Polyamorous in Portland, or, Bamboozled by a Buddhist and Fucked over by a Faerie
Intro Note from Bill Weintraub:
Here are three emails I received from one of our guys.
The first two were sent in the Fall of 2009.
The last came in a few days ago -- that is, about a year later, in November of 2010.
I'm posting them without the sender's permission.
I'm not even bothering to ask because if I did, I've learned from experience, he won't give it.
But I have, as usual, removed potentially identifying details.
Not the name of the city where he lives, however.
Because as you'll see -- the city matters.
Here are the emails:
Hi Bill! It's been a while but I have great news!!!!
I may have finally met HIM! Bill, good grief! Man! Where do I start?
I've been going through a lot lately like most people in this country. Laid off two years now, working on starting another business.
So last weekend I looked up the Radical Fairies. They are the Gay guys who don't care about Prada! I went to their coffee klatch last weekend. I was just sitting there chattering away when I notice the guy opposite me is staring at me. I say, "What?" He says, "I'm drunk on you." I didn't know how to respond to that one.
Later we went to lunch. He sat next to me, nudging me and looking at me all googly eyed. Very cute. Then we went to the ritual space.
That's when it started. After I got past the Gate Keeper, I saw him at the secondary Altar. I sat in front of him and we didn't speak a word to each other. We just put our hands together and exchanged energy...for half an hour! I fell asleep in his lap, like it was the most natural thing in the world. When I woke up, he said,"What was that!? Have you done this before? Who are you!?" I honestly didn't know how to answer.
Then we both grinned and agreed, we need to do this again...naked. So after more ritual time, he took me to his beautiful home. Fully decked out in Buddhist decor.
We still don't know who kissed who, all I know is we wound up on his bed room floor. Then the bed. I had every intentions of making love to this man Bill, but HE TOOK ME! He climbed on top of me FACE FRONT AND HUMPED ME SILLY!
He took me to breakfast, the park. We sat out in broad day light with his arm around my shoulders. He's taking me to the theatre ON MY BIRTHDAY! We've been e-mailing every day since then.
I think I love this man. He's smart, funny, cute as the dickens. Strong ridiculously passionate. He was in a relationship which is now over.
He's taken my breath away. It's the only way to put it. And you were one of the first people I had to let know about it. He says he can take or leave anal sex. Given the 2 times we've been together, this man knows how to make love. And we are perfect together! He says my responsiveness drives him wild. And I can't help but respond to his gentleness and passion. I've never gasped and screamed so much in my life!
Ok I'm getting dizzy. Time to stop.
But I just had to let you know Bill. He may be the one. I love him all ready. I can tell he's scared. But I will give him time. I've never felt more connected to a man in my life. He makes me cry. I really think I love him.
Let me know what you think and how you're doing, and as all ways thank you for your work. I wouldn't have stuck to my guns if it weren't for the inspiration I find on your site.
Take care Mister!
Have a great day in every way!
All I can say is OH...MY...GOD!
Hello again Bill.
Well...I've had three dates with this man, and I can't count the ways he's changed my life.
First of all...sex with him drains me! It usually takes me about two days to recover. He's amazing!
On my birthday he took me to the best restaurant in Portland. Then he took me to the theatre and then he took me home and took me on the living room floor.
Friday night he took me to another of the best restaurants in town for wine, appetizers and then of course back to his place. We still haven't made it to the bedroom. This time it was in front of the front door. He made me breakfast the next afternoon. It was afternoon because we spent the entire morning cuddling in bed.
Here's the interesting thing, I am now in a Polyamorous relationship. He has told me about the other two men he is dating and I am totally OK with that. He makes me feel like I am the only one. And I'm sure he makes the other guys feel the same.
And it's more than just sex. We are very spiritual with each other. He's even trying to help me get a job! He works at an insurance company downtown. He's just amazing.
I don't see us getting married or anything. He's still recovering from his previous relationship.
And, he still has his other lovers. But I have never been so fulfilled by a man. Never. He is truly amazing.
I love him. And he's told me, in his own way, he loves me too.
He's the best. And NO ANAL EVER! He doesn't even bring it up! He just throws me to the floor, climbs on top of me and humps me silly! The man's a beast and I love it!
I'll keep you posted.
Hello Bill!
It's been a while since I've been able to get stable enough to write to you again.
I've been through so much but it always seems to lead me back to the same place.
Since I've last written you, I've lost my apartment in Portland, my cat of 13 years, most everything I owned, and have been unemployed for just over two years.
The man I was seeing in Portland really opened my eyes. On our first few nights together he made love to me like we'd been together for years. Then he started getting angry because I wouldn't give him anal sex. Our love making dropped off dramatically after that, even though he had other men who gave it to him.
Then as I was fast approaching homelessness, he refused to let me move into his house. With the spare room. That he never uses.
Then my ex from 20 years ago stepped in. I am now writing you from the spare room of his new girlfriends house and not the rainy homeless streets of Portland.
I'm going back to reading the website. I kind of miss it. I'm off sex for now. I'm just sick of the same old song that it's "ok with me", until we hit the sheets and then things change.
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know how I've been doing. Hope you are well! :0)
[all emphases mine]
So Guys, let's take a look at what's going on here.
The emailer, Joe, is a Frot guy who's spent years in celibacy because he can't find a partner.
That's certainly, and sadly, common.
So what does he do?
He goes to a meeting of "the Radical Fairies," whom he characterizes as "Gay guys who don't care about Prada!"
Well, the part about Prada may be true -- and it may not.
The Radical Faeries -- as it's usually spelled -- are a "gay" group which is seeking to patch together a new religion from various remnants of paganism.
And, as you might imagine, while I'm not sympathetic to the "gay" part, I am sympathetic to the spirituality, as I am to most any attempt at spirituality.
However, as we can see from Joe's narrative, like virtually all things "gay," the Radical Faeries are most often an excuse for more buttboy hooking-up and anal promiscuity.
And that's what happens.
As soon as Joe gets in the door, some guy starts staring at him and then tenders the classic pick-up line "I'm drunk on you."
Which Joe falls for.
Joe and his new friend hang around for a while, paying a little lip service to the alleged spirituality of the group, and then head for the latter's "beautiful home," which is "fully decked out in Buddhist decor" --
to have sex.
And what's wrong with that picture?
Well, and just for starters:
Why, if you're into Frot, and knowing full well the way Men into Frot are regarded in the "mainstream gay community," aka analism, would you go to a meeting of a "gay" group calling itself the Radical Faeries?
Why would you do that?
Because you know you're going to run into heavy anti-Frot and pro-anal prejudice among the males who frequent that sort of organization.
Its very name emphasizes effeminacy.
So why go there?
Especially if you live in Portland.
Because, you see, we have a volunteer in Portland.
His name is Beagle Jones, and he's been trying for years to put together a Regional Chapter of The Man2Man Alliance in Portland.
Indeed, if you visit Frot Club, which any Frot guy living in Portland should do regularly, you'll see his post at the very top of the message list:
So -- someone right in Portland, right in Joe's city, is making an effort to put together a group just for MEN into FROT.
Has Joe ever emailed Beagle and suggested they get together for coffee?
Has he ever offered to help Beagle in his organizing efforts?
But Joe's perfectly willing to waste not just an afternoon, but several months messing around with some analist he met at an analist group.
Does that make any sense?
If, five years ago, Joe had made contact with Beagle and started helping him build a Regional Chapter -- maybe, in October of 2009, instead of going to a meeting of the "Radical Faeries," he could have gone to a meeting of The Man2Man Alliance.
And there met another FROT MAN.
Wouldn't that make more sense?
What sense does it make to put energy into the Radical Faeries?
Unless you're into anal and promiscuity.
But Joe's not.
He's into Fidelity and Frot -- or at least he thinks he is.
But -- he won't lift an itsy-bitsy finger to help create a true Frot organization right there on the ground in Portland.
So -- as we'll see -- he gets bamboozled and fucked over by some male he's met at an analist organization -- right there on the ground in Portland.
At first, their love-making is all Frot.
The guy tells Joe that "he can take or leave anal sex [sic]."
And he's romantic -- taking Joe out to dinner for his birthday, and the like.
Joe, not surprisingly, thinks he's in Love.
Even though, it turns out, the guy is seeing two other guys simultaneously:
Now, strictly speaking, Joe was not in a so-called polyamorous relationship.
In "polyamory", in theory at least, all the partners are romantically and sexually involved with each other.
So if there are two guys and two girls, the guys are having sex with each other and each of the two girls, who are having sex with each other and each of the two guys.
And in theory they all "love" each other.
That wasn't going on with Joe.
What was going on was that his analist friend was seeing three different guys at once, no doubt telling each that he was really special, and suggesting that he loved him, and so forth.
But really, all that amounts to is playing the field.
Joe may have conceptualized it as "polyamory" -- which is all the rage in pansexualist circles in polymorphously perverse places like Portland these days -- but really it was just old-fashioned infidelity, decked out in a new name.
And by the way, and speaking of a new name, it's worth noting that "polyamory," like "homosexuality," is a mongrel word, consisting of a Greek prefix and a Latin suffix:
Homo = Greek for same; sex = Latin for sex;
Poly = Greek for many; amor = Latin for love.
And that actually tells you something:
That "polyamory," like "homosexuality," didn't exist in the past, Greek, Latin, or otherwise -- and has been hobbled together by the hedonists to justify some bit of libertine nonsense in the present.
So, all "polyamory" aside, -- Joe now finds himself in that classically "gay" situation of dating a guy who's seeing two other males.
All of whom -- he's wooing.
Joe ignores the infidelity and concurrency -- and instead convinces himself that "He makes me feel like I am the only one."
But he's NOT the only one.
And there's no way around that.
Joe won't be swayed by the facts:
And it's more than just sex. We are very spiritual with each other. He's even trying to help me get a job! He works at an insurance company downtown. He's just amazing.
He insists that this male, who's cheating, albeit openly, on him, is very "spiritual" -- you'll recall that he has a "beautiful" house "decked out in Buddhist decor" -- and then adds that "He works at an insurance company downtown."
Which of course begs the question -- can a Buddhist sell insurance?
I mean, and not to put too fine a point on it, in an America in which corporations, freed of onerous regulations, have become increasingly corrupt, corrupting, predatory, and indeed thuggish, insurance is widely viewed as one of the cheesier and sleazier games in town.
Difficult to imagine ol' Prince Siddhartha playing along -- don't you think?
Of course it's nice that the guy has a "beautiful" house -- but such houses come at a price, especially in a place like Portland.
And isn't that something which the Buddha, like Sokrates and Jesus and all of Mankind's great ethical teachers, talked about -- the cost, to one's soul, of materialism?
Yes -- it is.
It's a major part of every great religion's teachings.
That's something which has been forgotten in the last thirty years, but it's true nevertheless.
So -- the image our affluent analist presents is this:
While what you've actually got -- is this:
But Joe is seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, and his Prince Charming can do no wrong:
I love him. And he's told me, in his own way, he loves me too.
Translation: Joe's friend NEVER uses the word "love"; he just suggests it, so as to lead Joe on.
Once again, Joe doesn't care:
He's the best. And NO ANAL EVER!
But that doesn't last.
For, a year later, we hear from Joe again.
And this time he's singing a very different tune:
Since I've last written you, I've lost my apartment in Portland, my cat of 13 years, most everything I owned, and have been unemployed for just over two years.
The man I was seeing in Portland really opened my eyes. On our first few nights together he made love to me like we'd been together for years. Then he started getting angry because I wouldn't give him anal sex. Our love making dropped off dramatically after that, even though he had other men who gave it to him.
So -- first off, the bit about NO ANAL EVER! lasted exactly three nights.
And then it was back to the same old buttboy shitfaery routine of demanding anal "and getting angry because I wouldn't give him anal sex [sic]."
This is the same guy, you remember, who told Joe during their first encounter that
"he can take or leave anal sex [sic]."
But he can't.
The analist cultural message is -- if it's not anal, it's not really gay.
This is a male who goes to a "gay" "spirituality" group called the Radical Faeries and engages in concurrent promiscuity -- the most dangerous form of promiscuity.
He's HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be immune to the standard analist cultural messages about anal.
He's been told over and over again for the last thirty-five years that anal MUST BE the culminating event in any sexual encounter between two gay-identified males, and that males who won't engage in anal are psychologically immature and "homosexually" incomplete.
They're damaged, in other words, and they need to be treated through a course of buttfuck shock therapy.
Administering that therapy is the duty of any member of the analist community.
And it must be done --
for the good of all.
That's what analists believe.
Remember what putative "warrior" Jason said about his experience at the hands of the analists:
In my case, I've spent almost ten years up till now not totally feeling like I fit into the gay community because of how much weight is put on anal sex: it was a HUGE point of dissent for me. And I have to say that I really felt the grips of "anal tyranny," which fucked with my self-esteem a good amount. I always felt so childish because time passed and time passed and I never, never got over how off-putting anal sex was. The pain, the pressure, the smell, the soreness, the sick feeling it gave me, the way it made me feel afterwards -- unfulfilled, used, let down, filthy, ashamed.
I've been the victim of good deal of head games. I spent almost four years in a relationship with someone who I think pretty clearly resented me for never wanting to have anal. So often I got messages that not doing anal was not enough, that there was no satisfaction unless the holy, manmade pinnacle of homosexuality was practiced. "We don't have sex!! You don't see that as a problem?!" (We don't have ANY sex??) "You'll like it." (Not likely.) "It'll be so hot once you like it." (Sure.) So great: there was one point of contention and source of distress in that relationship, not to mention what a huge weight it was to always have that expectation hanging over me. In my eyes, my aversion to anal also had plenty to do with his desires to date other people while we were doing long-distance. To my knowledge he didn't do this, but the implicit rationale was still crystal clear for me. And it messed with my head.
"So often I got messages that not doing anal was not enough, that there was no satisfaction unless the holy, manmade pinnacle of homosexuality was practiced."
"he started getting angry because I wouldn't give him anal sex [sic]"
It's the same message, and you're always going to get that message from an analist aka buttboy aka shitfaery -- because that's the message they themselves get and internalize about a billion times each and every day.
Anal then becomes in their minds a necessity and an entitlement, and they get angry -- and the anger is genuine -- when the anal isn't forthcoming.
And Joe, and Jason, that is what you will ALWAYS experience at the hands of gay-identified males you meet in analist groups.
But, in Joe's case, we can say, Wait, there's more!
Because not only did Joe's analist lie to him about anal, and then berate him for not doing it, but he also refused, after earlier making so many protestations of affection, not to mention Buddhism, to help Joe when Joe so desperately needed help:
Then as I was fast approaching homelessness, he refused to let me move into his house. With the spare room. That he never uses.
And here we come really to the heart of the matter.
At least so far as I'm concerned.
Remember that this male is described as a Buddhist -- and into "gay" spirituality.
Well, the essence of Buddhism is, of course, compassion.
The Buddhist is supposed to show compassion for ALL living things.
As we're told by a Tibetan Buddhist monk in this passage from an old International Herald Tribune travel piece:
In some far-off room of the monastery, horns wail, bells ring and drums pound. None of the assembled listeners even cocks an ear. All attention is focused on the monk's words.
"There is no greater good that we can do," he goes on as the Himalayan light and echoes of distant instruments fill the room. "This is the greatest gift that we can give."
So -- the goal in Buddhism is not personal happiness, "a sort of selfish peace," says the monk.
"We must look at all sentient beings and, seeing that they are suffering, wish from the bottom of our heart that they may be happy and have all that causes them happiness - and that I will take responsibility for this, that this is my duty."
Joe was sentient.
Joe was suffering.
He was facing homelessness.
Which is very frightening -- in our society or any society.
He'd lost all his possessions and even been forced to give up his cat.
And what did Mr Gay Buddhism and Radical Faeryist do?
Opted for some selfish peace:
He refused to let me move into his house. With the spare room. That he never uses.
So -- he's a hypocrite, etc, and we have to hope he's headed for Buddhist Hell:
But the question is -- WHY is he such a hypocrite?
And why so un-responsive to Joe's need for something as basic as a roof over his head?
Here's the answer:
The idea that multiple bonds -- which is to say, promiscuous bonds -- among males will produce the same quality of ALTRUISM -- what we call WARRIOR ALTRUISM -- between MEN -- is false.
The Warrior Bond can only be the result of a Fidelity which is exclusive sexually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Joe was deceiving himself with the bit about "polyamory."
He wanted to believe that this guy loved him, and loved him as much as if they had an exclusive bond.
But they didn't have an exclusive bond.
And when the rubber hit the road, and Joe DESPERATELY needed help --
it wasn't there.
And it won't ever be with a bullshit philosophy like pansexualist polyamory and a bullshit religion like "radical faeries."
Nor will it ever work to meet a guy -- wherever, in church or at the radical faeries or anywhere else -- and go to bed with him five minutes later -- and think that you're going to have what you could have had -- if you'd WAITED and COURTED.
Again, that won't happen.
The Greeks understood all of this.
The Greeks lived in a Masculinist society -- it was a culture of Men, by Men, and most especially, For Men.
The Men could do just about whatever they wanted in shaping that society.
They had a Bible of sorts -- Homer -- but nothing like the Old Testament -- or at least it's said.
So -- sexually -- they could do what they wanted.
For example, look at this picture I so often show you:
Zeus is parading his nude male adolescent lover in front of his wife, Hera.
I repeat: When it came to sex, Greek Men could do what they wanted.
Why then, if anal and promiscuity are so great, didn't they produce a society based on anal and promiscuity?
Because they believed, correctly, and could plainly see, that anal was humiliating and degrading and destructive of the Warrior Spirit.
That said, why didn't they have a society of male promiscuity sans anal -- without anal?
The reason is that male-male -- what we call Man2Man -- in ancient Greece had a military and martial purpose.
Its goal was to STRENGTHEN the bonds between INDIVIDUAL Warriors so that they'd be unbreakable.
And what they could see, what they'd learned, and what they put into practice, guys, is that the ONLY UNBREAKABLE BOND IS DYADIC.
Man-to-Man, One-to-One.
Such a bond is not just stable -- it's eternal.
As Plato says in the Symposium:
~ Symposium 179, translated by Boswell
"only such as are in love will consent to die for others"
Or offer their spare room to another.
You'll notice that the person who saved Joe from homelessness was his "ex":
Then my ex from 20 years ago stepped in. I am now writing you from the spare room of his new girlfriends house and not the rainy homeless streets of Portland.
So -- some guy with whom Joe had had a RELATIONSHIP twenty years earlier now stepped forward to give him shelter -- at a new girlfriend's house.
In other words, the "ex" is "bi" -- and behaving a lot better than the "gay" Buddhist.
No way around it guys -- our Frot Man, Joe, was bamboozled by a Buddhist and fucked over by a Faerie.
But -- he was an avid participant, if not in the fucking, certainly in the bamboozlement.
He wanted to believe that this gay-identified and promiscuous insurance executive was a giving and compassionate Buddhist who would shelter an old friend even if he wasn't "into anal."
And even if they hadn't had an exclusive bond.
He was wrong.
I suspect -- for reasons that might be identifying, so I won't state them -- nevertheless, I suspect that Joe isn't real fond of our emphasis on Warriors and the Warrior God aka Ares on this site and in this Alliance.
But you know, guys, this is one instance among many in which the acolytes of the Warrior God would treat a guy like Joe a lot better than do those of the Buddha.
And Joe needs to figure that out.
When Joe sent me his first two emails, I was polite -- I didn't want, after all, to rain on his parade.
But in my reply to his third email, I said, regarding the Buddhist/Faerie's refusal to offer Joe a room when he so desperately needed it:
And Joe, that's not just because you wouldn't do anal.
It's also that he had other partners -- tricks, in effect.
The reason we stress -- and the Greeks stressed -- Fidelity -- is that
only an exclusive sexual and emotional bond will produce what we call
Warrior Altruism.
Promiscuity has the effect of weakening bonds among males.
Only a Love which is completely exclusive sexually and emotionally
will result in a true Warrior Bond.
Joe, it's really important, for your sake, that you read regularly
on the site, and try to think through the issues we raise there.
Sex is not what you need.
You need compassion -- and if it comes, Love.
A truly and completely Faithful Love.
Yes -- that will not change -- that same old song -- till there's been
major cultural change.
I know you don't have money.
But again, for your sake, it's important that you think about what you
might do to help bring about that change.
Think about it.
I've long spoken of a Warrior Community.
If we'd put together such a community five years ago, you would have a
home and probably a Lover by now.
And guys, that's the Truth.
Home might be more like a barracks or a dormitory than a house decked out in buttfuck Buddhist or any other fatuously femmy and meretricious decor;
but it would be home and a guaranteed home.
And meals would be provided and taken communally.
Life would be austere -- and equal.
And it's in such a community, and I strongly suspect, ONLY in such a community, that a guy like Joe might hope to find a true Lover, a Warrior Lover.
Not a Buddhist insurance salesman, not a Radical Faery shit-thrower, but a Warrior Brother.
Because after all, you can have a "beautiful" house decked out in Buddhist decor, but if the heart isn't decked out in Buddhist decor as well, the house doesn't mean much.
The Spartans, who are the societal model for this Alliance, weren't big on decor, Buddhist or otherwise.
Neither were Sokrates or Plato.
And I don't recall Jesus occupying fancy digs either.
Getting back to the Spartans, it's likely that their living quarters were spare and functional -- "Spartan," as it's said -- just think of a group like the Shakers.
Life was austere.
And all Warriors were treated equally.
They even called each other "The Equals."
And provided that an Equal didn't show cowardice in battle, he remained a valued member of the community.
And the community was a happy one.
So -- the Spartans had
Not a bad life.
And we -- YOU -- could have such a life -- again.
But to get there, you'll have to do something.
I wonder how many of you reading this are facing or will be facing homelessness -- tomorrow, next week, next month, next year?
And how many of you have Lovers?
Or friends you can truly depend on?
Joe thought he'd found someone -- a Lover -- a private solution, as I call it, and as most of you think you can have.
You can't -- not as society is now constituted.
If you want what you say you want -- you're going to have to do something -- you're going to have to FIGHT for it.
Just as a Spartan would.
Think about that this Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving in a land which is increasingly one of want rather than of abundance.
A land in which, says The New York Times,
That also means that the top 10 percent controls more than 70 percent of Americans' total net worth.
That's not equality.
Nor is it democracy.
As I've said before, and as the Spartans alone among the Greeks truly understood and put into practice, you can't have political democracy without economic democracy.
Sparta's often described as an oligarchy.
It was NOT.
It was a Republic with two constitutional monarchs, and a council and ephors ELECTED by an Assembly of ECONOMICALLY-EQUAL WARRIOR PEERS.
That's how it was governed.
It was, as a consequence, extremely stable at a time when other city-states suffered through multiple changes in regime.
As one authority has said:
"moral values, human courage, strength";
"simplicity, discipline, and order" --
all WITHIN a democratic state.
"moral values, human courage, strength" --
In my reply to Warrior CW's first time frot
I talked about Lady Gaga as an idol within the so-called gay community.
That same "gay community" which supports the "Radical Faeries."
I've said to you that your allegiance should be to the Warrior God, the God of Manliness and Manhood.
Which do you want in your life?
Ares is the source of Areté -- Manly Excellence, Manly Goodness, Manly Virtue:
Too many Greek statues bro?
Too much Heroic Nude Testicular Masculinity?
Personally, I can never get enough of the stuff.
But, if it's too much for your tender twenty-first century sensibilities --
You can think of Manly Excellence and Virtuous Virility -- Areté -- this way:
What's been most important to you in your life?
Buddhist -- or any other -- decor?
Manliness, Manhood, and Masculinity -- isn't that what matters to you?
Why else would you be into MEN -- if you're not into Manliness and Manhood?
And where and how would you want to spend Eternity?
In a Buddhist boudoir?
Or bathed and basking in the radiance of the eternal and invincible MANHOOD of the Warrior God?
Stop looking for Manliness and Manhood among "people" who call themselves "faeries."
Stop looking for Compassion -- which is yet another word for WARRIOR ALTRUISM -- among "males" who boast of their Buddhist decor -- and then insist on an act which destroys your Manly Humanity -- your WARRIORHOOD.
And stop looking for Fidelity among creatures -- who are promiscuous, polyamorous, cheating, lying, unfaithful -- cads.
How stupid can you be?
Fact is, Joe's a very intelligent guy.
Yet look at how stupidly he behaved.
Like the vast majority of you, he's not strong enough to stand against the majority culture by himself.
There are more than enough of you living in Portland that you could have a TRUE chapter of The Man2Man Alliance -- not of some phoney copy-cat group but of the actual MAN2MAN Alliance -- based on our Five Principles of
And then you'd have a commune -- a communality -- a Warriordom -- and a Home.
Figure it out.
Right now you don't have a chance and you don't have a prayer.
Against the analists -- or against an America that has begun to cannibalize itself.
You're going to have to join together for Support and Self-Defense.
If you'll do that you'll survive -- and maybe even flourish.
If you don't -- like Joe -- you won't.
F I G H T X B A C K.
Bill Weintraub
November 20, 2010
© All material Copyright 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Reply from:
Re: Polyamorous in Portland, or, Bamboozled by a Buddhist and Fucked over by a Faerie
I am very saddened that "Joe" was taken in by that "Gay, Buddhist".
I have a spiritual respect for true Buddhists as they have a genuine love and respect for as you said ALL LIVING BEINGS.
Jesus taught us to look to the needs of others before our own. Joe, ask yourself did your friend of 20 years ago just HAPPEN to come along at the right time? Or did the Warrior God (Jesus in my eyes) send him to you? You know, that as soon as someone allowing you to deceive yourself into thinking that they love you and you love them, "gets angry" because you WON'T do that which you KNOW is bad and bad for your health -- it is time to end it with them. Love is selfless not selfish; it is lust that is selfish.
The problem with many males is that the present social teaching is "Warrior" equals "Violence" and being Spiritual/worshipping a Warrior God means being or doing stuff that is boring. Well Joe, or anyone, have you read Worshipping the Warrior God? No? Try it but be ready to have your eyes opened!
Joe, find Beagle, and maybe you two can found a Regional Chapter. If only I knew a Warrior Lover here in Stafford (England UK) we could do so and I would. Joe, I hope you find true Warrior LOVE, because after all you have been through you deserve to, but you MUST look in the RIGHT place this time and remember it is LOVE you want, not to be the object of the gratification of some other's LUST.
With Warrior Love
Reply from:
Re: Polyamorous in Portland, or, Bamboozled by a Buddhist and Fucked over by a Faerie
Thank you, Warrior Brian.
Guys, in one of his recent emails Brian signed himself "Warrior Man Brian" -- and I really like that -- Warrior MAN.
Now, as usual, Warrior Man Brian gets it -- completely and absolutely:
That's exactly rignt.
"you MUST look in the RIGHT place this time"
Joe's been on the site a long time, but apparently he hasn't been paying attention to what we actually say on the site.
That is, that there's a culture among gay-identified males, a culture which is dominant -- in control and tyrannical -- and which I call the dominant culture of anal penetration.
That it's characterized by
That like all dominant cultures, it seeks absolute conformity from those within the culture.
And that it censors and silences opposing points of view -- both within the culture and, when it can, outside the culture.
I've been talking about this for eleven years.
I published my first piece, which was sub-titled "Some Thoughts on Cock-rubbing and the Cultural Tyranny of Butt-fucking" in December of 1999.
"Cultural Tyranny of Butt-fucking"
December of 1999.
Long time ago.
In November of 2000 -- that's ten years ago -- I published Frot: The Next Sexual Revolution, which refers specifically to a Buttfuck Dictatorship, and says
"Buttfuck Dictatorship"
December of 2000.
Long time ago.
Yet Joe says that
As though Joe was genuinely surprised by the male's truly brutish and boorish behavior.
Carried off under cover of a house decked out in Buddhist decor.
Well, something has to open your eyes.
In my case, it was watching my lover, Brett Averill, die of AIDS.
That's what it took.
I -- we -- had lost a lot of friends before he died, but for me it took watching HIM die -- to persuade me that I needed to rethink this "gay community" to which he and I had both given so many years of our lives.
Brian says "remember it is LOVE you want, not to be the object of the gratification of some other's LUST."
The person who infected Brett knew he was sick.
But he went ahead and fucked Brett anyway.
Brett was looking for Love.
The other guy just wanted, as Brian says, an object in which to gratify his lust.
Which he did.
And both he and Brett died.
How did the guy who infected Brett get infected?
Can you guess?
It was through some other guy who was seeking to gratify his lust.
And so it went -- and it still does.
More than 597,499 dead, 78 new "gay" -- that is, buttfuck -- infections each and every day -- and that's just in America alone:
And please note that because of the highly politicized way HIV / AIDS statistics are gathered in the US of A, all these figures are too low.
Actual number of deaths -- easily above 600,000;
Number of gay-identified males who are INFECTED by other gay-identified males through anal -- well over 80 per day.
Once again, it is gay-identified males who are INFECTING other gay-identified males to the tune of 80 per day.
"Gays" infecting "gays."
Not the religious right.
Not Bill Weintraub.
But "gays."
Given all the damage that HIV does, it's clear that the vast majority of VIOLENCE directed against "gays" -- is coming from other "gays."
And yet the "gay community" in America has NEVER condemned guys infecting each other.
Instead, it's promulgated the "condom code" -- always protect YOURself.
That's what it's done.
Yet -- what did Brian say?
"true Buddhists . . . have a genuine love and respect for as you said ALL LIVING BEINGS."
That's Buddhists.
In the West, we may be relatively indifferent to animals, but we're supposed to have "genuine love and respect" for all of our fellow human beings.
So -- where's the love and respect in infecting someone with HIV?
Look at what Joe's Buddhist buddy wanted to do to him:
Force him to get fucked up the ass.
The single most dangerous "sex" act known.
And which Joe had told him -- he didn't want to do.
Then -- when, in the worst economic downturn since the 1930s, Joe was nearing homelessness, the male refused to offer him shelter.
Don't you think it's strange -- I do -- that a male would be not just willing but eager to fuck another male up the ass --
I mean, it's not my idea of intimacy but it is intimate -- you're getting his shit on your dick after all --
but not willing to shelter him from the wind and the rain?
It's weird.
And sickening.
But --
it's also predictable.
If you hang out with "Radical Faeries" -- you're gonna get fucked over.
And if you let yourself be taken in by some rich fag's Buddhist decor -- you're gonna end up thoroughly bamboozled.
Which Joe was.
And let's be clear:
There's nothing radical about being effeminate -- that is, being a "faery."
It's part of the dominant culture.
WE are radical.
Because we reject the heterosexualized and therefore false linking of male-male with effeminacy.
That rejection is RADICAL.
As is our reclamation of the word MAN and our restoration of MAN to MAN2MAN.
So, and getting back to Joe and all you other guys -- we have Frot Club.
I know, I know, that's just on the net.
But I've implored you, once again and literally for years, to set up Regional Chapters.
Don't want to adhere to Bill Weintraub's persnickety code of Virtue and Valour?
Set up your own group.
It's a free country -- at least for the moment -- and you can do your own group.
What you can't do -- is --
Because it's when you do nothing -- when you refuse to lift so much as a finger to help yourself --
that you get bamboozled and fucked over.
And, to be frank, Joe got off lightly.
Assuming that he didn't let Mr Compassion fuck him -- he's still HIV negative.
And someone did -- someone with whom he'd had not a "polyamory" but a genuine RELATIONSHIP -- find him some shelter.
And that's the other part of this:
There is no substitute for a FAITHFUL relationship.
FAITHFUL means sexually and emotionally exclusive.
Just you and him.
Nobody else.
As Brian says,
I thank Warrior Man Brian Hulme.
Who understands.
Bill Weintraub
November 25, 2010
© All material Copyright 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Reply from:
Re: Polyamorous in Portland, or, Bamboozled by a Buddhist and Fucked over by a Faerie
Ah, the radical faeries. Fun fact: they engage in the same racist
exploitation of ndn culture as other new age groups. Willing to bet
our buddhist insurance exec friend just chants "om" and does nothing
to help others? I'd say the odds are 99 in 100. These new age types
just want convenient "spirituality", such as using lakota boys'
puberty ceremonies to acquire more wakan for their professional, i.e.
Selfish lives.
Also by Warrior John:
and AND
Warriors Speak is presented by The Man2Man Alliance, an organization of men into
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© All material on this site Copyright 2001 - 2011 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
It was my own innate understanding of the essentially Combative and Aggressive nature of Men, and my own instinctual relating of that to the testicles, which produced those fantasies and gave them so much power in my life.
Email 1: 9/18/09:
Email 2: 10/4/09 -- about two weeks later:
Email 3: 11/14/2010 -- one YEAR later:
Frot Men of Portland/Man2Man Alliance
Hey Brothers my name is Beagle and I have been working with Bill to start our very own Portland chapter of The Man2Man Alliance!!!!!!!!! Do you feel alone here? Have you wanted to do something to help the 'cause' but didn't know what??? Would you like to get together in a non-threatening enviroment and talk and meet other Brothers??? Well now's your big chance. Please drop a line to myself or to Bill and let us know. Let's get the ball rolling and help bring our message to the rest of the world. A song from my favorite local band goes something like this........"the battle lines are drawn, the war is in our own front yard....." Those words seem very important now more than ever!!! How about it guys, anyone out there up to it???
I am now in a Polyamorous relationship. He has told me about the other two men he is dating and I am totally OK with that. He makes me feel like I am the only one. And I'm sure he makes the other guys feel the same.
"But it's not the ultimate goal just to achieve personal happiness in itself, a sort of selfish peace," he continues through a translator. "We must look at all sentient beings and, seeing that they are suffering, wish from the bottom of our heart that they may be happy and have all that causes them happiness - and that I will take responsibility for this, that this is my duty."
Zeus and Hera with the other Gods on Olympos
Zeus' beloved, Ganymedes, stands between them
if we could somehow contrive to have a city or an army composed of lovers and those they loved, they could not be better citizens of their country than by thus refraining from all that is base in a mutual rivalry for honor; and such men as these, when fighting side by side, one might almost consider able to make a little band victorious over all the world. For a man in love would surely choose to have all the rest of the host rather than the one he loves see him forsaking his station, or flinging away his arms; sooner than this, he would prefer to die many deaths: while, as for leaving the one he loves in the lurch, or not succoring him in peril, no man is such a craven that the influence of Love [Eros] cannot inspire him with a courage that makes him equal to the bravest born; and without doubt what Homer calls a "fury inspired" by a God [Ares] in certain heroes is the effect produced on lovers by Love's peculiar power. Moreover, only such as are in love will consent to die for others.
I'm going back to reading the website.
I'm off sex for
I'm just sick of the same old song that it's "ok with me", until we hit the sheets and then things change.
Shaker furniture --
or Spartan?
Spartiates' training extended into adulthood, for no one was permitted to live as he pleased. Instead, just as in a [miltary] camp [while at war], so in the city they followed a prescribed lifestyle and devoted themselves to communal concerns. They viewed themselves absolutely as part of their country, rather than as individuals, and so unless assigned a particular job they would always be observing the boys [in the agogé] and giving them some useful piece of instruction, or learning themselves from the elders. Abundant leisure was unquestionably among the wonderful benefits which Lycurgus had conferred upon his fellow citizens. While he totally banned their involvement in any manual craft, there was equally no need for them to amass wealth (with all the work and concentration which that entails), since riches were emphatically neither envied nor esteemed. ... As might be expected, legal disputes disappeared along with coinage, since there was no longer greed or want among them, but instead equal enjoyment of plenty, and the sense of ease which comes from simple living. Except when they went on campaign, all their time was taken up by choral dances, festivals, feasts, hunting expeditions, physical exercise and conversation.
equal enjoyment of plenty, and the sense of ease which comes from simple living. Except when they went on campaign, all their time was taken up by choral dances, festivals, feasts, hunting expeditions, physical exercise and conversation.
The top 1 percent of Americans owns 34 percent of America's private net worth, according to figures compiled by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. The bottom 90 percent owns just 29 percent.
The life of a Spartan male was a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. The Spartans viewed themselves as the true inheritors of the Greek tradition. . . . .Discipline, simplicity, and self-denial always remained ideals in the Greek and Roman worlds; civilization was often seen as bringing disorder, ennervation, weakness, and a decline in moral values. The Spartan, however, could point to Spartan society and argue that moral values and human courage and strength were as great as they'd been before civilization. Spartan society, then, exercised a profound pull on the surrounding city-states who admired the simplicity, discipline, and order of Spartan life.
Gay Idol
goodness, excellence, of any kind, esp. of manly qualities, manhood, valour, prowess, Hom., Hdt. (like Lat. vir-tus, from vir).
Joe, I hope you find true Warrior LOVE, because after all you have been through you deserve to, but you MUST look in the RIGHT place this time and remember it is LOVE you want not to be the object of the gratification of some other's LUST.
The cultural deathgrip that anal sex has on gay male life is so thorough that it's equal to the stranglehold that heterosex once had on all sexuality in America. Thirty years after Gay Lib first took on that smug, complacent group of social arbiters and moralists it called the Heterosexual Dictatorship, gay life is controlled by a Buttfuck Dictatorship.
The man I was seeing in Portland really opened my eyes.
The man I was seeing in Portland really opened my eyes.
During 2008, there were an estimated 42,439 new diagnoses of HIV infection in the 37 states and five dependent areas. Adult or adolescent males accounted for nearly three-quarters of new HIV diagnoses, more than two-thirds of whom were infected through male-to-male sexual contact.
Love is selfless not selfish; it is lust that is selfish.
who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men
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