material Copyright 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

Related article:

The Holy Sacrament of Frot

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who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men


This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.


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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.

The masculinity of men flows from their group. Their natural masculinity combines and gets manifold when masculine men unite. The camaraderie, mutual understanding, support, learning the ways of the world as a male, fighting together, dealing with roughs and toughs of life together -- they all help to develop the natural masculinity that exists within them.

They had many words for struggle and combat and fighting and strife -- maches, eris, hamilla, agon, polemos, ares -- and athlos, the word from which we derive our word "athlete."

In Greece, athletai could be rivals on the playing field or the battlefield.

Warrior Kosmos:

Manly Aggression, Manly Virtue:

Which would you rather be?

Some dork in a rubber mask?

Or a Warrior?

You're gonna die anyway.

And your money will die with you.