


14th February -- or -- Eros Day?


Well here it is another excuse for people to spend, spend, spend. Or am I just being sceptical? Maybe I should try and be a bit more romantic. But then is not St. Valentine's day for "Hetero" couples? What about Masculine Man2Man couples? Should they not have a day to emphasize their LOVING, FAITHFUL, relationship? Eros Day?

If I had a Man in my life I could get involved in that! A day when we could say to the public "Hey, we are Masculine Men and we love each other and how, (i.e. Frot) and this is the real thing, not just sex." Or something like that, and don't send cards to each other because we KNOW about this but send out information to those who NEED TO KNOW -- that is the public.

So what do you think?



Also by Warrior Brian Hulme:

One Christian's Journey

values and morals and honour

The credit crunch will NOT crunch my Manhood my Masculinity or my Warriorhood


Adam and Jesus the first M2M

Warrior Love True Love

Fight Back

God's stubborn warrior

Warrior Equations

Amor Masculus Masculine Love

Tales of Nova Sparta

Time to be a WARRIOR +2

About Tithing

The Gift: A Christmas Story

Amazing Grace

Bill Weintraub

Re: 14th February -- or -- Eros Day?



Thank you Warrior Brian Hulme!!!

Rarely have I seen a post which captures in so few words what our Man2Man Alliance is all about.

Western society commercializes everything, including not just sex -- but love, sweet love, itself!

So we have Valentine's Day -- which is, as Brian says, just another occasion to "spend, spend, spend."

But suppose we observed not Valentine's Day, but EROS DAY.

A day to celebrate the True Love of Man for Man -- not by spending money -- but by GETTING OUT THE WORD --

As Brian says -- "don't send cards to each other because we KNOW about this but send out information to those who NEED TO KNOW -- that is the public."

That's exactly right!

And that's what a WARRIOR would do because his values are not greed and self -- but Virtue, Valour, and Community -- Warriorhood.

He spends EROS DAY Loving his Warrior brother -- as he does every day -- but on this day he makes a special effort, in an act of Warrior Altruism, to get the word out "to those who NEED TO KNOW."

And thus give other Men the chance to discover their True and Manly Warrior nature.

Brian understands.

Do you?

Brian tithes to the Alliance.

No doubt many of you think he's foolish to do that.

Yet I just posted an article which cites *scientific* research stating that those who give -- are happier than those who don't.

Which dovetails with other *scientific* research cited in Austerity and Equality at Sparta, for example, that those who build webs of community in their lives are happier than those who concentrate on acquiring money and things.

This is something the Greeks, and particularly Sokrates, understood:

A man should concentrate all his own and his city's efforts on this one business of providing a man who would be blessed with the needful justice and temperance; not letting one's desires go unrestrained and in one's attempts to satisfy them -- an interminable trouble -- leading the life of a robber.

For neither to any of his fellow-men can such an one be dear, nor to God; since he cannot commune with any, and where there is no communion, there can be no friendship. And wise men tell us that Heaven and Earth and Gods and Men are held together by Communion and Friendship, by Orderliness, Temperance, and Justice...

Sokrates says: those of you who let your desires run unrestrained -- and then work ceaselessly to satisfy them --

experience "an interminable trouble."

Which is true.

Because there's always another piece of consumerist crap which you think you have to have.

"interminable trouble"

So that you're "leading the life of a robber."

Americans complain of "Robber Barons" on Wall Street.

But too many of you model your lives on theirs.

You don't think there's anything wrong with a system built on greed and constant acquisition of wealth and power.

You just want more wealth and power for yourself.

Yet when Sokrates is asked by one of his hedonist and greed-and-power mongering opponents whether the King of Persia -- who was very rich and very powerful -- isn't the happiest man alive --

Sokrates responds -- I don't know, for I don't know how much nobility, justice, and goodness he has.

His opponent is shocked.

What, he says, does happiness depend upon that?

Of course, responds Sokrates.

The lesson is that neither riches nor power are worth anything to a male who lives a life which is unjust and dissolute:

For neither to any of his fellow-men can such an one be dear, nor to God; since he cannot commune with any, and where there is no communion, there can be no friendship. And wise men tell us that Heaven and Earth and Gods and Men are held together by Communion and Friendship, by Orderliness, Temperance, and Justice...

"Where these is no communion there can be no friendship."

I get letters from you guys all the time telling me how lonely you are.

But you won't commune.

You won't commit to communion -- to Warriorhood -- the way Brian has.

Which means you'll always be lonely.

While Brian never is.

What's ironic is that analism -- which most of you understand, even if dimly, is oppressing you -- flows directly out of the greedy, selfish, and self-centered consumerism of mainstream Western culture -- which is increasingly a worldwide culture.

So you reject -- if you're strong enough, which most of you aren't-- the premises of analism, while feeding daily and hungrily at the corrosive trough of greed and selfishness.

Which means you'll never be free of your oppression.

Brian's free.

You're not.

You can hear the voice of Brian's freedom in his posts.

While all I hear in the emails you send me -- is the voice of oppression -- which is self-oppression.

Thank you Brian.

An Excellent post!

From a True Warrior.

Bill Weintraub

Eros Day, 2010

© All material Copyright 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

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xxxxThis aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

xxxx That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

xxxx Which is Warrior Spirit.