Awakened to Manliness
I used to fantasize about wrestling around naked as young as five years old -- at a critical time in my life when I was left to live in Central America with female family there, along with my brother.
My brother and I were left in -- I'll just call it Banana Republic -- with three of my Mother's aunts for an entire year. There was actually a very large extended family there all over the city. My parents thought that it would be a good idea to be around her side of the family before we entered grade school back in America.
YEARS later I realized that this was a flawed idea.
These women both had houses and businesses there. They were independent. And they never married. Two of them lived together, and the other one lived in her own house. (Interesting how women never get suspected of being lesbians for living together like that.) They both had businesses in the front part of their houses and the big houses were in the back with courtyards in the middle. A very Latin/Italian style of city living. All three of them had female housekeepers and maids that they bossed around.
It was a rather luxurious lifestyle we experienced. And they treated my brother and me like little royalty.
But that was the problem. For an entire year my brother and I were treated like little royalty (they really did love us to death), but the entire time we had NO male role models. NONE. We just had women doting on us ALL the time.
Age 4, 5, 6 are REALLY critical formative years. Boys REALLY need a man at that age. My real dad back in the States was WAY too busy working his business to be part of our lives even if we WERE around him, and he was 5000 miles away anyway.
I can remember going to the house of some cousins in the capital once. After entering the house, I followed one older cousin to the back of their house. The adult women stayed in the front living room (La Sala it's called) and talked usual women stuff. This male cousin I followed was about 12 (I was 5) and he had a weight set in the back of their house. I can't even remember which cousin it was. But the memory of it is etched solidly in my mind.
I followed my older cousin to the back of the house, where he took his shirt off and did bench presses, flat and inclined. He worked his biceps and triceps. He did sit ups and some squats.
I watched with stunned amazement. I SUDDENLY, INSTANTLY wanted that SO SO SO much. I wanted to do that and be around that like crazy all of a sudden. In between sets, my cousin stopped and stood in front of a mirror sometimes and flexed his pecs and abs and arms. He sometimes turned to face me and did a couple of double biceps poses for me like the fighters do at UFC weigh-ins. He would bring his fists down in front of his abs and flex up and pop out his pecs like they do at UFC weigh-ins also. NATURAL male behavior -- posing and posturing. It is built into our DNA. It was a like a charged magnet. Switches went off in my head. Male-switches. I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
At THAT age, I suddenly had an erection. And I was terrified. WHAT IF SOMEONE -- like the women aunts I was living with -- FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HARD WIENER OF MINE? TERRIFYING. There WAS an unspoken sense of shame about manliness in the house I lived in there. Feminism.
This fantastic workout (the first time I'd ever seen such a thing) and the flexing my cousin did, went on for about an hour before we had to go back to Woman-World. I never saw that or experienced that again. But it was etched solid in my mind. It's why I can remember every detail of it, except for which cousin it was.
Something SO natural was SO denied.
I have a friend who's a pro MMA Fighter.
I have watched him spend time with his son. OFTEN my friend is shirtless doing this, lean muscles and all. He hovers over the boy from behind him while helping him get through school homework. He is manly with the boy. Always. He works with him doing homework and dressing the little guy. They have even taken showers together. YES that's right. Pedro sees his dad totally naked and then his dad bathes the little guy in the tub. Well---now that he's a little older, the little guy does the bath tub thing on his own. But his father supervises him like a real parent. It is beautiful to watch. Pedro adores his Dad. Pedro is aware that he shares a similarity of stuff between his legs like his dad. He knows he is a child. And he KNOWS he will be like his adult dad one day.
I notice one thing about Pedro also: He's totally unafraid of other men. He took to me like a fly to shit. He calls me Uncle Joe, and jumps up into my arms whenever I go to see them. He's totally unafraid to hug me and kiss me. NO homo-phobia. NONE. He is completely unafraid to go shirtless also. He's of course learned that from his dad.
When we were in Banana Republic (Latin/homo-phobic/Catholic environment/dominated by women in our case) we were not allowed to walk around without a shirt on. It was forbidden completely. Unacceptable. I can remember that with crystal clarity. Later I associated it with female since women have to cover their breasts. And I related to that for some time. It's sick, but it's true. Some times in my early years at Catholic grade school I initially found it awkward to take my shirt off on the playground like some of the other boys did on hot days. But I learned it by doing it, from the other boys, that it was OK; we were boys and boys had the right to go shirtless.
The girls on the playground noticed us doing that. SOME of the girls hated us for it.
Something SO natural, and I was afraid of it. So much learned behavior to alter what is natural.
Even today, going shirtless is considered vulgarity by my Mom.
These were very powerful influences in our lives.
That experience in Banana Republic at that age left me somewhat afraid of other males, and especially masculine adult males, as a boy growing up. I understand this now. I had NO idea about it then.
As far as the jacking off 2-3 times/day as a boy -- TOTALLY EXACTLY THE SAME FOR ME.
I think I wrote about watching boxers on TV once in a while (we only had 3 main channels, since there was no cable in those days). That would drive me to go to my room and jack off 2-3 times fascinated by the bloody sweaty lean-defined fighers socking each other in the face.
But most of the time, I could never get go sleep with out shooting a load in bed. Huge loads, all the time. Over and over and over.
I also could jack off 3-4-5 times/day.
Something so natural and so denied.
Reply from:
Re: Awakened to Manliness
Hey Warrior NW,
This is EXCELLENT!!!
Let's take a look:
I used to fantasize about wrestling around naked as young as five years old -- at a critical time in my life when I was left to live in Central America with female family there, along with my brother.
My brother and I were left in -- I'll just call it Banana Republic -- with three of my Mother's aunts for an entire year. There was actually a very large extended family there all over the city. My parents thought that it would be a good idea to be around her side of the family before we entered grade school back in America.
YEARS later I realized that this was a flawed idea.
These women both had houses and businesses there. They were independent. And they never married. Two of them lived together, and the other one lived in her own house. (Interesting how women never get suspected of being lesbians for living together like that.)
Right -- at least back then, women got a free pass.
Men never did.
They both had businesses in the front part of their houses and the big houses were in the back with courtyards in the middle. A very Latin/Italian style of city living.
Yes -- it sounds like a very nice way to live.
All three of them had female housekeepers and maids that they bossed around.
And that would be true in the US too.
Any middle class woman would have female servants to boss around.
It was a rather luxurious lifestyle we experienced. And they treated my brother and me like little royalty.
But that was the problem. For an entire year my brother and I were treated like little royalty (they really did love us to death), but the entire time we had NO male roll models. NONE. We just had women doting on us ALL the time.
Age 4,5,6 are REALLY critical formative years. Boys REALLY need a man at that age.
My real dad back in the States was WAY too busy working his business to be part of our lives even if we WERE around him, and he was 5000 miles away anyway.
And see, that's why the Spartans raised their boys communally.
In that way, every boy had thousands of fathers.
No boy was ever without male supervision.
It was a constant.
I can remember going to the house of some cousins in the capital once. After entering the house, I followed one older cousin to the back of their house. The adult women stayed in the front living room (La Sala it's called) and talked usual women stuff. This male cousin I followed was about 12 (I was 5) and he had a weight set in the back of their house. I can't even remember which cousin it was. But the memory of it is etched solidly in my mind.
I followed my older cousin to the back of the house, where he took his shirt off and did bench presses, flat and inclined. He worked his biceps and triceps. He did sit ups and some squats. I watched with stunned amazement. I SUDDENLY, INSTANTLY wanted that SO SO SO much. I wanted to do that and be around that like crazy all of a sudden.
So NW -- your experience is like that of Achilles on Scyros.
In the myth of Achilles on Scyros --
Thetis -- Achilles' mother -- takes him and hides him among the
daughters of the King of Scyros -- a little island -- because she
doesn't want him to get killed in the Trojan War.
So -- Thetis dresses Achilles in women's clothes and hides him among the girls.
In other words, she effeminizes him.
But -- the Greeks know they need Achilles.
So --
Odysseus and a buddy go to Scyros, and they tell the king they've
brought presents for this daughters.
And they lay them out.
But among the girlish presents are Warrior Weapons.
A spear, a shield, a sword.
When Achilles sees them, he is RECALLED TO MANHOOD.
He drops the disguise, seizes the spear, and he grows -- like an erect
cock -- he's engorged by his Manhood.
NW -- please ck out that post:
Because it's a Greek myth which recounts a common MALE experience --
the Male recalled to Manhood by MANLY things -- and/or behavior.
In your case, it was your cousin's weight set -- and his behavior.
In between sets, my cousin stopped and stood in front of a mirror some times and flexed his pecs and abs and arms. He sometimes turned to face me and did a couple of double biceps poses for me like the fighters do at UFC weigh-in. He would bring his fists down in front of his abs and flex up and pop out his pecs like they do at UFC weigh-ins also. NATURAL male behavior-posing and posturing. It is built into our DNA. It was a like a charged magnet.
And very well-said.
Switches went off in my head. Male-switches.
Beautifully said!
I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
Beautifully said!
At THAT age, I suddenly had an erection.
You were hard for Manhood.
And I was terrified. WHAT IF SOMEONE -- like the women aunts I was living with -- FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HARD WIENER OF MINE? TERRIFYING. There WAS an unspoken sense of shame about manliness in the house I lived in there. Feminism.
Right -- exactly.
This fantastic workout (the first time I'd ever seen such a thing) and the flexing my cousin did, went on for about an hour before we had to go back to Woman-World. I never saw that or experienced that again. But it was etched solid in my mind.
And that's because your MALE MIND was prepped and ready to receive that.
Just like Achilles' MALE MIND was prepped and ready to recognize the weapons.
Like you say, it's BUILT IN.
It's why I can remember every detail of it, except for which cousin it was.
Something SO natural was SO denied.
I have a friend who's a pro MMA Fighter.
I have watched him spend time with his son. OFTEN my friend is shirtless doing this, lean muscles and all. He hovers over the boy from behind him while helping him get through school homework. He is manly with the boy. Always. He works with him doing homework and dressing the little guy. They have even taken showers together. YES that's right. Pedro sees his dad totally naked and then his dad bathes the little guy in the tub. Well---now that he's a little older, the little guy does the bath tub thing on his own. But his father supervises him like a real parent. It is beautiful to watch. Pedro adores his Dad. Pedro is aware that he shares a similarity of stuff between his legs like his dad. He knows he is a child. And he KNOWS he will be like his adult dad one day.
NW, as I've told you, one of the most important things my father ever
said or did was when we were both in this little femmy john my mother
called "the powder room" and my father had his dick out so he could
And he said to me, regarding his dick being out, "It's okay, Bill,
because we're both Men."
I'll never forget that.
Again, my MALE MIND was all primed and ready to hear that.
And as soon as he said it, I recognized the Truth of it.
We're both Men.
We both have Dicks.
Really really important.
I notice one thing about Pedro also: He's totally unafraid of other men. He took to me like a fly to shit. He calls me Uncle Joe, and jumps up into my arms whenever I go to see them. He's totally unafraid to hug me and kiss me. NO homo-phobia. NONE.
When we were in Banana Republic (Latin/homo-phobic/Catholic environment/dominated by women in our case) we were not allowed to walk around with out a shirt on. It was forbidden completely. Unacceptable. I can remember that with crystal clarity. Later I associated it with female since women have to cover their breasts.
Again, masculinity flows in part from the male group.
The growing boy has to have a male group.
Thus the agogé and the boua -- the "herds" of young and very combative males.
The girls on the playground noticed us doing that. SOME of the girls hated us for it.
Yes -- that's just sour grapes.
That's what it is.
They can't do it so they hate you because you can.
Tough shit.
They can get over it.
It's like when some female helicopter pilots in Iraq saw that some of
the Blackwater mercenary MEN were sunbathing NUDE on top of their
And the women complained about it.
It's like -- we can't do it so you can't either.
Those Men had no idea that some fucked-up feminist of a pilot
was gonna see them naked.
They were just being MEN.
So then they were ordered to stop being nude.
I would have ordered the females to mind their own business.
But No -- everything has to "respect" the women and DIS-respect the MEN.
Something SO natural, and I was afraid of it. So much learned behavior to alter what is natural.
Even today, going shirtless is considered vulgarity by my Mom.
Yes -- well, she's a product of her environment.
These were very powerful influences in our lives.
Oh yeah.
That experience in Banana Republic at that age left me somewhat afraid of other males, and especially masculine adult males, as a boy growing up. I understand this now. I had NO idea about it then.
As far as the jacking off 2-3 times/day. TOTALLY EXACTLY THE SAME FOR ME.
Oh yeah.
I think I wrote about watching boxers on TV once in a while (we only had 3 main channels, since there was no cable in those days). That would drive me to go to my room and jack off 2-3 times fascinated by the bloody sweaty lean-defined fighers socking each other in the face.
Oh yeah.
Fighting of any kind made me crazy.
Just two cowboys or cowboys and Indians Fighting would get me instantly Hard.
But most of the time, I could never get go sleep with out shooting a load in bed. Huge loads, all the time. Over and over and over.
Oh yeah.
I also could jack off 3-4-5 times/day.
Oh yeah.
Something so natural and so denied.
That's the truth.
Thank you NW -- excellent!!!
Reply from:
Re: Awakened to Manhood
Wow Bill, I read that link about Achilles. Pretty fucking cool.
I really WAS turned on by my cousin doing the weights and flexing his manliness in a display for me. It really was built in. I was made to feel so ashamed of that sort of thing. We were made to feel humiliation for feeling an attraction to manliness.
It is enlightening to become aware of that.
Bill -- right now I'm back with my Mom visiting her folks in Banana Republic.
This place -- Banana Republc -- is super hetero Catholic. It makes the men girly-men actually. Ive gone tank top every day except one. I just sweat and sweat and sweat all day. So I go with glistening arms and shoulders all day here just sitting down. Its like Im a vulgar gringo breaking the rules by wearing my cargo shorts ALL the time, and a tank top ALL the time. Its a new thing here to NOT go in long pants. Its a sign of upper class to be all covered up. Bull shit.
VERY Eastern clulture here from the Spanish, Moor influence.
Anyway I have a young distant nephew here in 10th grade. Met for first time. Very good looking and very butch. His dad was quite butch too. That's why the boy is.
Anyway we clicked immediately. He was turned on by my biceps and triceps right away. I picked up on it right away. He would keep looking at my thick neck, shoulders and arms. Every time I looked over at him as we ate lunch he was checking me out. WHAT a manboy he is.
In the long ride we took with his Mom and Dad, we talked working out, abs, pecs, definition.
THEN MMA! He was REALLY turned on by my knowing my friend in the UFC. He's watched the Stephan Bonner Forrest Griffin SUPER bloody fight over and over and he was REALLY into the blood and face hitting round after round.
But he was at first hesitant to talk about it. I encouraged the conversation. I bragged about the fight school Ive been to and how it really was like that even in fight class. Guys who are buddies fight and hit and get sweaty and bloody as much as they want on fight nights. I said that it was all shirtless guys sweaty and aggresssive and rolling around on the floor and fighting. And sometimes just doing sparring or boxing w the boxing gloves. Very manly I said. But that the guys all are buddies.
That kid was super turned on. SUPER turned on.
He said that his Mom is against him doing boxing, which he has tried. I said that was normal. I encouraged him to pursue it anyway.
I told him that fighting builds good buddies, and that it is really manly to exchange blows like that, etc. That men become good manly buddies through fighting.
JUST like in the Ultimate Fighter show he watched. We kept talking blood, face hits, sweat, aggression and friendship. We are now man buddies.
The kid was TOTALLY turned on. I could tell.
He said he was also into body building. I said that's cool too. But fighters are built to fight and that not being bulked up too much was better.
We really bonded in 3 hours.
I will invite him to the States as an open invite when he's out of high school. BTW the kid speaks perfect English as he attends the American School here.
I have thought about sitting down and writing about my experiences --- and observations --- of manliness/lack of manliness in a banana republic/2-class society like my Mom's country. There is a shamelessness to people who run countries like Banana Republic. The so-called leaders of these banana republics have a feminine un-manly nature to them, but so do the men. I see it as a lack of ability to confront bullshit. AND the ability to BE full of bull shit.
I know the "president" of Banana Republic. NOT exactly a manly dude. Loaded with shamelessness. There is actually a word in Spanish: sinverguensa. That is from two words: sin-verguensa.
It literally translates into: without (sin--pronounced seen) shame (verguensa).
In a society without manly men, these types of people float to the top. And that is what is happening in the U.S. today.
Typically they are not people who like things out in the open, unless it's in their favor. They lack integrity. They like to control the press and all information.
But more importantly, the men of the society in a banana republic itself, in large enough numbers, LACK the ability to stand up and fight. That is US today also.
In a place like Banana Republic you'll hear, "Fighting is for the lower classes." Such nonsense.
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to coming out on top in a wrestling match.
It's why my Mom's country is a 2-class society. The men there are basically girly-men. They are conditioned that way. My cousin is different---for now.
Reply from:
Re: Awakened to Manliness
Hey NW
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to coming out on top in a wrestling match.
"Aristocracy" is a Greek word which derives DIRECTLY from ARES.
ARES = areté = aristocracy = aristeia = heroism; and words like arsen
and arren which are both "manly" -- and Sokrates himself cites Ares as
the source of arren -- manliness.
So -- in ancient Greece, the aristocrats were the descendants of those
MEN who had FOUGHT most bravely in the conquest of Greece.
They got the lion's share of the spoils -- the land -- and that was
then passed on from generation to generation.
However, the descendants couldn't just rest on their laurels.
They were expected to Fight and to Lead.
And of course they were all trained in Fight Sport.
The point of the post The Secret Craft of Warriorhood is that the Spartans also trained their kids in Warcraft -- in a very
systematic, cradle-to-grave, way.
And that after the Spartans won the Peloponessian War -- the other
Greeks tried to do that too.
But this is the crucial point:
That's exactly right!
Couldn't be stated better!
So guys -- what you can see in these two emails from Warrior NW are two instances -- of a boy and a youth -- Awakened to Manliness.
In the first, NW is a boy living in Banana Republic, in an environment which is all-female, when he's suddenly Awakened to Manliness by the sight of his older MALE cousin working out and flexing.
It has a huge effect on him:
I followed my older cousin to the back of the house, where he took his shirt off and did bench presses, flat and inclined. He worked his biceps and triceps. He did sit ups and some squats. I watched with stunned amazement. I SUDDENLY, INSTANTLY wanted that SO SO SO much. I wanted to do that and be around that like crazy all of a sudden.
In between sets, my cousin stopped and stood in front of a mirror sometimes and flexed his pecs and abs and arms. He sometimes turned to face me and did a couple of double biceps poses for me like the fighters do at UFC weigh-ins.
He would bring his fists down in front of his abs and flex up and pop out his pecs like they do at UFC weigh-ins also.
NATURAL male behavior -- posing and posturing. It is built into our DNA.
It was a like a charged magnet. Switches went off in my head. Male-switches. I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
At THAT age, I suddenly had an erection. And I was terrified. WHAT IF SOMEONE -- like the women aunts I was living with -- FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HARD WIENER OF MINE? TERRIFYING. There WAS an unspoken sense of shame about manliness in the house I lived in there. Feminism.
This fantastic workout (the first time I'd ever seen such a thing) and the flexing my cousin did, went on for about an hour before we had to go back to Woman-World. I never saw that or experienced that again. But it was etched solid in my mind. It's why I can remember every detail of it, except for which cousin it was.
Something SO natural was SO denied.
So, NW says,
At THAT age, I suddenly had an erection.
And I was terrified. WHAT IF SOMEONE -- like the women aunts I was living with -- FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HARD WIENER OF MINE? TERRIFYING. There WAS an unspoken sense of shame about manliness in the house I lived in there. Feminism.
So, in this instance, the extreme femininity of NW's environment as a boy had the effect of SHAMING MANLINESS.
Which today is very common.
Manliness is considered shameful.
In the ancient world -- and until very recently -- effeminacy -- and anal -- were considered shameful.
Nowadays, effeminacy and anal are honored -- and Manliness is shameful.
Nevertheless, when exposed to Manliness in the form of another, older, male -- a ManBoy -- working out and then proudly showing off his muscular body --
NW was immediately attuned to it.
He knew it was something he wanted -- both to do and to be around -- desperately.
It was a like a charged magnet. Switches went off in my head. Male-switches. I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
Do that, be that, touch that.
Beautifully said.
The male wants all three.
And he gets HARD for it too:
And -- you know what? -- it doesn't matter what the culture says.
That will remain true because it's biologically based.
Culture alone cannot change it:
It was a like a charged magnet. Switches went off in my head. Male-switches. I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
NATURAL male behavior -- posing and posturing. It is built into our DNA.
NATURAL MALE behavior is built into our DNA.
Into our Y chromosome.
And then -- in his second email -- NW tells how his own muscles and talk about MMA has a similar effect on his nephew -- some forty years later.
NW's nephew is Awakened to Manliness by the sight of NW's muscles and by NW's frank talk about Fighting;
just as NW was Awakened to Manliness by his older cousin's Muscles and Manly posing.
So -- what's going on isn't cultural, but biological -- genetic -- built-in.
MEN -- and ManBoys -- respond to MANLY behavior -- and to the things associated with that behavior.
They see it and they want to do that and be that.
This is a picture I found online somewhere -- I don't remember where.
And you can see what it is -- it's a kid's drawing of Manly things and a Manly Man -- a Fighter.
It's great!
And we know that about forty years ago, NW's cousin's working out -- had that effect on him.
He was entranced by -- and even got hard for -- the Manliness of it.
And then we can see that forty years later, NW, now a muscular Man himself, plays a similar role in the life of his nephew.
He Awakens him to Manliness.
And I really like these over-the-top drawings by Matt, because I think they capture the way guys in adolescence feel -- or want to feel -- about their bodies --
their Muscles and their Cocks -- and their body hair --
which are the Markers of their Manhood:
NW also makes a really important point about Aristocracy and Fighting.
And NW's absolutely right.
That's what Aristocracy is -- the Ability and Willingness to FIGHT.
Something about which the ancients were completely clear:
And it was through that understanding that the ancients created their culture, their Dominant Culture -- of Heroic Nude Testicular Masculinity:
I repeat:
The Greeks and then the Romans lived in a dominant culture of Heroic, Nude, Testicular, Masculinity.
And that culture, as every culture does, produced cultural messages --
in this case, cultural messages about the value of Nude, Testicular, Masculinity --
in the form of art -- statues and paintings.
These cultural messages reinforced the cultural reality -- that Men Fought -- and, much of the time, Lived -- Nude.
And that to do so was Good -- and more than Good -- it was HEROIC.
The images that you see, then, are images of Heroic, Nude, Testicular, Masculinity.
The Testicular part is important -- it's not, and was not, incidental.
The display of the Male Genitals -- and in particular the Testicles -- was essential.
Masculinity, Nudity -- including the Testicles -- and Heroism -- the Heroism of the Warrior-Athlete -- were inextricably linked in these images.
As they were in real life.
NW often speaks of Fighting and Freedom, and the relationship between Nude Fighting and Freedom.
He's correct.
In the ancient world, Nude, Testicular, Masculinity was the matrix and generator of Heroism -- Heroism in the service of Freedom.
You may think I'm overstating the Testicular part -- but I'm not -- and neither is NW.
It takes Balls to be a Warrior says NW.
The ancients agreed, and presented that reality in their art -- in image after image after image.
Try to imagine living in a culture in which these sorts of adulatory and hortatory images -- were everywhere.
Along with Herms
and other Phallic symbols.
Along with images like this one
which make clear the connection between male sexuality and male aggression.
There were thousands upon thousands of these statues in the ancient world.
Plus wall paintings, and vase paintings, and reliefs, and mosaics, etc
-- all sending cultural messages of Heroic, Nude, Testicular, Masculinity -- to Men.
These messages were both adulatory -- These guys are great! -- and hortatory -- You can be great too!
You too can be a Hero among your fellow Nude, Tescticular, Masculine Men.
That's a very different message from the sort that males hear today.
From the sort that Pfc Manning, whom we just discussed in Warrior Eric's the most natural thing in the world --
from the sort of messages which Pfc Manning, whom, we're told, was in love with a drag queen and lip-synched to Lady Gaga while stealing hundreds of thousands of state documents -- heard.
So -- at one time, Manliness was not shamed, but was celebrated and encouraged.
As was Heroism.
That's what it has ALWAYS been.
For example, in Prudence or the Pill we looked at a book by Xenophon called Symposium -- in English, The Dinner Party.
The dinner party is given by a wealthy guy named Callias who represents Spartan interests at Athens.
The guest of honor is a "boy" -- actually he's probably about sixteen -- a Victor in Pankration at a recent religious-athletic festival known as the Panathenaic Games.
His name is Autolycus, and Callias is in love with him.
Autolycus' father is with him, and Sokrates is also there.
Sokrates praises Autolycus, saying that he "shows to the world physical strength and stamina, virile courage and self-control."
Those of course are the Virtues of a Fighter.
Remember that Autolycus would have Fought Nude -- and that all the Men at the dinner party would have seen him Fight Nude.
Nude Combat.
Nude Fight.
Like this:
And guys, that's probably what he looked like in action.
Except as you know, if you've ever watched an MMA Fight, that the action is fast and furious, a blur of muscle, sweat, and blood.
In repose, Autolycus may well have looked like this:
This is a Boy -- he's beardless.
He's a Fighter -- he has the broad chest and strong legs and buttocks of a Fighter.
He's a Victor -- he's wearing a crown of leaves.
And he's carrying a jar of olive oil -- which was a prize in the Panathenaic Games.
And of course he's nude and his testicles are prominent.
Heroic Nude Testicular Masculinity.
Which Sokrates describes as "Physical Strength and Stamina, Virile Courage"-- and "Self-Control."
So, remember, this isn't just a question of looks -- as Sokrates keeps hammering home -- to his "regal" bearing Autolycus joins "modesty and sobriety" -- sophrosyne in Greek.
By Fighting, and through his Victory, Autolycus has demonstrated what the Greeks called "kalokagathia" -- nobility and goodness.
And he's joined the ranks of the "kaloi kagathoi" -- the noble and the brave.
That's what it has ALWAYS been.
And given that aristocracy derives from Ares, and that Ares is the God of Manliness -- that, as the Homeric Hymns tell us, Ares rules the sceptered realm of Manliness --
that Ares holds the sceptre or, as the Spartans said, skapton, of Manliness --
True MANLINESS is the ability and willingness to FIGHT.
That's what it has ALWAYS been.
MANLINESS is the ability and willingness to FIGHT.
MANLINESS is the ability and willingness to FIGHT.
If -- and when -- you take from Men their ability to Fight --
and denigrate, as our culture does constantly, their willingness to Fight --
you destroy not only what is best about them --
but you destroy them.
You destroy Men.
Men cannot exist without Manliness.
Can't be done.
You -- dear reader, site visitor, whatever you are -- need to think about that.
And you need to think fast.
Because the culture is going to exact a higher and higher price from those who don't conform to its vision of a world without -- Men.
There'll be males, no doubt.
But no Men.
That's the goal.
And in such a world, you will not be allowed to survive.
Those of you who identify as "gay" have already been driven out of the "gay" community.
Where you gonna go?
And what you gonna do?
Turn to the religious right?
The religious right hates you.
Go "straight"?
But women -- as you saw in my reply to Warrior Omar's post -- don't like your Manliness anymore than do the analists and buttqueens and shitfairies who are so eager to end your existence --
either by infecting you -- or outright eradicating you.
The logic of your position is such that you will have to form your own communities.
That's what you have to do.
And you'd better get crackin'.
Cause time is not on your side.
Everywhere you look, analism and feminism are triumphant.
When was the last time you had a victory?
Hard to remember, isn't it.
That's the program.
Better get with it.
Because your choice is between being AWAKENED TO MANLINESS;
or being put to effeminized sleep -- aka death.
This is a link to the obit of a gay-identified dress designer who just died.
His name was Charles Nolan, he was fifty-three, and the cause of death was variously given as cancer of the liver or of the head and neck.
Well, maybe.
But it's likely, given that HIV prevalence in NYC's "gay" community is at 25% or higher, that HIV infection was underlying that cancer.
Mr Nolan was the lover of a gay-identified male named Andrew Tobias.
Mr Tobias is a very successful financier who serves as the treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.
Do you understand?
These people themselves have and have access to vast sums money.
And more and more of that money is flowing not just to the "progressive" wing of the Democratic party -- but to the Republican party too.
That's how they were able to get eight Republican senators to vote for repeal of "don't ask don't tell."
The Congress is bought and sold.
Election campaigns are enormously expensive.
Nothing is done without the promise -- or open exchange -- of money.
Hundreds of millions of dollars.
The religious right used to have an edge in money.
No longer.
It's now possible for males like Mr Tobias to be "out" -- and if he's "out," he might as well use his considerable wealth to advance his ends.
Mr Tobias, by the way, is my age -- 62. He "came out," according to the Times, starting in 1992 -- that's twenty years after I did. And that's what we've been seeing over the last two decades.
Guys who would never have "come out" in the 1970s -- when we desperately needed them to "come out" but when "coming out" carried with it considerable drawbacks, particularly financially -- are now "coming out" -- because activists like myself and my late lover made it safe for them to do so.
Of course the sort of lives they lead are not the sort we intended them to lead.
But -- that's neither here nor there for the moment.
Fact is, and like I said, it's now possible for males like Mr Tobias to be "out" -- and since he's "out," he's using his considerable wealth to advance his ends.
And that's what he and many many many other gay-identified and VERY AFFLUENT males -- are doing:
Using their ABUNDANCE of MONEY, and using it UNSTINTINGLY, to advance their ends.
There are a lot of these guys.
As those of you who have been or are still gay-identified -- know.
Did I mention that they're VERY AFFLUENT?
And that they no longer hesitate to put their ABUNDANCE of MONEY where their mouths are?
And yet --
if I dare ask you for $10 per month in donations --
I'm a bad person.
That's what you are.
For those of you who are too lazy to click on or read a link, let's just make this clear:
This link -- VERY AFFLUENT -- takes you to an article in The New York Times titled "The Six-Figure Fish Tank Catches On." -- "Among people of means, six-figure aquariums are the latest status symbol."
Needless to say, these aquariums are very expensive to buy, and then to maintain.
At least $1,000 per month just for maintenance.
If you read the article, you'll see that most of the owners profiled are "gay male couples."
It was Mr. Caparatta who suspended a 700-gallon aquarium from the ceiling of a town house apartment in the West Village owned by Richard Wise and Andre Jones. The filled tank weighs at least 6,000 pounds and has cost the couple some $200,000 in equipment and service.
"At night, we sit in the living room and sort of get lost in it, instead of the television set," said Mr. Jones, 40, who owns a construction company, Wise Builders LLC, with Mr. Wise. "It's always the centerpiece of the party."
The couple keeps bags of brine shrimp and sardinelike fish called silversides in their freezer drawer, next to the Haagen-Dazs and Lean Cuisines. "We feed the fish once a day," Mr. Jones said. The equipment needed to support the huge aquarium -- pumps, pipes, chillers -- occupies a walk-in closet as well as part of a roof deck.
$200,000 for an aquarium.
7,000 square foot apartments.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Then ck this out.
The link -- ABUNDANCE of MONEY -- leads to an article in a small Jewish paper called The Forward.
The article profiles the head of Garden State Equality, the "gay" marriage lobby in New Jersey.
The guy, whose name is Steven Goldstein, says that he worked in finance, as did his partner, who was at Goldman Sachs and then started his own company:
Garden State Equality now claims 64,000 members. It has four offices across the state and 10 paid permanent staff members. Goldstein, however, receives no salary.
"My partner does well," he said, with a hint of pride. "He was a vice president at Goldman Sachs and then formed his own company. I made money. We're comfortable enough."
I must say it's amazing to see gay-identified males -- or anyone for that matter -- boasting of their association with Goldman Sachs, the investment bank which muckraking journalist Matt Taibbi famously characterized as
This is not a small point.
Taibbi blames Goldman Sachs not just for the current Great Recession, but says it "has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression."
But let's not worry about that particular nexus between greed, growth, economism, and analism -- for now.
Let's just note that "Garden State Equality now claims 64,000 members. It has four offices across the state and 10 paid permanent staff members."
And that's just in one state.
That's one "gay" marriage lobby out of fifty -- and the D of C.
With 10 paid staff and four offices.
How do you propose that I counter something like that?
And what the fuck is wrong with you?
The analists and the feminists are waxing the floor with you.
Translation: You're getting the shit beat out of you.
Whether you realize it or not.
And it's going to get worse.
Four words:
"gays" in the military
"gays"-in-the-military injects analism into the heart of the bedrock American institution -- the US Military.
That's a disaster for you.
It's like I said:
The analists and the feminists are waxing the floor with you.
You're getting the shit beat out of you.
And it's going to get worse.
Because if it can get worse -- it will.
It won't get better until you start doing what your enemies are doing.
If you go to the store to buy a can of soup -- and you don't have the money for the soup -- you don't get the soup -- because the store won't give it to you.
You know that.
But somehow or other you think that you can get the respect and tolerance -- and partner -- you want -- for nothing.
Your enemies are organized and they support their organizations with big bucks.
You refuse to organize and you won't support the one organization you've got -- not even with pennies.
So you're fucked.
Yes, you've been fucked by the analists --
but you've also fucked yourselves.
And you see, while you can't control what the analists do --
you can control what you do.
Can't you?
I thank Warrior NW.
Who's a true Warrior.
But without THOUSANDS more like him --
we will fail.
And if we fail --
you fall.
Recently a guy who'd been an occasional donor started donating once a month.
And he's doing the right thing.
He's donating at a higher level than he had.
But -- he's not tithing.
Why should he tithe?
It's like asking why he should fight with both arms rather than one arm.
If he fights with just one arm against an enemy who uses both arms --
he'll lose.
So -- if you're not donating -- start donating.
If you're donating occasionally -- donate once a month.
If you're donating once a month -- start tithing.
That's what you have to do.
You have to ratchet up the action.
Or you will lose.
And you will die.
Remember the great novelist Jack London's wish, which we discussed in A Warrior's Prayer:
You can have that -- A Great and Heroic Man-Comrade who should be so much One with you that he and you would never misunderstand; and who would Love the Flesh, as he should the Spirit.
You can have your Great and Heroic Man-Comrade.
Or you can have effeminized, analist, death.
Those are your choices.
Effeminized death is out there right now, waiting for you.
To gain it, you need not do anything -- but what you're already doing.
But to win your Great and Heroic Man-Comrade, your Warrior-Comrade,
will require work and hardship and effort.
Don't want to make that effort?
Don't want to be Awakened to Manliness?
To Fight for Manhood?
To Struggle for a Manly Mentality?
Then don't complain --
when femmy fatality is all that comes your way.
Bill Weintraub
February 5, 2011
© All material Copyright 2011 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
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Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into
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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2011 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
It was my own innate understanding of the essentially Combative and Aggressive nature of Men, and my own instinctual relating of that to the testicles, which produced those fantasies and gave them so much power in my life.
In this Dialogue, written in the first century AD by Lucian but presenting an imagined conversation between the *sixth century BC* Athenian lawgiver Solon and a Scythian visitor to Athens named Anacharsis, we get some idea of what that training was like -- starting with Athenian kids, and then progressing to Spartan youth:
Anacharsis: And another thing, my dear Solon, why are those young men
acting in this way? Look, some of them are grappling and tripping each
other, others are choking their friends and twisting their limbs, rolling about in the mud and wallowing like pigs. But before they began to do this, I noticed they first took off their clothes, then put oil on themselves, and in a peaceful fashion took turns in rubbing each other. But now, experiencing some emotion I do not understand, they have lowered their heads and are crashing into each other, and butting their heads together like rams! And look! There is one who has just seized the other by the legs and thrown him down; then he flopped on him and did not allow him to get up, but shoved him down into the mud. And now he is finally twisting his legs around the other person's waist and choking him with his arm under his throat. The other is slapping him on the shoulder, trying to ask him, I suppose, not to choke him to death. They do not avoid getting covered with dirt even to save the oil, but on the contrary wipe it off, and smearing themselves with mud and rivers of perspiration they make themselves ridiculous, in my opinion, by sliding in and out of each other's hands like eels.
Others are acting in the same way in the open part of the courtyard.
However, these are not in the mud, but they have this deep sand in the pit which they sprinkle on themselves and each other, just like roosters, so that they cannot break out of their grasp, I imagine, since the sand decreases the slipperiness and offers a surer grip on a dry skin.
Others also covered with dust are standing up straight and striking and
kicking each other. See that one there! Poor fellow, he seems to be ready to spit out a mouthful of teeth considering how full of blood and sand his mouth is; he has got a blow to the jaw, as you can see for yourself. But the official there does not separate them and stop the fight -- at least I assume he is an official from his scarlet cloak. On the contrary he encourages them and cheers the one who struck that blow.
All around different people are all exercising: some raise their knees as if running, although they remain in the same place, and as they jump up they kick the air.
What I want to know is, what reason do they have for doing this? It seems to me these actions are almost insane, and there is no one who can easily persuade me that people who act like this have not lost all their senses.
[Solon explains that customs differ from one land to another. He then explains to Anacharsis what is happening.]
Solon: This place, dear Anacharsis, is what we call a gymnasion and it and is sacred to Lykeian Apollo. You can see his statue, leaning against a stele, holding his bow in his left hand. His right arm is bent above his head as if the artist were showing the God resting, as if he had completed some laborious task. As for those exercises in the nude, the one done in the mud is called wrestling. Those in the dust are also wrestling. Those who strike each other standing upright we call pankratiasts. We have other athletic events: we have contests in boxing, diskos, and the long jump, and the winner is considered superior to his fellows and takes the prize.
Anacharsis: These prizes of yours now; what are they?
Solon: At Olympia there is a crown of wild olive; at Isthmia, one of pine; at Nemea, one woven of celery; at the Pythian Games, laurel berries sacred to the god, and here at home at the Panathenaic Games, oil from olive trees which grow in the sacred precincts. What are you laughing at, Anacharsis? Do these prizes seem valueless to you?
[Solon explains the symbolic value of the prizes, justifies the pursuit of athletics, the education of the citizens. Then Anacharsis asks Solon to explain the government of Athens.]
Solon: It is not easy, my friend, to explain everything at once in concise form, but if you will take one thing at a time you will learn everything about our belief in the gods, as well as our attitude toward parents, marriage, or anything else.
I will now explain our theory about young men and how we treat them from the time when they begin to know the difference between right and wrong and are entering manhood and sustaining hardships, so that you may learn why we require them to undergo these exercises and force them to subject their bodies to toil, not just because of the athletic games and the prizes they may win there, for few of them have the ability to do that, but so that they may try to gain a greater good for the entire city and for themselves. For there is another contest set up for all good citizens and the crown is not made of pine nor of wild olive nor of celery, but is one which includes all of man's happiness, that is to say, freedom for each person individually and for the state in general: wealth, glory, pleasure in our traditional feast days, having the entire family safe from harm, and in a word, to have the best of all the blessings one could have from the gods.
All this happiness is woven into the crown to which I referred and is acquired in the contest to which these exhausting exercises lead.
[Solon goes into more detail about the training of young men and about the responsibility of the citizens.]
Solon: As for physical training, which you particularly wanted to hear about, we proceed as follows. When the boys reach an age when they are no longer soft and uncoordinated, we strip them naked. We do this because first, we think they should get used to the weather, learning to live with different seasons, so they are not bothered by the heat nor do they yield to the cold. Then we massage them with olive oil and condition the skin. For since we see that leather which is softened by olive oil does not easily crack and is much stronger, even though it is not alive, why should we not think that live bodies would benefit from oil? Next we have thought up different kinds of athletics and have appointed coaches for each type. We teach one how to box, another how to compete in the pankration, so that they can become used to hard work, to stand up to blows face to face, and not to yield through fear of injury.
This creates two valuable traits in our young men: it makes them brave in the face of danger and unsparing of their bodies, and it also makes them strong and vigorous. Those who wrestle and push against each other learn how to fall safely and spring up nimbly, to endure pushing, grappling, twisting, and choking, and to be able to lift their opponent off the ground. They are not learning useless skills but they get the one thing which is the first and most important thing in life: through this training their bodies become stronger and capable of enduring pain. There is another thing too which is not unimportant. From this training they acquire skills which they may need some day in war. For it is clear that if a man so trained grapples with an enemy, he will trip and throw him more quickly and if he is thrown he will know how to regain his feet as easily as possible. For we prepare our men, Anacharsis, for the supreme contest, war, and we expect to have much better soldiers out of young men who have had this training, that is, the previous conditioning and training of naked bodies, which makes them not only stronger and healthier, more agile and fit, but also causes them to outweigh their opponents.
You can see, I should think, the results of this, what they are like when armed, or even without weapons how they would strike terror in their enemies. Our troops are not fat, pale, and useless nor are they white and scrawny ... enervated by lying in the shade, simultaneously shivering and streaming with rivers of sweat, gasping beneath their helmets, particularly if the sun, as now, is burning with noontime heat. What use could people be who get thirsty and cannot endure dust; soldiers who panic if they see blood, who die of terror before they come close enough to throw their spears or to close with the enemy? But our troops have skin of high color, darkened by the sun, and faces like real men; they display great vigor, fire, and virility. They glow with good health, and are neither shriveled skeletons nor excessively heavy, but they have been carved to perfect symmetry; they have used up and sweated off useless and excess flesh, and that which is left is strong, supple, and free, and they vigorously keep this healthy condition. For just as the winnowers do with wheat, so our athletes do with their bodies, removing the chaff and the husks and leaving the grain in a clean pile.
Through training like this a man can't avoid being healthy and can stand up indefinitely under stress. Such a man would sweat only after some time, and he would seldom be seen to be ill. Suppose someone were to take two torches and throw one into the grain and the other into the straw and chaff -- you see, I am returning to the figure of the winnower. The straw, I think, would burst into flames much more quickly, but the grain would burn slowly with no large flames blazing up nor would it burn all at once, but it would smoulder slowly and eventually it too would be burned.
Neither disease nor fatigue could easily attack and overcome such a body or easily defeat it. For it has good inner resources which defend it against attacks from outside, so as not to let them in, neither does it admit the sun or the cold to its hurt. To avoid yielding to hardships, great vigor springs up within, something prepared long in advance and held in reserve for time of need. This vigor fills up at once and waters the body in a crisis and makes it strong for a long time. For the previous training in bearing strain and hardship does not weaken their strength but increases it, and when you fan it the fire burns stronger.
We train them to run, getting them to endure long distances as well as
speeding them up for swiftness in the sprints. This running is not done on a firm springy surface but in deep sand, where it is not easy to place one's foot forcefully and not to push off from it, since the foot slips against the yielding sand. We train them to jump over ditches, if they have to, or any other obstacles, and in addition we train them to do this even when they carry lead weights as large as they can hold. They also compete in the javelin throw for distance. In the gymnasium you also saw another athletic implement, bronze, circular, like a tiny shield with no bar or straps. You handled it as it lay there and expressed the view that it was heavy and hard to hold on to because it was so smooth. Well, they throw this up in the air both high and out, competing to see who can throw the longest and pass beyond the others. This exercise strengthens the shoulders and builds up the arms and legs.
As for this mud and dust, which originally seemed so amusing to you, my
friend, listen while I tell you why it is used. First, their fall will not be on unyielding dirt but they will fall safely on soft ground. Next, their slipperiness has to be greater when they sweat in the mud. You likened them to eels, but the facts are neither useless nor humorous: it adds not a little to strength of the sinews when they are forced to hold firmly to people in this condition when they are trying to slip away. Do not think it is easy to pick up a sweaty man in the mud, covered with oil and trying to get out of your arms. All these skills, as I said earlier, are useful in combat, if it were necessary to pick up a wounded friend and carry him easily to safety or to seize an enemy and bring him back in your arms. And for this reason we train them beyond what is necessary, so that when they have practiced hard tasks they may do smaller ones with much greater facility.
We believe the dust is used for the opposite reason than the oil is, that is, so that a competitor may not slip out of his opponent's grasp. For after they have been trained in the mud to hold fast to something which is escaping from them because of its slipperiness, they then practice escaping out of the arms of their opponent, no matter how impossibly firm they may be held. Furthermore when this dust is used liberally it checks the perspiration and makes their strength last longer and furnishes protection against harm from drafts which otherwise attack the body when the pores are open. Besides, the dust rubs off the accumulation of dirt and makes the skin gleam.
I should dearly like to stand one of those white-skinned fellows who live in the shade beside one of our boys who work out in the Lykeion, and after I had washed off the dust and the mud, ask you which one you would like to resemble. For I know that you would choose at first glance, without hesitation, even without putting either through any tests, the one which is solid and hard rather than soft, weak, and pale, because what little blood he has has been withdrawn into the interior of his body.
[Anacharsis then ridicules the idea that athletic training could be useful in war. Why not save your strength, he asks. Solon explains that strength cannot be saved like a bottle of wine; it must be constantly used.]
Anacharsis: I just don't understand what you said, Solon. It is too intellectual for me and requires a sharp mind and keen insight. But above all, tell me this, why, in the Olympic Games and at Isthmia and Delphi and elsewhere, where so many competitors, you say, assemble to see these young men compete, you never have a contest with weapons but you bring them before the spectators all naked and exhibit them getting kicked and punched, and then, if they have won, give them berries and wild olives? It would be worth knowing why you do this.
Solon: My dear Anacharsis, we do this because we think that their enthusiasm for athletics will increase if they see that those who excel at them are honored and are presented to crowds of Greeks by heralds. Because they are to appear stripped before so many people, they try to get into good condition, so that when they are naked they will not be ashamed, and each one works to make himself capable of winning. As for the prizes, as I said earlier, they are not insignificant: to be praised by the spectators, to be a recognized celebrity, and to be pointed out as the best of one's group. As a result of these prizes, many of the spectators who are of the right age for competition go away completely in love with courage and struggle. If someone should remove love of glory from our lives, what good would we ever achieve, Anacharsis, or who would strive to accomplish some shining deed? But now it is possible for you to imagine from these games what sort of men these would be under arms, fighting for fatherland and children and wives and temples, when they show so much desire for victory in competing for laurel berries and wild olives.
Furthermore, how would you feel if you should observe fights between
quails and between roosters here among us, and see the great interest
which is shown in them? Wouldn't you laugh, particularly if you should learn that we do this in accordance with our laws and all men of military age are instructed to be present and to see these birds fight until they are exhausted? But it is no laughing matter, for eagerness for danger creeps insensibly into their souls so that they try not to seem less courageous and bold than the roosters nor to give in too soon because of injury or fatigue or any other distress.
As for trying them in armed combat and seeing them receive wounds --
never! It is brutal and dreadfully wrong, and in addition it is economically unfeasible to destroy the bravest, whom we could better use against our enemies.
Since you tell me, Anacharsis, that you expect to travel to the rest of
Greece, if you get to Sparta, remember not to laugh at them nor think that they have no purpose when they compete in a theater, rushing together and striking each other, fighting over a ball, or when they go into a place surrounded by water [known as Plantanistas, or Plane-Tree Grove], choose up sides, and fight as if in actual war, although as naked as we Athenians are, until one team drives the other out of the enclosure into the water, the Sons of Herakles beating the Sons of Lykurgos or vice versa; after this contest there is peace and no one would strike another. In particular, do not laugh if you see them being whipped at the altar, streaming with blood, with mothers and fathers standing by, not at all bothered by what is happening but on the contrary threatening them if they do not hold up under the blows, urging them to bear up under the pain as long as possible, and to be strong under this hideous treatment. To tell the truth, many have died in these contests, not thinking it manly to yield before the eyes of their friends and relatives while they are still alive, no, not even to flinch. You will see honors paid to statues of people like this erected at public expense by the state of Sparta.
~ translated by Sweet.
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He is completely unafraid to go shirtless also. He's of course learned that from his dad.
And I related to that for some time. It's sick, but it's true. Some times in my early years at Catholic grade school I initially found it awkward to take my shirt off on the playground like some of the other boys did on hot days. But I learned it by doing it, from the other boys, that it was OK; we were boys and boys had the right to go shirtless.
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to Fight.
It was a like a charged magnet. Switches went off in my head. Male-switches. I wanted to do that, be that, and touch that ALL at the same time.
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to Fight.
Palaistra: Herm on left, Boxer on right
A victorious athlete and Nike join in crowning a Herm
Phallic Temple
An erect satyr holds a Warrior's helmet and greaves
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to Fight.
A Boy Victor in the Panathenaic Games
True Aristocracy IS the ability and willingness to Fight.
Joseph Caparatta, owner of Manhattan Aquariums, which sells tanks small and large from a showroom on West 37th Street, said that, increasingly, "Most of the jobs we get come from architects and designers who have to fill a 6,000 or 7,000-square-foot apartment."
The world's most powerful investment bank[,] ... a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.
A great Man-Comrade who should be so much One with me that we would never misunderstand, and who would love the flesh, as he should the spirit.
who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men
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