
Warriors or Soldiers

Bill Weintraub

Bill Weintraub

Warriors or Soldiers


We talk a lot in the Alliance about warriors.

And our guys really like that.

A warrior, of course, is a romantic figure.

We think of warriors going off on quests, like Parzival or Heracles, and performing doughty deeds of derring do.

Which is all fine.

And certainly that's one way, and I think a very good way, to conceptualize your search for a lifetime partner.

As a quest which involves a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

But some guys forget, or want to deny, that warriors are also soldiers.

Sure, ideally, an individual warrior is trained in all sorts of fighting skills, and possesses great martial prowess.

But warriors also band together with other warriors -- some as skilled, some less skilled, some with complementary skills -- to achieve a common goal.

And when they do so, they become, de facto, soldiers.

We need to be clear: there's nothing wrong with being a soldier.

For example, in Greek mythology, when the hero Jason is taxed with finding the Golden Fleece, he gathers together the "best men" in Greece to go with him on the quest.

These men are warriors and heroes -- some of them semi-divine, like Heracles and Polydeuces, some mortal like Castor.

But they all agree to serve as Argonauts, and, de facto, put themselves under Jason's command.

The structure is democratic, but ultimately Jason calls the shots.

It's reasonable therefore to see them as soldiers.

Now, as I said, their skills complement each other.

Heracles' great strength is put to use rowing the ship.

Polydeuces' skill as a boxer is used to defeat and kill a villain who's been boxing and beating innocent travelers to death.

Two of the guys who are sons of Boreas, the wind, have wings and use them to chase away two harpies who've been torturing an old, blind man.

And of course in any sort of battle they're at each other's backs, protecting each other.

So these are warrior-soldiers who work together to realize their common goal of sailing to Colchis, and getting the Golden Fleece to take back to Greece.

Similarly, and this is history, not myth, the guys in the Sacred Band of Thebes -- 150 erotically-bonded warrior pairs -- were soldiers.


Serving first under Pelopidas and then under his buddy Epaminondas they defeated the Spartans and liberated the slaves of Lakonia.

What's this have to do with us?

Well, my sense is that most of you don't want to be soldiers.

You like the idea of being a warrior, and slaying dragons with a single thrust of your sword --

but when I ask you to work together to achieve a common goal:

  • Donate.

  • Put a link to this site -- -- on every online profile you have and anywhere else appropriate on the web;

  • Come out to your family and friends as a man into Frot;

  • Participate in the Regional Chapters

You won't do it.

What you don't understand is that sometimes you have to be a soldier before you can be a warrior.

For example, it's my intention to have martial arts training incorporated into our Regional Chapters.

And I know that in Portland and Seattle, we have people who've looked into that and are readly to facilitate it.

But you won't participate.

What's so sad about this is that once you finally did it, you'd benefit from it enormously and you'd love it.

If four or five of you participated in the Portland Regional Chapter and also trained together two or three times a week --

the quality of your lives would skyrocket!

It's impossible to express in words how much better off you'd be.

Yet you won't take even the most minimal first step.

Same with donating.

Robert Loring:

I've read a lot of comments on this site asking how you find a frot brother and where they are at. Truth is they are ALL AROUND YOU because frot is NATURAL to males. Today's males are just too afraid to be NATURAL and they will continue to be afraid until YOU liberate them!

That's right.

Every one of you is surrounded every day by hundreds of potential Frot brothers.

Yet you won't reach out to them.

Instead you send me mewling puking whining letters about not being able to find a partner.

"Have you donated?" I ask.


Here's the reality:

Every straight-identified guy who tries Frot reports an ECSTATIC experience.

Just look at Chad's post on this board: New to this:

We rolled around rubbing together, forgetting about the girl we were fighting for. I know I had forgotten about everything else in the world. We both came. He came first and that set me off and we ended up falling asleep on the floor. ...

I had fun with my friend and I think it was more rewarding than any of my experiences with women.

Best sex of his life; while he was doing it, he forgot everything else.

Does that tell you anything?

What about Joe in Hardest I've Ever Been?

What about Patrick in Straight Man's Epiphany?

What about Luke in Beatific?

I could go on and on and on.

Straight-identified guys who try Frot LOVE IT.


Get real.

You can't rub cocks with a guy; if the guy doesn't know; that not only is it okay; but it's really HOT -- to go dick2dick.

Sure, straight-identified guys are into women.

But they also have same-sex needs and feelings, feelings which they simply suppress -- because they know of no way to express them and still remain a man.


A way that is, as Robert says, "NATURAL to males."

A way that ENHANCES their masculinity.

But you're keeping it a secret.

You don't want to be a soldier -- you don't want to do the grunt work, as light as it is, necessary to improve your own life.

That will NEVER WORK.


Do YOU not see the ENSLAVEMENT in the eyes of 99.9% of the males you meet every day? Then surely you are BLIND! When we fail to liberate our brothers by supporting a site/group such as this one or when we choose to hide behind a mask such as the church then WE condemn our brethren to deeper ENSLAVEMENT. That is NOT the sign of an honorable Warrior. That is what DISHONORABLE wannabe warriors do!

"DISHONORABLE wannabe warriors"

Your refusal to serve, in even the tiniest way, as a soldier, DISHONORS your claim to a warrior.

You're NOT a warrior.

You're a wannabe and that's all.

The whole of mankind is in dire need of LIBERATION. The whole of mankind is in dire need of a restoration of manliness! The world awaits you who are the True Warrior who are unafraid to be truly masculine and natural MEN. If you are waiting for the BFD or the church to give you an invitation you'll literally be waiting until hell freezes over!

Men who ARE independent and manly ARE constantly attacked because we refuse to be politically correct and stuff ourselves into the societal and religious GARBAGE CANS of modern society. We can wimp-out OR we can FIGHT BACK! Those who are already defeated in their own minds wimp-out. Those who are real WARRIORS FIGHT BACK!

SO WHICH ARE YOU????????????????

The question is fair.

If you won't lift a finger to help your fellow men, you're not a soldier nor are you a warrior.

You're just someone lurking on the net hiding behind some dopey handle.

You can do a LOT better.

But you have to try.

Ultimately, warriors and soldiers band together to protect each other and work for the common good.

That's what we're asking you to do.

And you won't do it.

Here's a sad truth about the sociobiology of being male:

Males who bond into warrior bands can ALWAYS defeat -- and kill -- males who are just out there wandering around on their own.

Or, as Kurt Vonnegut put it,

The triumph of anything is a matter of organization.

If there are angels, I hope they're organized like the mafia.

Fist Fuckers of America is organized.

Right down to Regional Chapters.

You guys aren't.

Which group do you think will be more successful in getting its message out?

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

Greg Milliken

Re: Warriors or Soldiers


I would (not literally) kill for a chance to meet up and hang out with other guys who are like-minded.

As it is, I would have to fly all the way across the country for even a chance to do so.

Needless to say, that's not very reasonable.

Or I would have to find the time to organize a regional chapter myself, which isn't going to happen any time soon...

But for a number of you guys it would likely be very easy to get together with these regional chapters.

If you live in Seattle or Portland you should go. Having to stand on your own in the face of the analists is far from easy. Having a group of like-minded friends would make the task much easier.

And those of you who spend hours and hours on gay dot com and other websites full of analists could easily spend some of that time organizing regional chapters in other parts of the country.

It would beat having to deal with endless uncomfortable situations with guys who just want to hook up or become instant boyfriends.


Sir Robert

Re: Warriors or Soldiers


I think that in many minds today the idea of Warrior has been romanticized thanks to Hollywood and it's movies. Hollywood has frequently failed to show that Warriors are also Soldiers. A Warrior who is not a Soldier is pretty worthless as a Warrior in my opinion. Personally, I use the terms interchangeably because to me to be a Warrior is also to be a Soldier and to be a Soldier is to also be a Warrior. Perhaps the terms "Warrior-Soldier" or "Soldier-Warrior" are the best terms to truly describe a Warrior who is also a Soldier.

Personally, I think that all of us should view ourselves as both Warriors and as Soldiers because we are all in this fight together. And we are indeed engaged in a fight, a battle, a WAR. It is a war against the BFD and feminists who are seeking to feminize males in all walks of life. Dark forces in the world are seeking to finish off the already dying natural Brotherhood of Man and natural Masculinity. We are not fighting against some disincarnate dark beings however. For, when we go looking for "demons" or "devils" the human race seldom has to look beyond it's own self for such demons and devils.

The idea of the romantic Warrior who slays a dragon here and there is a nice romanticized idea born of myth and Hollywood movies. In fact, the Warrior is a Soldier and the work and life of a Warrior-Soldier is often much LESS than romantic. In fact, the Warrior-Soldier's life is often one of battle followed by battle, followed by yet more battles. The life of a Warrior-Soldier is often a life filled with much loneliness and a very great amount of sacrifice. As a Warrior-Soldier he spends much of his time on the battlefield of life in the trenches rather than in the ivory towers of the castles of life.

Being a Warrior-Soldier is often dirty business and rewards are most often few and far between. The Warrior-Soldier has the greater good of the whole (of his masculine brothers) set as his goal rather than his own personal satisfaction. There is much self sacrifice in his life because of this goal. He fights for the greater good of his brethren rather than fighting selfishly only for himself. He sacrifices for the greater good of his brethren rather than not sacrificing at all. The Warrior-Soldier is an unselfish masculine male. He holds in his heart not his ego or self pleasure but the good of the whole, his fellow Warrior-Soldiers.

You may wonder what is the use, then, of being a Warrior-Soldier in a world bent on materialism, self pleasure, and egotism. What is the use in being a Warrior-Soldier when it seems self pleasure is so elusive. It must be understood that not all men are cut out to be Warrior-Soldiers. Those who are, are a "breed set apart" from other men. They are a type of masculine male who holds the greater goals and ideals and see beyond themselves. The greater good takes place over self satisfaction and self pleasure.

So, it is not easy to be a Warrior-Soldier. It is seldom romantic to be a Soldier-Warrior. It is, in fact, a tough life filled with sacrifice, battles, and often loneliness. Not exactly the stuff of Hollywood movies.

Bill Weintraub

Re: Warriors or Soldiers


Thank you Robert.

Another excellent post.

Guys, recently one of our true Warriors -- he's a donor even though he was laid off from his job -- wrote me and said:

"You do all the work, we get to just kind of move on in-- :)"

And I responded, "Yes, but when you donate and if you post or correspond with other guys, you're doing the work too."

So the first thing to understand is that there are many ways you can be in this fight.

But the important thing, as Robert says, is TO BE IN THE FIGHT:

Personally, I think that all of us should view ourselves as both Warriors and as Soldiers because we are all in this fight together. And we are indeed engaged in a fight, a battle, a WAR. It is a war against the BFD and feminists who are seeking to feminize males in all walks of life. Dark forces in the world are seeking to finish off the already dying natural Brotherhood of Man and natural Masculinity. We are not fighting against some disincarnate dark beings however. For, when we go looking for "demons" or "devils" the human race seldom has to look beyond it's own self for such demons and devils.

Robert's right.

This is a war both for men's bodies and for their souls.

And every man is impacted by it.

You may not want to be at war.

But the war has already come to you, and if you don't FIGHT BACK, you'll be vanquished and defeated -- and your Manhood destroyed;

And with it your one sweet life.

Now Robert also says:

The idea of the romantic Warrior who slays a dragon here and there is a nice romanticized idea born of myth and Hollywood movies. In fact, the Warrior is a Soldier and the work and life of a Warrior-Soldier is often much LESS than romantic. In fact, the Warrior-Soldier's life is often one of battle followed by battle, followed by yet more battles. The life of a Warrior-Soldier is often a life filled with much loneliness and a very great amount of sacrifice. As a Warrior-Soldier he spends much of his time on the battlefield of life in the trenches rather than in the ivory towers of the castles of life.

Being a Warrior-Soldier is often dirty business and rewards are most often few and far between. The Warrior-Soldier has the greater good of the whole (of his masculine brothers) set as his goal rather than his own personal satisfaction. There is much self sacrifice in his life because of this goal. He fights for the greater good of his brethren rather than fighting selfishly only for himself. He sacrifices for the greater good of his brethren rather than not sacrificing at all. The Warrior-Soldier is an unselfish masculine male. He holds in his heart not his ego or self pleasure but the good of the whole, his fellow Warrior-Soldiers.

That's correct and it's beautifully said.

But in terms of loneliness:

Soldiers normally go to war together -- in groups.

They're organized into fighting units.

And every good commander from at least the time of the Greeks forward and probably way before has understood the importance of building what our military calls "unit cohesion."

Thus the Sacred Band of Thebes -- of which we've often spoken.

And thus our modern military.

And anyone reading news stories coming out of places like Iraq will hear soldiers saying things like, "The guys in my unit are like family"; or "These guys are my brothers."

So in that sense -- it's not lonely.

Years ago, when a friend of mine who came from a military family was about to enlist in the Marines, I asked him if he'd be lonely away from his boyhood friends.

And he answered, "Of course I won't be lonely. I'll be with other Marines."

Now -- right now we're on the internet.

But if you're in this fight -- you don't have to be lonely.

You can post, you can certainly correspond with your fellow warriors, you can talk on the phone.

I do all those things.

What's more, you can also have a real-world group of Warrior friends, men who like yourselves are committed to Masculinity, Fidelity, and Frot.

Beagle Jones up in Portland is slowly but surely -- and that it's slow is not his fault -- building a community of guys into Frot and combat sports.

He's doing it.

He was the first to volunteer to do it, he's stayed with it, and he's doing it.

If you live in the Pac NW and haven't contacted Beagle -- whose fault is that?

There's a line in the old movie Anastasia where the dowager Empress says, "We are most of us lonely in this world and it's mostly of our own making."

No kidding.

Is there some self-sacrifice involved?

Yes -- there has to be in brotherhood and fellowship.

But there are rewards.

Both in Gay Lib and now in the Frot Movement I've met wonderful people.

Man after man who, as Robert says, "fights for the greater good of his brethren rather than fighting selfishly only for himself. He sacrifices for the greater good of his brethren rather than not sacrificing at all. The Warrior-Soldier is an unselfish masculine male. He holds in his heart not his ego or self pleasure but the good of the whole, his fellow Warrior-Soldiers."

Knowing and being around people like that immeasurably enriches your life.

So get in the fight guys.

Men were meant to fight.

Fighting spirit is, as my foreign friend says, the hallmark of masculinity.

But it's like any other attribute.

If you use it, if you exercise it, it will grow and flourish.

If you neglect it, it will wither and die.

As a Frot Man, this is your opportunity to do something truly significant with your life.

Something that will benefit both you and your fellows.

Become a true Warrior-Soldier.


© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.


Re: Warriors or Soldiers


Why I see the benefit of this site, having happened upon it late June/early July 2006, and others cannot see the site's worth is beyond me. Why does Bill have to beg us to donate?

The Declaration of Independence has a phrase that speaks to the problem Bill faces in trying to get donations:

"Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly ALL EXPERIENCE HATH SHOWN THAT MANKIND ARE MORE DISPOSED TO SUFFER WHILE EVILS ARE SUFFERABLE, THAN TO RIGHT THEMSELVES BY ABOLISHING THE FORMS TO WHICH THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED." [emphasis mine]

In other words, The Declaration of Independence required colonists to delcare themselves independent as free colonies from the tyranny of King George III. The biggest, most difficult obstacle standing in their way wasn't Britian. Britian's opposition was a given. The biggest obstacle was the colonists themselves, as Jefferson notes: "all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

So rather than right a wrong, a wrong that we've grown used to, we stay with the same evils that deny us our freedom, our independence, our masculinity, our brotherhood.

Let's relate the point to this site:

This site is men's declaration of independence. We men are the colonists who have grown used to the oppression of masculinity by the tyrannical King George IIIs--analists, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, etc. Bill, the site's Thomas Jefferson, and the other writers--Sir Robert, Chuck, Gregg, NakedWrestler, etc. have given voice to our independence through this site.

Bill and company have detailed the atrocities of King George IIIs, so that our independence from them isn't done for "light and transient causes." In other words, we no longer support financially the causes of our oppressors; we DO support the cause of our liberation and independence: we DO support this site.

Bill begs us to free ourselves, but we "are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right [ourselves] by abolishing the forms [analism, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, etc.] to which we are accustomed."

There is a price to pay for our freedom. Paying for freedom is another given. Freedom is never free without sacrifice because the likes of King George III don't want those they enslave to be free. Your freedom exposes their folly.

But here's the wonderful conclusion to The Declaration of Indpendence:

"And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, and our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

What a statment of warrior/soldier commitment. Notice that those men pledged to each other; they committed to each other their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor." Has not Bill and company made the same commitment?

What does Bill ask: that we donate.

Bill told me that many people visit this sites daily and how that if each visitor contributed $1 a month he, Bill, could spread the word about the site, expose more guys to its freeing message, make all men's ability to find a buddy much easier, and help restore a healthy masculinity.

Donating monthly will help spread the message of healthy masculinity through advertisements that will reach a larger audience. Your financial support will say for you what you won't say to free yourself.

Bill is doing a good work because he's fighting for masculinity to be allowed to be what it is--masculine.


Bill Weintraub

Re: Warriors or Soldiers


Thank you Redd.

What a beautiful and powerful statement!

And I'm giving Redd's post its own thread because -- well, not to put too fine a point on it -- no donations have come in since he posted it.

So you need to be clear that when guys like Redd -- or myself -- make moderate, reasoned appeals to your better interest -- and that's exactly what he's done -- he's appealed to your reason and your own not simply better but best interests -- you don't respond.

Which then leaves someone -- usually me -- with no recourse but to harangue you.

Call you names.

Like "fag."

For which I'm then attacked.

But what would you have me do?

If you won't respond to Redd's rational appeal, if all you'll respond to are threats and mean language -- then that's what you'll get.

Because, as Redd, and a handful of others understand, the sites and this work, must be kept going.

Indeed, the stakes get higher with each passing day.

Which I spent the last part of August and the early days of September explaining to you in post after post, which I then summarized not once but three times, in the message threads titled What are they thinking?, Blindsided, and NY Times goes gaga for the girl within, endorses prison buttfucking.

It was a lot of work gathering, synthesizing, and presenting that information.

Indeed, by my count, there were a total of 14 posts, including the last three, setting out the new information I'd obtained through my contacts on the PACHA and elsewhere in the AIDS prevention community, statements from Dr Cohen, Dr Judson, Dr Chin, Dr Halperin and other researchers, which when combined with previous information I'd gathered over the last year, including Buchbinder et al and the Surgeon General's statement, spelled out very clearly that condoms and condom campaigns are not efficacious, that the per contact risk of acquiring HIV through both vaginal and anal but especially anal is WAY HIGHER than we'd known even as late as a year ago, and that HIV changes the human genome in ways that are irreversible.

Is that an argument in favor of not doing anal?


Is that an argument in favor of getting our information in front of the public?


Does that information strengthen you in your resolve not to do anal?

I hope so.

Does that information, when combined with our discussions of heterosexualization and Natural Masculinity, help you better understand your place in this world and what that place should be?

It should.

But you still won't donate.

So what if condoms don't work?

So what if every age group in the gay male "community" that can become saturated with HIV is doing so?

So what if HIV becomes part of your DNA?

So what if the nation's leading paper of record daily strips your Masculinity from you?

Leaving you and everyone else in America more vulnerable to anal and its attendant diseases.

Diseases we might well refer to as diseases of feminization.

I mentioned in one of my posts a Slate article, which eventually -- when I don't have to appeal for funds -- I'll get around to discussing.

It showed a huge increase in hetero anal.


Would a man secure in and endowed with his Natural Masculinity fuck a woman in the ass?


That's a degraded and degrading act.

It is the act, paradoxically, not of a Man, but of a feminized male.

And that's what's going on: feminization and effeminization.

Let's take a look at what Redd said:

This site is men's declaration of independence. We men are the colonists who have grown used to the oppression of masculinity by the tyrannical King George IIIs--analists, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, etc. Bill, the site's Thomas Jefferson, and the other writers--Sir Robert, Chuck, Gregg, NakedWrestler, etc. have given voice to our independence through this site.


Redd says: "the oppression of masculinity"

We as a group -- and we have a terrific core group of Men right now and we always have -- are giving voice to Masculine Independence through this site and through The Man2Man Alliance.

That's why we named it The MAN2MAN Alliance.

So there would be no question as to what we're about.

Don Frazer said it years ago: "Lets continue to define ourselves as men, so everyone knows where we stand."

That's why I called it HEROIC Homosex.

So there'd be no question what we were talking about.

Not the "homosexuality" of feminized males.




And we have continued to develop these themes of an Alliance and cohort of MEN dedicated to Masculinity and to a sexual ethos which is PHALLIC and FAITHFUL.

Redd speaks of three tyrannies:

  • Heterosexism -- a product of the forces of heterosexualization, this tyranny confuses "heterosexuality" with masculinity, and teaches that "real men" don't have sex with other men.

    In reality, true or Natural Masculinity and Warrior Homosex are intricately and intimately interconnected and bound together.

  • Analism -- a tyranny which has developed within the gay male subculture but which has its roots in the larger cultural process of heterosexualization; which depends upon the false categories of sexual orientation to divide man from man; and which is characterized by anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy.

    Within analist subculture, feminized males and gender feminist ideologues rule the roost.

  • Religious Fanaticism -- a form of mass hysteria and often mass psychosis which has gripped people and indeed nations worldwide, and which teaches, among other things, that the love of man for man is sin.

    In the United States, religious fanaticism expressed as an exclusive evangelical Christianity has completely distorted and in fact obliterated the message of Christ, while embedding itself in the Republican Party in a naked pursuit of money, influence, and power.

    Its ultimate goal is to replace the United States of America with a Christian States of America, in which Christianity as interpreted by its reverends and divines, would replace democracy and the rule of law.

    Evangelical Christianity is virulently opposed to any expression of affection or love between men.

    And while paying lip service to "patriarchy," the evangelical churches themselves are controlled by people, usually feminized males and women, who are deeply distrustful of the most basic forms and expression of Natural Masculinity and of any sort of the male-bonding activities which have characterized the lives of Men for Millenia.

Those are the tyrannies we oppose and which are opposed to us.

Bill and company have detailed the atrocities of King George IIIs, so that our independence from them isn't done for "light and transient causes."


So many atrocities that it's difficult to know where to begin, but at the top of the list, putting aside for a moment the distortion of faith and the perversion of Man's relationship to God, would have to be:

The destruction of Natural Masculinity and with it the Natural Love of Man for Man; followed by

The construction of sexual orientation and with it the analist gay ghetto dominated by anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy; the result of which has been

The deaths, in America, of 500,000 gay and bi men and the infection of another 500,000 with a universally fatal pathogen.

Worldwide, there have been 25 million deaths from AIDS, with another 40 million currently infected.

So the destruction of and continuing attacks upon Natural Masculinity -- by analism, by heterosexism, and by religious fanaticism; these ongoing attacks upon Natural Masculinity, which is in fact the heritage and birthright of every Man, must be seen as the atrocity which leads to all the others.

Examples of Natural Masculinity by the way abound in world myth and literature.

I often cite them here, and today I happened to be reading a relatively minor Shakespeare play, Cymbilene, and came across two brothers, Guiderius and Arviragus, who clearly represent Natural Masculinity.

While another character, Cloten, is suffering from a false or cultural masculinity.

And pays for it with his head.

And of course you can see it in their names.

Guiderius is a "guide" to the natural life; and Ar-vir-agus has "man" in the middle of his name.

While Cloten is clotted, blocked, unable to realize his true male potential.

In other words, we no longer support financially the causes of our oppressors; we DO support the cause of our liberation and independence: we DO support this site.


It is extremely important not to support the causes and money-making engines of your oppressors.

Because they use the money you give them -- to oppress you.

I used the example recently of one of our guys who was buying analist porn.

Not only was the content of that porn oppressing him, but the money he paid for the porn was then used to manufacture more porn and more oppression.

Others of you are still tithing to homophobic churches which teach that love between men is a sin.

To give those people money is, frankly, insane.

Because they use the money you give them to spread that particular lie as far and wide as they can.

Nor should you be donating money to AIDS Service Organizations.

They use your money for condom campaigns, which are not only not effective, but which further cement the identification of "men who have sex with men" with anal penetration.

Bill begs us to free ourselves, but we "are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right [ourselves] by abolishing the forms [analism, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, etc.] to which we are accustomed."

Redd is correct.

Human beings have the capacity, unfortunately, to tolerate conditions which are, on their face, intolerable.

In large part because it's easier to go along to get along -- to suffer while evils are sufferable -- than to abolish the source of the oppression.

There is a price to pay for our freedom. Paying for freedom is another given. Freedom is never free without sacrifice because the likes of King George III don't want those they enslave to be free. Your freedom exposes their folly.



And you ALL know that.

No one past a certain age is so stupid as to think that freedom will be handed him on a silver platter.

"Your freedom exposes the tyrant's folly."


If a strong, loving, cohort of MASCULINE MEN emerge who cherish the Manly Virtues, whose sexual expression is MAN2MAN and MANHOOD 2 MANHOOD, who are Faithful, and who REJECT THE LYING LABELS which have for so long imprisoned MEN -- the follies of analism, of heterosexism, and of the religious right -- will be exposed.

Those tyrannies will be robbed of their power, their influence, and not least their money.


No one relinquishes power without a fight.

But here's the wonderful conclusion to The Declaration of Indpendence:

"And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, and our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

What a statment of warrior/soldier commitment. Notice that those men pledged to each other; they committed to each other their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor." Have not Bill and company made the same commitment?

Yes we have.

What we need now is for more of you to join us.

I understand there are reasons many of you think compelling which stop you from doing that.

You are, however, wrong.

Let's start at the most basic level:

You need to understand that a man having erotic thoughts about another man is not illegal.

And never has been.

It was illegal, prior to 2003, in certain places to engage in certain and variable acts.

But it was not and is not illegal to think.

With rare exceptions, thought, and the expression of thought, is constitutionally protected in the US.

So: your thoughts are not illegal,

nor immoral

nor abnormal

nor unnatural.

Each of those last three is directly connected to one of the three tyrannies.

Immoral is the big one for many of you, and that's connected to religious fanaticism and a view of "Christianity" which has nothing to do with Christ or the Faith.

Abnormal of course is the claim of the analist tyranny.

And UNnatural is the assertion of heterosexism.

All three are wrong.

Love between two loving men is not immoral; rather, it is one of the highest expressions of the human spirit.

Frot is not abnormal -- analism is abnormal.

And of course it's not HOMOSEX, but exclusive heterosexuality which is UNnatural, as we have set forth in THE POWER OF THE MASCULINE.

What does Bill ask: that we donate.

Bill told me that many people visit the sites daily and how that if each visitor contributed $1 a month he, Bill, could spread the word about the site, expose more guys to its freeing message, make all men's ability to find a buddy much easier, and help restore a healthy masculinity.

That's all true.

Donating monthly will help spread the message of healthy masculinity through advertisements that will reach a larger audience. Your financial support will say for you what you won't say to free yourself.

Yes, and in that respect it's win-win.

Let Bill say it for now.

When you're ready -- you'll join me in saying so yourself.

Bill is doing a good work because he's fighting for masculinity to be allowed to be what it is--masculine.


No one else will fight that fight for you.

Do you think people on the cultural or political right will do it?

They will not.

Because that would offend those who sponsor them, who are virtually all either religious right or in league with the religious right.

They will not do that.


To that end, Redd calls upon you to emulate our Founding Fathers and pledge your lives, your fortunes, and your sacred Honor.

And Redd points out how wonderful that pledge was:
"What a statement of warrior/soldier commitment. Notice that those men pledged to each other."

Now, the good news here is that unlike the Founding Fathers, you don't have to literally risk your lives and your fortunes.

They did.

They were traitors to their government, and if they'd lost, their lives would have been forfeit and their property seized.

No one's asking you to take that sort of risk.

But we are asking you to behave Honorably.

We're asking you, if you use the site and have benefited from it, to donate a small amount of money -- whatever you can afford -- each month so that we can ALL move ahead.

So that we can, as Redd said, "spread the word about the site, expose more guys to its freeing message, make all men's ability to find a buddy much easier, and help restore a healthy masculinity."

Those are our goals.

To realize them you have to donate.

There's no other way to do it.

No big foundation's going to fund us -- either from the left or the right.

But YOU can fund us.

Working together, contributing modest sums, you can enable us to break out of this internet ghetto and reach those literally millions of men who need and are ready to hear our message.

And for US -- which means YOU -- to fund that effort is really the best way to go.

Because then we're not beholden to anyone.

Other than ourselves.

That's what the Founding Fathers did.

They pledged to each other, and by so doing achieved their Freedom.

You can do that too.

Or you can go on being oppressed.

Seems like a no-brainer to me.

But maybe it's not.


The Declaration of Independence required colonists to declare themselves independent as free colonies from the tyranny of King George III. The biggest, most difficult obstacle standing in their way wasn't Britain. Britain's opposition was a given. The biggest obstacle was the colonists themselves.

"The biggest obstacle was the colonists themselves."


Thank you Redd.

You're a true Warrior.

Bill Weintraub

© All material Copyright 2006 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.


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